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Mon Feb 10th, 2025 @ 12:22am

Ensign Tyler Williams

Name Tyler James Williams

Position Tactical Officer

Rank Ensign

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 34

Physical Appearance

Height 6'0
Weight 90kg
Hair Color Dark brown
Eye Color Russet Brown
Physical Description • Dark brown hair that is often slightly longer than regulation length
• Dark russet brown eyes that are almost red in certain lights
• Tall and tanned with broad shoulders
• The initial 'D' is tattooed behind his right ear, for his brother.
• Various tattoos on his shoulders, arms and chest, with his mother's writing "I love you" tattooed on his right forearm as a living tribute to her.
• His body is toned and fit from constant working out, but he doesn't often show it off.


Father Jonathan Williams (65) - Civilian arborist
Mother Emily Williams (64) - Civilian teacher
Brother(s) Ensign Daniel Williams (30) - Language Specialist, USS Firebrand
Other Family Cousin: Lieutenant JG Jason Williams III - Squadron Leader
Cousin: Elizabeth Williams - sister of Jason

Personality & Traits

General Overview Fairly easy-going, nothing much bothers him
Dedicate to Starfleet and his career
Has a lot of charisma and is quite flirtatious
Loyal to his friends, family and his team
Always loves a good challenge
Doesn't believe in love or lust being confined to one gender or species
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths
- Physical strength and endurance
- Weapons knowledge
- His family, especially his brother and cousins

- An old sports injury in his left knee that occasionally flares up
- He's not as academically inclined as he'd like to be, but he's not dumb or a brute either
- Tyler has previously had an issue with alcohol abuse, often going on benders by himself that cause him to black out, which is undisclosed in his medical record.
Ambitions To become Head of Security on a Starbase
Hobbies & Interests - Working out to keep in peak physical condition
- Boxing and MMA
- Playing guitar
- Reading action/adventure novels
- Going on hikes and adventures in the mountains
- Enjoys fine arts projects and SFX art work