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Thu Mar 6th, 2025 @ 1:11pm

Ensign Charlotte Dawes

Name Charlotte "Charlie" Dawes

Position Nurse

Rank Ensign

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 23

Physical Appearance

Height 5'4"
Weight 115
Hair Color Blonde
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Small frame, and build. Off duty she is usually dressed casually, t-shirt or tank top and form fitting pants.


Father Jonathan (deceased, 2385)
Mother Elizabeth
Brother(s) Dominic

Personality & Traits

General Overview Loves to help people, idealistic and hopeful. Enjoys hanging out with mixed friend groups, and is often encouraged to sing when it's karaoke night. She's an alto and enjoys singing a wide range of songs from jazz, to musical theater, to good old fashioned rock'n'roll.
Hobbies & Interests Singing karaoke, exotic food and cultural experiences, running, hiking

Personal History Charlotte was born on Earth at a Starfleet medical facility. Both of her parents were Starfleet officers, her father an engineer and her mother a nurse. Much of her early childhood was spent on Starships and Starbases. Though as she was turning eight, the Dominion War was heating up and Starfleet ordered families off of fleet vessels. Charlotte and her brother were sent to live with their great-grandparents on Earth in early 2374.

Charlotte was a somewhat reckless child with an adventurous spirit who loved being outdoors. She was oblivious to the dangers of war, and unbothered by minor injuries she picked up from falling out of trees or stepping on rocks as she ran around barefoot outside. Though the war ended in 2375, her parents were not eager to bring the children back onto starships right away after living through so much death and devastation during the war.

Their next assignment was to one of the war-battered worlds that the Dominion devastation had left behind. Charlotte admired her mother’s work bringing healing and comfort to the people there, and enjoyed hearing about her days and helping out when she was allowed. Starfleet was an easy career choice for Starfleet. She decided to follow in her mother’s footsteps and major in nursing specializing in trauma/combat response.

Charlotte was 18 when she entered Starfleet Academy in 2384. A short time later her father accepted a position at the Utopia Planetia fleetyards. He was a casualty of the 2385 synth attacks. Charlotte was sitting in a lecture on xenobiology when one of the Academy’s counselor’s pulled her from class to deliver the devastating news of the synth attacks on Mars. For the next few hours it was as if things were happening to her, and around her as the counselor took her to a room to wait for more information. Her mom and brother were on subspace and someone had found her roommate to come and sit with her. Her family had always been close. Charlotte can still remember what it felt like when they confirmed that her father had died. It was like someone had taken the air from her lungs and it hurt to breathe. The next days and weeks were hard for Charlotte, but she didn’t want the work she’d already put into the Academy to go to waste, so she threw herself back into her work as a student.

Charlotte is still young in her career, but she quickly developed a reputation as a nurse who is steady under pressure and easily predicts the needs of both the doctors and patients. She still craves adventure and excitement and seeks out these opportunities every chance she gets.