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Mission Day Timeline

Posted on Sat May 25th, 2024 @ 2:03pm by Captain Remy Johansen
Edited on Wed Jun 12th, 2024 @ 12:32am

MD 13:

1. "What We Do With Second Chances"

2. "Helping Brunel" Brunel's second day in Sickbay. We will realize current permissible medical parameters will not be enough to save Brunel long term. A plan will be formed to obtain old research and cure his condition, and cover our tracks.

MD 12:

1. "Second Chances" First Officer Spello is put in charge of the Ataran crisis as the Captain shifts her focus to another problem on board.

2. "Helping Brunel" We will realize the scope of the diagnosis later in the day.

  1. Kinship 1100 Hours, Kas stops by Sickbay to offer his help. Remy pops in to quietly take a look at Brunel's records. Brunel's asylum is granted.
  2. Black, White, and Gray Remy sees who might be able to help dig out her old research, and what might be there to find.

3. "Security Alert: These Bugs Again" The parasite was only removed two days ago now, Mundy continues to try to remember. Tactical/Security on board continue to look for breaches, and particular signs of unusual behavior. Starfleet is conducting an "Independent Investigation" as to where it may have originated. But so is a select team on board Astrea under the leadership of Commander McEntyre.

MD 11:

1. "Second Chances" The second day at New Sausalito.

  • JP Options Civil Operations Planetside
  • Start Posts with Ataran Negotiations.

2. "Helping Brunel"

  1. Sweet Treats,... Brunel's Diagnosis
  2. 1830 Hours Brunel collapses and is taken to Sickbay,

  3. 1930 Hours Brunel awake for guests
  4. Later than evening they learn his immune system is attacking his own body, it will be touch and go. Visiting hours are limited, and family steps out after a short visit for Brunel to rest.
  5. Checking in on Brunel
  6. 2200 Hours, Nash has the first shift in Sickbay, and Eirly pops down to check in."

3. "Security Alert: These Bugs Again" Yesterday Lt. Mundy had a bluegill parasite removed. Counseling begins today. Security/Tactical can start interviews if they like.

  1. "J.M. Session One" Mundy's mandatory counseling session.

MD 10:

1. "Second Chances"

0130 hours, Astrea Arrives at New Sausalito

0300 hours, Senior Staff briefing

1400 hours, new Chief Operations Officer Arrives

1800 hours, ALL INVITED Promotions Ceremony in Main Cargo Bay

2. "Mission Interlude"

3. "Security Alert: These Bugs Again" .

MD 9:

"Mission Interlude"

0430 hours, Serenity arrives at New Sausalito,

0830 hours Remy promoted, USS Astrea officially handed over

1200 Hours, Astrea en route for New Sausalito

MDs 7-9:

"Mission Interlude"

Spello's team learns that the Atarans enslave their own people by way of a Caste system and punish and terrorize "disobedience." Spello reaches back and learns that the El-Aurians may have a history that goes even further back.

Brunel asks for Asylum. Has stated the Atarans will kill him if he's returned.


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