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Tue Feb 18th, 2025 @ 9:45pm

Lieutenant JG Jason Williams

Name Jason Charles Williams III

Position Squadron Leader

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 31

Physical Appearance

Height 5' 8"
Weight 200 lbs
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Varies (ocular implants)
Physical Description As he is a starfighter pilot, he has to remain in top physical form, to withstand the pressures he puts on his body while flying.

He does have a nice smile and gentle eyes, which he has been told many times, are very attractive.


Spouse NA
Children NA
Father Jason Charles Williams II (age 51)
Mother Rebecca Rose Williams (age 50)
Brother(s) NA
Sister(s) Elizabeth (Lizzy) Williams (age 34)
Other Family Neill Harris (age 82) (maternal grandfather)

Ensign Tyler Williams (first cousin on father's side) (age 34) (Security Officer, USS Astrea)

Personality & Traits

General Overview A little quiet, once he gets to know someone, he comes out of his shell. With his friends, he is very outgoing and friendly.

When he is in the cockpit of his starfighter, however, he becomes very cold and calculating. His uncanny ability has earned him the call sign, "Wraith".
Strengths & Weaknesses +loyal
+Expert pilot

+/-Cybernetic eyes

-wears his heart on his sleeve
-takes criticism very personally
-afraid of snakes
-can sometimes get too excited for the situation
Ambitions He hopes to become the Chief Helm Officer of a starship. In the mean time, he will work very hard to ensure the United Federation of Planets is kept safe.

While he has had a few girlfriends along the way, he really wants to find that right woman and settle down with and start a family.
Hobbies & Interests Hobbies: reading, card playing, orbital skydiving, swimming, surfing, climbing. He also enjoys painting and drawing, both portraits and landscapes.

Interests: learning how to fly every type of shuttle and starship in the fleet.

Languages: Federation Standard, Common Klingonese, Common Rihansu, Vulcanese, passing Ferengi, some Breen and Bolian

Personal History Born on 14 August, 2358. His home is located ten miles north of Cape Canaveral, Florida, on Earth. He is the youngest of two children. His sister, Elizabeth (or Lizzy, as only he calls her) is three years older than he is. His parents owned and operated a boat tour company that took tourists around the eastern coast of Florida, diving down to see underwater shipwrecks.

His childhood was filled with both love and adventure. Whenever he and his sister were off from school, his parents would take them off to various places all over the globe. They would go climbing, diving, swimming, and riding. There was always something fun to do.

During school, Jason was a very good student. While never reaching the top of his classes, he did pass his courses with very good grades. He did well in the various sports that he participated in, specifically in swimming. During his senior year in high school, he became the captain of his school's swim team. His true swimming claim to fame came during his final meet that was held for the entire district. He beat the standing world time for the 200 meter butterfly with an unbelievable time of 1:50:98.

After high school, he applied for Starfleet Academy and was accepted into the flight program. Six months into his freshman year, he was invited to join the storied Red Squad. He continued to score high on his various exams and slowly started to grow a close group of friends.

One person that he soon became inseparable from was the young Matilda Bates. Cadet Bates, or Tilly to her friends, was also a member or Red Squad. Instead of studying to be a pilot, however, she was studying in the Tactical and Security field. The two cadets were fast friends, and some people even whispered that they might be an item (though, they did not whisper too loudly, in fear of Bate's temper).

During Jason's junior year, he and the rest of Red Squad were assigned to ship out to the USS Illustrious to gain some fleet level training. The trip out was an adventure itself. Instead of meeting up with the Illustrious, the runabout carrying the squad rendezvoused with a derelict Klingon vessel that a few members of the Illustrious crew had acquired and were using to locate the Illustrious, which had disappeared into the Mirror Universe.

Upon the return of the Illustrious, the cadets reported aboard and began their on-site training. However, soon after reporting in, the Illustrious was retired and the crew was transferred to the brand new Prometheus Class starship, USS Nimitz. Jason took his position as Chief Support Craft Pilot, with a secondary position of Admiral's Yacht Pilot.

This secondary position was short lived, however, as during her shakedown, the Nimitz responded to an emergency call for help that came from a Vulcan science vessel, which was studying Sol, and began experiencing severe engine malfunctions. While the Nimitz responded, Jason was ordered to use the Admiral's yacht in an attempt to push the Vulcan ship, as the Sun's radiation made it impossible to lock a tractor beam onto the vessel, away from Sol. During the rescue, a solar flares erupted from the surface, bathing both vessels in stellar material. While the Vulcan vessel fared well against the onslaught, the smaller yacht's systems where overwhelmed, and several control consoles exploded, including the one in front of Jason. The blast threw him back against the rear bulkhead, causing internal injuries, and rendered him unconscious.

While the Vulcans were rescued, Jason suffered serious injuries, requiring him to remain in sickbay for a few weeks while he healed. During his convalescence, His relationship with Tilly continued to change slightly. He had previously confessed his love for her during the trip to join the Illustrious. While she did not return the feelings, they did remain friends. Tilly visited Jason in sickbay as much as her duties would allow.

Following his return to duty, Jason tried to stay out of trouble as much as he could.

During the Nimitz's first mission, the crew encountered a rogue Klingon force and hostilities ensued. Jason, along with a few other officers, were temporarily assigned to a salvaged scout class vessel that the Nimitz's chief engineer had rebuilt. Jason filled the role of chief pilot and enjoyed the feeling of finally flying a spacecraft larger than a shuttle through the cosmos.

One of the things that Jason loved most about this particular vessel, was the unique piloting tools. Instead of the typical control surfaces and viewscreen, he used a prototype reality helmet and control gloves. The helmet took in the various sensor scans from around the exterior of the ship and fed them directly to the inside of Jason's helmet visor. The result was that wherever Jason turned his head, he saw the realtime images of what was outside the hull, as if there was no hull surrounding him. His control gloves activated a simulated control panel which he used to fly the ship.

