
  • 24 Mission Posts

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Sun Mar 2nd, 2025 @ 2:44pm

Ensign Kash th'Kaasniik

Name Kash th'Kaasniik

Position Operations Officer

Rank Ensign

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Andorian
Age 22

Physical Appearance

Height 5'11"
Weight 180
Hair Color Blonde
Eye Color Pale Hazel
Physical Description average build keeps in shape


Spouse None
Father Keshnes Th'kaasnik
Mother Lila Sh'Variinas
Brother(s) Shan
Sister(s) Lavela, Kezha

Personality & Traits

General Overview Pretty chill as an officer and a friend. However he is extremely loyal, and if anything could get him riled up it would be standing up for a friend or a family member. He's generally go with the flow, unless he doesn't want to, as he's never felt the need to go along with the crowd.
Strengths & Weaknesses *Attentive Operations Officer, Detail Oriented
*Good at making everyone feel included when social gatherings are being planned

*His loyalty can get him in trouble, if anyone insults his family or friends he's quick to defend them - whatever that means.
*Can be seen as "sucking-up" to authority. He's unaware that he comes across this way.
*Although he has a large circle of friends, he holds them at a distance, careful to not let anyone get too close
Ambitions He's torn about his ambitions. He would like to move up through the ranks and possible work for Starfleet Command or at an Intelligence Headquarters someday. But he's unsure if his career will be cut short if he's called home to Andoria for familiar obligations. Or if it's even possible to find a bonding foursome who he could bring along with him to his career. He also remembers that feeling... love - something he didn't really see in his parents - he saw fondness, but not love. And he's thought about staying in Starfleet and trying to find a partner and shirking Andorian filial duties.
Hobbies & Interests Social gatherings, making people feel welcome, cooking, boxing, mountain climbing (on Andoria this was more like ice climbing), talviuinti (ice swimming)

Service Record Graduated Starfleet Academy 2388

2388: First Posting: Jupiter Station Working on Astrea's Refit

2389: USS Astrea Operations Officer