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The End of the Year is Near

Posted on Sat Dec 14th, 2024 @ 4:56pm by Captain Remy Johansen


I don't even know what to say, guys. Astrea launched in early January, and I am astonished by our success. I am so incredibly thankful for my friends who had faith to start this journey with me, and for the new friends we've picked up along the way. I hope you have all had fun, and I am just so incredibly thankful that you all have given me such a great community to write with. The creativity, quality of writing, and camaraderie here are incredible and I'm looking forward to another year!

Those who have been around for a while know that this year has not been without some growing pains. Special thanks for those who stepped into leadership roles to keep us going, and to others for having faith in Astrea to stick around and push through to keep on writing. We've added some new crew here as the year finishes out, and I know we are all looking forward to writing with them, stirring things up, whatever and wherever our muses take us.

Fleet Awards for November include Phaedrae Cyn for Writer of the Month. She's been putting a lot of detail into our little Side Quest and building up some character dynamics that I hope we see more of even once that mission wraps up. As a sim we took Silver again. Congratulations to everyone for another solid month! Even though our pace has slowed some around the holidays, we've stayed solidly active and have kept our characters alive and our stories moving which is what simming is really about.

I know holidays can be difficult for some, insanely busy for others. Wishing those with littles a magical holiday season for them, and everyone the very best.

~Your CO Nicole (AKA Remy)


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