During the test flight, everything worked seamlessly. Unfortunately, when the team entered combat against the Klingons, and the Yakovleva was hit by disruptor fire, a power surge caused the goggles to overload and explode in Jason's face, destroying his eyes and burning his face.

After the Nimitz arrived, and destroyed the Klingon vessel, Jason was immediately transported to the nearest Starbase, where he underwent emergency surgery. He was in surgery for nearly ten hours, as the surgeons worked to both save his life and try to repair the damage to his eyes and face. During the operation, it was agreed that his eyes could not be saved, so the doctors repaired the rest of the damage and sent him to recovery.

Three days later, he regained consciousness, only to find that his world had been changed forever. As he was now completely blind, his hopes of becoming a pilot were utterly destroyed. Though his friends, even Matilda, did their best to console him, he couldn't hear them. However, he didn't know that his life was about to change again.

While he was still in recovery, and learning how to live without sight, a cybernetesist came to see him. He was told that there was a new prototype, which Starfleet Medical had approved the use of, and he was asked if he'd be interested in being the first one to recieve it. At first, he was a bit hesitant, being the first to have prototype technology placed in his body. But then, when he was told that, should there be no issues with the implants, he stood a very good chance of getting back in a cockpit, he jumped at the chance.

For the next eight months, he underwent several more surgeries, to implant both the optical units, and a small computer in his brain to both control the implants, and translate what they observed into electrical impulses to his brain.

In the beginning of April, 2383, after undergoing numerous tests, he was given both a clean bill of health and was granted his renewed flight status. In recognition of both his service to that date, and the hard work he had put in to earn back his wings, Admiral James Hurin, his current commanding officer, not only promoted Jason to Lieutenant (JG), but made sure he was given a slot in the next class to attent the Starfleet Starfighter School.

With orders in hand, he immediately set out, back to Earth, to attend the famous school, located in beautiful Pearl Harbor, Hawai'i.

He dove into his studies like a man possessed, passing each exam with flying colors. As he continued through his lessons and coursework, the doctor who had created his implants would check the status of the implants, doing minor repairs or upgrading something when needed. When he reached graduation day, in the middle of March, 2285, he had earned an overall GPA to put him in the first position of his class. Because of this honor, he was given a choice. He could either ship out to the fleet, or, he could continue his education in flight, by attending the storied Starfleet Advanced Starfighter School, known by fighter pilot's as, Top Gun.

He made the decision quickly, and after gathering his bags, flew up to Demonhead Field, located on Mars' moon, Deimos, to attend Top Gun training.

This was, next to learning how to do things blind, the most difficult training that he had ever encountered, and there were a couple times that he almost failed. However, he dug deep down inside of himself and pulled his scores up enough that, by graduation, he was third in his class.

On graduation day, he was given his new deployment orders. He was to report to the Odyssey Class, USS Columbia, a new class of starfighter carrier that Starfleet held been putting into service.

The next day, he reported for duty and was assigned the fighter that would remain his, so long as he never lost his flight status: Valkyrie III, tail number 2001. After inspecting his new craft, he named her LIZZY, after his sister. He then began the process of becoming certified on the use of his starfighter, then earning his flight status on Columbia. Once both were accomplished, he settled in and focused on doing his job, flying his starfighter in protection of the Columbia and of Federation citizens.

Over the next three years, he took part in a humanitarian mission to Bajor, as Columbia made her way to the Gamma Quadrant, then flew numerous combat sorties in the Gamma Quadrant. itself. By the time that Columbia had returned to Deep Space Nine, Jason had accumulated seven confirmed kills, more than enough to earn the famed pilot rank of Ace.

When his tour was coming to an end, he was given new orders. He was to report to the USS Astrea, to help fill her starfighter roster. After loading up his Valkyrie, he took to the stars, and made his way to his new home.

Upon reaching the Astrea and meeting both the ship's commanding officer and executive officer, two things happened. One, he discovered that the ship had no real starfighter unit to speak of. And two, he was named Squadron Leader and tasked with both building the department from scratch and ensuring it was up-to-date with current tech and craft.

A few days later, a next chapter in his life began, when he met someone who took his breath away. Her name was Lieutenant (jg) T'lenn, and she was a Vulcan science officer aboard the Astrea. After asking to join her for lunch, the two started to talk. During their conversation, T'lenn offered to assist Jason in learning how to meditate.

What happens next, is up to Fate...

Service Record 18 August 2376 - 5 June 2378: Attend Starfleet Academy. Begin freshman year.

5 June 2378: (Junior Year) Assigned to USS Illustrious, to begin field training.

25 December 2380 - 10 October 2382: Assigned to USS Nimitz. Primary position- Chief Support Craft Pilot. Secondary Position- Admiral's Yacht Pilot.

15 June 2382 - 17 August 2382: Temporarily reassigned to USS Yakovleva, as secondary pilot.

17 August 2382 - 10 April 2383: Patient, Starfleet Medical, Starbase 42. Optical Surgical Recovery

15 April 2383 - 10 August 23: Promoted the Lieutenant Junior Grade. Accepted to attend Starfleet Starfighter School.

20 September 2384 - 15 March 2385: Attends Starfleet Starfighter School, Pearl Harbor, Earth.

17 March 2385 - 16 January 2386: Attends Starfleet Advanced Starfighter School, Demonhead Field, Deimos, Mars.

17 January 2386 - 31 January 2389: Assigned, USS Colombia, Valkyrie III Starfighter Pilot (Ltjg)

2 February 2389 - PRESENT: Assigned, USS Astrea, Starfighter Squadron Leader.(Ltjg)