
  • 8 Mission Posts

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Fri Jan 31st, 2025 @ 12:38pm

Lieutenant JG Fulvia

Name Fulvia

Position Intelligence Officer

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Magna Roman
Age 25

Physical Appearance

Height 5.9
Weight 120
Hair Color Blond
Eye Color Grey
Physical Description Yellow, curly hair slightly covers a skinny, friendly face. Grey eyes, set high within their sockets, watch longingly over the people they've felt disconnected from for so long.

The is the face of Fulvia a shining example of her Magna roman blood. She has a body trained in the capital's gladiatorial arena.


Spouse Xalanth
Children Amrar, Lwiari
Father Canus Sergius Carus
Mother Antistia
Brother(s) Galerius Laelius Carus
Sister(s) Viria Carus
Calpurnia Carus
Trebatia Carus

Personality & Traits

Personal History Fulvia had a troubled start in life. Being born to a high ranking senator's son and one of the planets top gladiatrix's after a one night fling brought them a girl neither expected.

Her father to his credit did everything his family would allow him to do paying for her education and for her and her mother to live in the more comfortable quarters in the arena with a very generous allowance.

Fulvia found her lessons rather dull much preferring her training in the arena as she believed she would become a gladiatrix's like her mother. On her sixteenth birthday, she fought in her first arena tournament winning it after a hard long fight. Much to her surprise, her father announced that day he was officially adopting her making her the heir to one of the biggest fortunes and landowners on the planet.

Unfortunately for her, this drew the wrath of her father's new wife and daughters who quickly wanted her dead. Thankfully her younger half brother was able to warn her and with some of her family money, she was able to escape from the planet. With some advice from her father, she applied for Starfleet.

Nova roman was a complected question given the planet still openly uses slavery some didn't want her in Starfleet, but Starfleet intelligence saw the potential in the girl and took her in.

Fulvia did very well in Starfleet intelligence passing the training with top marks.

Most of her work is still classified, but on one of these missions she met a certain lizard who became the love of her life.