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Sun Feb 9th, 2025 @ 2:27pm

Civillian Sara Winters

Name Sara Jane Winters

Position Microbiologist

Rank Civillian

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 42

Physical Appearance

Height 5'5''
Weight 120 lbs
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Sara is a woman of Caucasian descent. She is smaller of stature and delicately boned.

She has long brown that she likes to wear long and wavy when she's not on shift, otherwise it is pulled back. She wears makeup, but lightly, and likes to replicate the latest fashion trends.


Spouse Nash Winters
Children Alexandra Winters, 13; Brunel Winters 13
Father Joseph "Jack" O'Neill
Mother Samantha O'Neill
Brother(s) Jack Jr.
Bruce O'Neill
Andrew Keller
Sister(s) Jennifer Keller

Personality & Traits

General Overview Sara is a smart, sharp witted woman. She tends to dedicate herself to her family, nearly to a fault, and she is incredibly smart.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths:
-Quick wit
-Ability to work well under pressure
-Sensitive and caring

-Loyal almost to a fault (to her family), ignoring her own needs at times
-Can be indecisive
Ambitions To finish her research into cures for alien diseases, and become a grandmother some day.

Retire to Earth and have a house with front-porch swings.
Hobbies & Interests -Reading
-Jazz music
-playing board games with her family
-keeping up with the regular fashion trends.

Personal History Sara was born in San Francisco, CA, to a father who was a University professor and stay-home-mom. Her childhood was pretty typical-she went to school, and played after-school sports. She was an equestrian for years, too, both competing and showing her horse, Buttercup, an Appaloosa.

In high school, she discovered her interest in, and aptitude for, microbiology, after attending a lecture at her father's university-she'd wandered away from his English class on "Bring your child to work day", and found herself in a Sophomore level lecture on the use of nanotechnology in fighting viral disease, and fell in love.

In high school, she had a few friends, and that's where she had originally met Nash, though they didn't run in the same circles-he was much more of a jock, and hung out with others.

Later, she'd attend college at Stanford University School of Medicine and Applied Sciences, majoring first in pharmacology and then switching to microbiology. She graduated with honors, and began work at the University's research institute, applying her work to attempting to eliminate cancerous cells in humans.

One day, she attended a weekend-long symposium in Brussels about both Microbiology and Interspecies virology. Nash was also there, in an attempt to impress a lady friend, and ran into Sara (quite literally). They reconnected, and eventually began dating, and the rest is, as the humans ay, was history.

While Nash was on board the Astrea the family went through several changes. First, Sara decided that now that Alexandra was older that she would start taking extension courses for a commission to officially work as a civilian contractor as well as work toward officer status so that she could participate in more of the ship's business.

The next was that they met Brunel, a young boy Alexandra's age who was orphaned on board an alien ship. Brunel had genetic mutations that him more than just an outcast, but would threaten his life if he were to return to his people. Sara was immediately interested in adopting him, and once Nash saw him and Alexandra together it was no question for him either - that Brunel was meant to be a part of their family. Once Starfleet discovered that the Ataran people were a slave owning society the adoption paperwork was finalized quickly.