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Thu Mar 6th, 2025 @ 1:11pm

Lieutenant JG Kasper Andersen

Name Kasper Patrick Andersen M.D

Position Medical Officer

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 29

Physical Appearance

Height 5'10
Weight 73kg
Hair Color White blonde
Eye Color Grey
Physical Description - White-blonde hair that is short on the side and usually longer and styled on top.
- Almond-shaped eyes that are flecked with light hazel in the centre and a darker grey ring around the outside of the iris.
- Lightly tanned
- Has five initials tattooed just below each knuckle on his right hand, one each for his family members: a P on his pinky, I on his fourth finger, E on his middle finger, then a G and L on his pointer finger and thumb


Father Dr Patrick Andersen (57) - Civilian surgeon
Mother Dr Ingrid Andersen (55) - Civilian botanist
Brother(s) Ensign Leif Andersen (25) - Security Officer, USS Constitution
Lieutenant Gunnar Andersen (27) - Damage Control Specialist, USS California
Sister(s) Lieutenant Eirly Andersen (29 - twin) - Chief Security and Tactical Officer, USS Astrea

Personality & Traits

General Overview "Kasper is a highly professional, astute doctor who goes absolutely out of his way at all times to make sure that everyone is cared for and no one is left without the most expert care." - This is what would be written as a reference on his resume if he ever needed it.

Kasper cares about everything and everyone, especially his family. He is extremely close to his sister Eirly and their father.

He loves life and tries to make the most out of it, even in the darkest of times.

There is a playful and charismatic streak in Kasper that can get him into trouble if he's not careful.
Ambitions Professional
To become a top surgeon like like father and other family members before him

To make his family proud and eventually find the girl they would love as much as he did and marry her
Hobbies & Interests Horse riding