Created by Captain Remy Johansen on Sun Apr 14th, 2024 @ 3:56pm
The Atarans
The Atarans were discovered aboard an alien vessel that had drifted into Federation space as a result of gravitational shifts following the Hobus supernova event. When the crew of the Astrea initially boarded the vessel they believed it to be abandoned, nothing more than space wreckage dating back thousands of years. The ship contained mysterious technology, most of which the crew still does not understand. However, thanks to the work of patient language decryption working alongside the universal translator the crew was eventually able to restore power to the alien vessel and begin exploring the ship for clues of who once lived there.
The crew soon found people still alive in a type of cryostasis - a technology not like what was used by known races today. The crew rushed to find more survivors, many of the working stasis units hidden among rows of units that had been shut down centuries ago. The ship's computer used an algorithm to choose who to save as power supply dwindled. Those who did survive had been in stasis for over two millennia.
The mission quickly changed to a First Contact situation, with only slightly more than a skeleton crew. Diplomacy was at the forefront of all discussion. The group claiming to be victims of alien invaders - most likely the Romulans, before they were known as the Romulans when they first broke off from the Vulcans thousands of years ago. As the crew spends more time with them, it is clear that their history is more complex than they first let on.
The crew has yet to learn that before landing in what is now the Romulan system, this group was a race of conquerors, outcast there. A strict caste system was put in place, ensuring certain families would never rise to power. There were 134 survivors. Here is who has been introduced so far. (4/14/2024)
The People
- Jheva: 19 years old, Astrea Resident Studying for the Academy (Thivi NPC)
- Brunel: 13 years old, Astrea Resident, (Maxun NPC)
- Mika: Medical Officer & Dreke: Mechanical Engineer (2 children Lilo, Faram): These two met with Nevan's team, along with Vestin. They are clearly hiding something that they don't want Vestin to speak of.
- Malada: Medical Officer & Galvin: Surgeon: Political position unstated
- Vestin: Scientist: He's a truth seeker, and has marveled at Starfleet and their mission of scientific exploration.
- Mavin: Engineer: She is suspicious of the Federation, and has asked a lot of questions.
- Muriel: 17 years old
- Farik: noncomm soldier & Nalima: Nurse (2 children)
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