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Mission Wind Down, Shore Leave, & More

Posted on Sat Aug 17th, 2024 @ 9:01pm by Captain Remy Johansen

Hello faithful and trusty crew!

September is around the corner, and I plan to close out the Ataran mission by the end of the month. Any lingering posts will move to "Side Plots." If you are in something though, please try to get it complete by then. Your Captain appreciates you!

"Shore Leave & Ship Repairs" is open. I'll kick us off with a crew announcement here in a little. Feel free to start some fun posts while you wait for tags and wrap up current mission posts. But please, I beg you - please do wrap up the mission posts. We have TWO new missions starting after this, and we'd like a clean slate.

I'm sorry I've been slow to get July's awards up, but congratulations again to Cyn for Theta Fleet's Writer of the Month and to Everyone for the sim receiving the Task Force Commanding Officer Award and Gold Unit of Distinction.

Also, for those who were following our main mission post, I think it's far to say that Nash earned himself a Technobabble Award for his work in XO's Turn. (An unlimited number of those can go out, so he's the first, but hopefully not the last.)

Thanks for keeping our Trek-scape fun! Cheers to many more adventures!

~Nicole (aka Remy)


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