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Fri May 31st, 2024 @ 10:39pm

Attaché Phesg Tel'im

Name Phesg Tel'im

Position Past Crewmember

Rank Attaché

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Romulan
Age 42 Terran years

Physical Appearance

Height 1.68 M; 5:6
Weight 73.53 kg; 162.1 lbs
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Hazel
Physical Description Of average height and weight--though taller than average for a human woman--Tel'im is muscled, although not obviously so.


Spouse Trin, Qowat Milat/civilian colony leader
Children None
Father Telok
Mother Srien
Brother(s) Teaish, Heth'or, both killed during the Dominion War
Sister(s) Trilla, recent refugee on Earth
Other Family Four nieces, one nephew, all living with Trilla

Personality & Traits

General Overview Much less reserved than is typical for a Romulan, this can be attributed both to her comfortableness amongst humans and other non-Romulans, as well as her membership in the Qowat Milat.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths:
Former military training
Physically fit
Emotionally attuned
Sometimes gets a bit emotionally invested, especially over family
Has a bit of a temper
Can be hyperfocused
Ambitions Eventual life on a peaceful world, leading her sect of the Qowat Milat, or at least the local House
Hobbies & Interests Long-distance running
Various musical instruments

Personal History Born to an academic family on a major Romulan colony world, Phesgm--though that name is only used in highly official or highly personal circumstances--had a happy childhood. Her father had connections within the Romulan military, and her mother was a professor of Interstellar Law and Politics at a major Romulan university. The second of four children, Tel'im felt the possibilities were limitless for her.

Given her father's connections, and some difficulties with her older brother's sexual partners, Tel'im decided to go into the military. Graduating from the Romulan Naval Academy in 2372, she spent the next two-and-a-half years as a tactical officer aboard two vessels. The first, an older warbird the Reshlaan, was active in the Gamma quadrant before coming under attack in early 2373 by Dominion forces. Due to her actions in this conflict--despite severe damage to the ship--she was given a promotion to Subaltern, and transferred to the D'Deridex-class warbird Hakona.

When the Romulan Star Empire entered the Dominion War in 2374, Tel'im was posted as an advisor to the Romulan forces at Starbase 375. In this capacity, she came into contact with Klingons and numerous Federation member races, and even a few Cardassian civilians fleeing the war. This had a profound impact on her.

In 2376, with peace between the major Alpha Quadrant powers and the Dominion, Tel'im asked for, and was granted, a leave of absence from duty. This was good timing--both her brothers had been killed during the war in frontline service, and she was able to assist her sister and parents in taking care of her nieces and nephews. (Both her brothers had children with multiple women, the eldests' troubles directly contributing to Tel'im's entering the Romulan Navy). Upon returning to service in late 2376, Tel'im found the prospect of a long-term military career less appealing than she had. She left for civilian life in 2377, eventually joining the Qowat Milat on Selon V.

Over the next decade, Tel'im dedicated herself to the path of the Qowat Milat--albeit a more liberal one than otherwise might be seen. This was broken by two significant events--first, her marriage to fellow nun Trin in 2379--they had been lovers since their days on the Hakona--and her father's death in the aftermath of Shinzon's coup in 2380. She had been close with both her parents, and her father's death proved a decisive moment for her. In 2382, she helped establish a Qowat Milat House on Choros IV, near the Federation border, and had some contact with Federation civilian and Starfleet personnel as they assisted the Romulans over the next few years. With the destruction of Romulus in 2387, Tel'im found herself transitioning into a role of assisting refugees. She was able to settle her family--her mother had died the previous year of an incurable disease--on Earth.

Service Record 2347: Born, Qvor VIII, Romulan Star Empire.
2367, Enters Romulan Naval Academy, Romulus.
2371-72: Extended studies at Romulan War College, Romulus.
2372: Graduates Romulan Naval Academy; rank, UlAn.
2372: Posted to IRW Reshlaan, Hesh'Vat-class, Tactical Officer.
2373: Commendation for exceptional service whilst in combat operations; see attached documentation from Federation starship USS Belerophon, Intrepid-class.
2373: Transferal to D'Deridex-class warbird, IRW Hakona; promotion to Subaltern.
2374-75: Adviser to Romulan forces at Federation Starbase 375; see attached documentation from Admiral Ross, Federation Starfleet, and Commodore Branch, Federation Starfleet; also letter from Klingon Col. K'Resh, Klingon Defense Forces.
2376: Leave of absence from Romulan military; familial reasons.
2377: Resigns from Romulan military service.
2380: Participation in the Qlaan City Riots, Romulus; see report from Federation starship USS Ovid, Miranda-class.
2382-88: Time on Choros V--see attached documentation from Starfleet Intelligence.