Ensign Tyler Williams
Name Tyler James Williams
Position Tactical Officer
Rank Ensign
Character Information
Gender | Male | |
Species | Human | |
Age | 34 |
Physical Appearance
Height | 6'0 | |
Weight | 90kg | |
Hair Color | Dark brown | |
Eye Color | Russet Brown | |
Physical Description | • Dark brown hair that is often slightly longer than regulation length • Dark russet brown eyes that are almost red in certain lights • Tall and tanned with broad shoulders • The initial 'D' is tattooed behind his right ear, for his brother. • Various tattoos on his shoulders, arms and chest, with his mother's writing "I love you" tattooed on his right forearm as a living tribute to her. • His body is toned and fit from constant working out, but he doesn't often show it off. |
Father | Jonathan Williams (65) - Civilian arborist | |
Mother | Emily Williams (64) - Civilian teacher | |
Brother(s) | Ensign Daniel Williams (30) - Language Specialist, USS Firebrand | |
Other Family | Cousin: Lieutenant JG Jason Williams III - Squadron Leader Cousin: Elizabeth Williams - sister of Jason |
Personality & Traits
General Overview | Fairly easy-going, nothing much bothers him Dedicate to Starfleet and his career Has a lot of charisma and is quite flirtatious Loyal to his friends, family and his team Always loves a good challenge Doesn't believe in love or lust being confined to one gender or species |
Strengths & Weaknesses | Strengths - Physical strength and endurance - Weapons knowledge - His family, especially his brother and cousins Weaknesses - An old sports injury in his left knee that occasionally flares up - He's not as academically inclined as he'd like to be, but he's not dumb or a brute either - Tyler has previously had an issue with alcohol abuse, often going on benders by himself that cause him to black out, which is undisclosed in his medical record. |
Ambitions | To become Head of Security on a Starbase | |
Hobbies & Interests | - Working out to keep in peak physical condition - Boxing and MMA - Playing guitar - Reading action/adventure novels - Going on hikes and adventures in the mountains - Enjoys fine arts projects and SFX art work |