Searching, Part 5. . . Eirly & Kas
Posted on Mon Aug 5th, 2024 @ 2:22am by Captain Remy Johansen & Lieutenant Commander Razka Kas & Lieutenant Commander Eirly Andersen
Edited on on Sat Feb 1st, 2025 @ 1:39pm
1,655 words; about a 8 minute read
Helping Brunel
Location: Earth, Himalayas
Timeline: MD 14, After Part 5
Eirly had been left alone in the interrogation room when Brandon had walked out so she took the time to take a better look at the mountains. The Himalayas held many legends and was a sight she had always wanted to see... Just not in this way. The snow, the ancient rocks, the beauty, the pureness. She just wanted to go out there and breathe it all in.
She knew she'd just been interrogated about what they were here for and had played her part by giving him the information he wanted, but also played dumb blonde to the more specific requests of names, she didn't want to get her Captain or Kas into more trouble than they were already in.
The feeling of nausea was starting to creep back in and Eirly steadied herself against a wall to try and balance it out when she heard the door unlock and slide open, revealing her food. She smiled and walked over.
A young male of Asian descent entered the room with the Caesar salad that Eirly had requested. Also on the plate was a fresh glass of water, hot chocolate, and a cheese Danish. The man walked over to the table and took the items off of the table and gave a slight bow to Eirly.
"Anything else, Miss?" he asked.
She eyed up everything and realised she couldn't wait to eat it. "No thank you, this should be fine."
As the server left, Brandon stepped into the room. "Your friend is being brought in. I should warn you, he's in something of a transitive meditative state. Something I am told is taught among the Quath'Mar."
Eirly didn't actually know that much about Kas' people, so this would be interesting. "Understandable if it is." She nodded to Brandon and a look in her eye could see that she was worried for Kas, wondering what they did to him to get him into this state.
Kas could hear three people enter the room. From scent he could smell he could tell it was the Bajoran woman, one of the guards one the guards from before and another human. One of them was pushing some sort of anti-grav device.
“Looks like he's still out cold. We should have brought a gurney.” The guard said.
“Give me a moment,” the Bajoran woman said. “Back off, If he was going to hurt someone, he would have done so.already.”
Kas felt the woman’s lips near his ear, “We need to put you in a chair.I'll give you a moment.”
Kas felt her fingers on his neck as she took his pulse, "He's elevating his heart rate.”
Kas wasn't sure how this woman was so versed in his people's rituals. Her scent was not familiar to him. It was clear she'd encountered the Quath’Mar at some point. This raised a lot of questions for him.
“Give me a hand and we'll move him to the chair,” The woman said with authority. “Be gentle and he would fight.”
Kas felt the woman lift him and the other help her secure her into the chair.
“Is he conscious or not,” The guard said impatiently.
“Don't push it” She sounded annoyed. I'll take care of the chair, just walk in front of us.
Kas was closer to being conscious now, but body relaxed. From the smell of the restraints, they were some sort of leather. He was certain he could break them if he needed to. Moved down the hallway and into a lift moved several floors up. Then they went down a hallway.
“I've got it from here,” The Bajoran woman said as she pushed the chair into a room.
The scent of mountain air and food of some sort filled Kas' nostrils, along with the familiar scent of his comrade. The Bajoran woman put his goggles on the table and looked at Eirly.
“He'll probably want these when he wakes,” the Bajoran said in a professional tone. "I believe he's aware of his surroundings." She nodded to the guards, and they started removing the restraints. When they were finished the two walked away and stood by the door.
Having already started on her salad when he was brought in, Eirly put down the fork and looked first at Kas and then the Bajoran woman, "Thank you, I'll make sure he's got them. Do you know where our Captain is or how she's doing?"
"She's still being questioned. I'm not sure for how much longer," Brandon answered. "Mr. Razka was being less than cooperative with answering questions, then he did this to himself. Corin and I thought it best to bring him here to relax for a bit."
