
  • 25 Mission Posts

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Tue Feb 18th, 2025 @ 9:45pm

Ensign S'Niri

Name S'Niri

Position Tactical Officer

Rank Ensign

Character Information

Gender Female
Species 1/2 Caitian 1/2 Ferasan
Age 25

Physical Appearance

Height 5'11"
Weight 60kg
Hair Color Dark Blue
Eye Color Amber
Physical Description Lithe, unmistakeably feminine. Has two short saber teeth as a result of her Ferasan lineage. Predominantly bluish black fur.


Spouse None
Children Dear god no, she's not ready for kits.
Father Kaladari (Ferasan, excommunicated)
Mother M'Liia (Caitian)
Brother(s) None (that she knows of)
Sister(s) None (that she knows of)
Other Family Her extended family on her father's side residing on Ferasa Prime, as well as her mother's relatives on Cait.

Personality & Traits

General Overview Fiercely competitive, hardworking and decisive, S'Niri is a shining example of what a Ferasan warrior is supposed to be - which she isn't, actually, which is probably a shame. Then again, being raised to take over a Ferasan clan as a leader is probably why that's the case. S'Niri readily steps up to take initiative or take the lead when needed, even if she has to drag her slower teammates along by the arms.
Strengths & Weaknesses + Fiercely competitive
+ Very physically fit
+ Takes no nonsense from anyone

- Very prone to burnout
- Can't cook very well.
- Doesn't know her own limits.