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Wrapping Up Season 1 and Shore Leave

Posted on Mon Aug 5th, 2024 @ 2:40am by Captain Remy Johansen

Hello All,

First and foremost, thanks for everyone for keeping Astrea a fun, low-pressure place to write and have fun. I think we've kept the spirit of supporting one another and having this be a hobby and not a job - and I thank all the friends I've made here for making that possible.

Second, please rally behind us as we wrap up Season 1's main mission with our big post, XO's Turn, Spello Takes on the Slavers. We've made everyone a part of the Bridge crew in one way or another, and there are opportunities for NPC/NRC involvement as we wrap this to a close. Every bit of participation counts and make it more fun.

Right now, Clay and his fellow Marines are trapped on the alien vessel that Jason and his Starfighter crew have tracked down ahead of the Astrea that took more of a hit than she was expecting. The Astrea is catching up though, led by your XO Commander Spello, and it's all hands on deck to bring these people to justice. Please, jump in. You're just in time.

AND, finally, even though we are still wrapping up two main mission at the moment, our next mission interlude open, Shore Leave of Barisa Prime where Astrea will lick her wounds and the crew can get some R&R. The planet is largely unwritten in Trek lore, other than it's on the map, so we can have some creativity with it.

Thanks for July and the rest of 2024, and here's to a great August!

~Nicole (AKA Remy)


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