"You can let us know if you need anything." Brandon placed their unmarked communicators on the table. "We'll leave the two of you alone for now."
Corin, the Bajoran woman who had assisted Kas into the room nodded to Eirly. "Very well, Let's go." She looked up to the guards and led them out of the room followed by Brandon.
Eirly watched with caution as both of them walked out of the room and shut the door before she dropped her fork to the plate and moved over to where Kas was. They weren't kidding when they mentioned the catatonic state. "Come on, Kas. Now would be a good time to come back to us." She grabbed his shoulders and gave a light but firm shake - and nothing happened.
"Come on, wake up. Don't make me slap you." She said with a tinge of laughter in her voice as she lightly shook his shoulders again.
“I wouldn't recommend slapping me, Eirly.'' Kas said dryly as he opened his eyes and took in his surroundings.
The Hybrid took several deep breaths and Began to stretch his arms slowly raising them over his head. His legs were tingling like pins and needles. It would be a moment before he'd be able to use them.
"I slapped my younger brother once when we were kids and he slapped me right back, so don't worry, I wasn't actually going to do that to you. I believe these belong to you though," She straightened herself back up and walked over to the table to retrieve his goggles then came back to him to hand them over.
"How are you feeling anyway, what did they do to you in your interrogation?" She asked as she walked back to the table to get a mouthful of food while watching Kas.
Kas fasten the goggles to his face, He could see better through the filtered lenses. His left eye still stung, but it he could see. He stood up and began to stretch his legs.
"I answered the questions I was willing to answer and began the auto trance before they were able to drug me." Kas said eyeing the food with suspicion. "You should be cautious eating the food of our captors."
"I've already made that mistake: I was feeling nauseous, still am, and asked for a glass of water and they put the serum in that." Eirly admitted, realising now how stupid she actually was. "I answered the questions they wanted answers to, and yeah, I got asked if I wanted anything so I went with this. You're more than welcome to have something if you want it."
"No thank you," Kas said.
The hybrid weighed their options. If they returned Remy unharmed, he would call it good, if not he was willing to do what honor demanded. He looked around the room and tried to form a plan. There were things he could use as weapons if it came to that. He looked at his comrade, he didn't know if she was in any condition to fight.
"I only accept aid and hospitality from kin, crew or allies," Kas explained. "It's a matter of honor. I'll be alright til we get back to our vessel."
"Okay then," Eirly conceded to him as she continued to eat the salad provided. The nauseousness was starting to go away, thankfully, and she hoped it was just because of the events of the last few hours and not anything else. "To be fair, this whole mission started because of me and my need for acceptance that I gave the kid food we now know he couldn't eat."
Finishing the water provided and setting the glass on the table, she watched Kas again, "The only thing you're going to find here that would be classified as a weapon is the knife and fork, or the glass or plate if you want to smash them. But they've not shown any force, malice or intentions of going so far as to hurt me personally, so I have faith that they're almost done with us and will hopefully be letting us go soon."
Kas looked at his younger comrade for a moment before answering. He assumed they were being monitored so any planning couldn't be openly discussed.
“As a father, I can tell you children fall ill and get hurt, despite our best efforts.” Kas smiled peacefully. “This mission came from an act of love to an orphan, regardless of the outcome. I am glad that I'm here.”
“The acceptance that you seek, must come from your own heart. We were conceived in the Cosmos and are accepted and loved.” Kas paused for a moment. This was a concept he was still learning to grasp. “The cosmos isn't it done with us. ’Forgot Nothing’ my friend.”
Eirly smiled softly at the sentimentality Kas was displaying. It was really refreshing and endearing to hear that from someone other than family, "Thank you, that really means a lot. You're a wealth of wisdom."
The hybrid pull his shirt collar revealing more of his tattoos Indicated the markings across his clavicle. “I'm a seeker among my people, It's a type of shaman.”