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Tue Sep 3rd, 2024 @ 3:10am

Civilian Aris Loch

Name Aris Loch

Rank Civilian

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Trill (joined)
Age 32 (Host)

Physical Appearance

Height 6'1
Weight 182
Hair Color Brown
Physical Description Medium build. Muscular, very athletic.


Personality & Traits

General Overview Aris is talkative and friendly - Charming even. Though he has a way of making people feel comfortable around him without ever having to give away too many details about himself.
Strengths & Weaknesses Both a strength and a weakness are his secrets. They tend to keep people at arms length which can be good and bad.
Ambitions If he told you, well...
Hobbies & Interests Mixed Martial Arts, Rock-climbing, Computers, Poker, Guitar, Distilled Spirits, Dom-jot, Pool,

Personal History Aris is Loch's fourth host. When he was joined he learned that he was now a part of something bigger than himself. The choice was "his" to carry on the work that the prior hosts had begun... but was it really, with Loch and Aris now of one mind.