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Fri Mar 22nd, 2024 @ 7:26pm

Lieutenant JG Joey #640

Name Joey #640

Position Past Crewmember

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Android
Age 244

Physical Appearance

Height 5'8
Weight 241.5 lbs
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Joeyother.jpegJoey #640 is a Humanoid Male, visually looking as a year 20s male. He has a slim figure, with average human height and extra weight due to the added backage. Short hair extending down to his forehead along with no facial and body hair.

The Joey line is unique, the line was created to serve its master, although created by an extinct species, his copants are impossible to find as only the Joey line has them.


Personality & Traits

General Overview Joey is a true free spirit – outgoing, openhearted, and open-minded. With his lively, upbeat approach to life, he stands out in any crowd. But even though he can be the life of the party, Joey doesn't just care about having a good time.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strength

Ambitions Perfect humanoids' imperfection and illogical minds
Hobbies & Interests Hobbies

Humanoid behaviour & culture
Logic (eg chess)

Personal History
Robot Planet

Joey #640 was created on Mudds planet or by its other name, Robot planet. He was the 640 type of the Joey line to be constructed. Joey simply made an abundance of various clothing apparels.

Once discovered by Starfleet, they set up a temporary research outpost on the planet, trying to understand the androids. Joey #640 was intrigued by them. A flaw? Rogue programming? Like all other androids, he viewed Humans as imperfect, in need of saving, so Joey #640 stayed the the team of scientists, when they returned to Earth, Joey #640 requested to return with them.

Daystrom Institute

Although, Joey models are like other models, requiring a hive mind to operate, it was easily severed but not easily to adjust. Sharing a mind where you could access any information from other androids, it would not be easy to adjust to that.
Over the 90 years on Earth, Joey #640 evolved to better himself to better help the Human race. He developed a passion for tailoring, regardless of his programming for it and developed a personality of caring, he would take an interest in the researcher's lifes, children’s birthday party and romantic relationships.

The Federation thought they got all they could from a live robotic life, so they timetabled Joey #640 for disassembly. An Egyptian cybernest by the name of Pollie Lachapelle stated Joey #640 had evolved into a sentient being, capable of making thoughts and should have the ability to make his own life. Joey, although not feeling anything, knew she was right. The trails took 9 months, answering questions about what he felt about topics such as politics, space and himself.
Finally, Joey #640 won. He was declared sentient.

He left the Daystrom Institute. And went travelling for some months. Visiting various worlds like Earth, Vulcan and Risa to name a few but once again, he saw the flaws in Humanity. The illogical behaviour, imperfection. He wanted to make a difference, he wanted to help. He joined Starfleet, because in the depths of space, that is where the Humanoids are at their most vulnerable.

Joey was easily mistaken for a Human, he didn’t mind it but he told all those who wanted to be his friends that he was actually an android. They were shocked after being shown various maintenance panels strung across his body. But they accepted him.

Starfleet Academy

Education was alien to him. So many illogical techniques that needed refine themselves, that is what Joey did, refined them into logical techniques. Proving himself to his teachers who read his file, knew he was a robotic life form. To say Joey graduated 1st in his class would be an understatement.

Starfleet Medical

At first, Joey didn’t want to dive straight into deep space, he wanted to take it slow. As an intern, various Doctors were prejudiced about a robot being a shrink, but Joey knew the nice dance, people had done it to him for 90 years. Smiling and body language was all that Joey needed to sooth a patient.

Now a resident, he had to lead interns in the ways of the humanoid brain. Leadership was difficult but he tried his best, he guided his students like the way he taught but giving his insight and knowledge. They were very needy, always needing someone to watch over them while they diagnose a Starfleet Officer.

Achieving the rank of an attending, he had overlooked the residents who overlooked their interns but still managed his own patients. Leadership still didn’t agree with him but he was a prominent Doctor in Starfleet. Thinking it was time to serve on the front lines, Joey applied to serve aboard the starship Republic.

USS Republic, NCC 77833, Akira Class | Captain Vera Munday, Commanding

1 year in with the war with the Dominion, Doctors were needed on the front lines, and Joey was needed, also serving as a deputy of a department, the paperwork mounted but he still managed to do the work, most of the time, his work was to ease Officers sometime senior officers that the Federation was going to win the war and cure PTSD.

USS Moore, NCC 33211, Ambassador Class | Captain Chrispoter Di'arc, MD Commanding

Following a string of Starfleet victories, the war looked like a Starfleet win. Joey was transferred to the USS Moore as the ships Chief of Counselling. His work was to inspire officers, there was very little cases… But the war was won by the Federation.

Hundreds of thousands of Starfleet ships were heavily damaged and still in active service, with the war over those ships were pulled back. The Moore was an Ambassador starship from the early 2340s she now rested and her officers served elsewhere. Joey was assigned to Starfleet Medical, the war had destroyed the minds of so many servicemen and women, he stuck to his guns and worked hard.

Starfleet Medical

Long after the veterans of the Dominion War had left, Joey still worked at Starfleet Medical dealing with patients but reflecting on his year on the battleline. He saw great things out there but there was a tiny bit of him that sought and enjoyed the adventures... must be that tiny bit of humanity in him.

2385 rolled around, 10 years after the war had finished but another crisis was developing, the Romulan Star. The Federation announced a massive care program, Joey wanted to help too he wanted to expand his knowledge of Romulans, he only saw a Romulan but never interacted with them. He applied to command a refugee camp and was granted.

Thrathi V - Federation - Romulan Refugee Camp | Joey, Commanding

In the early days of the encampment, it was overrun within 3 days by Romulans fleeing everywhere and the cam wasn't even fully established, supplies were gone, and he had to work with what he had. Nothing. So many died within the first week, Joey tried to keep the peace by supplying Earth sweets and saying they were medication, it worked, and kept people calm enough for the Doctors under Joey's command to treat them. But a crisis always follows a crisis.

The Federation synths destroyed the bulk of the rescue force at Utopia. Joey kept what he was secret, but there was a big question mark looming over his head. However, he ignored it and kept the camp running. But the Federation withdrew its support of help, the camp quickly fell into anarchy with the lack of supplies and amount of people arriving.

2385 was a long year for Joey. It involved him fighting for his rights and the permission to continue the camp. His request was declined, and seeing another flaw in humanity, he left Starfleet and continued to run the camp, there wasn't anything left, the whole of the medical staff was recalled only staff were left the crisis volunteers. His first act was seeking a charity, that way they had supplies like food and water. Thankfully he got help.

The camp wasn't even 1/4 built when the Federation withdrew its support. Still, it was overflowing, the staff did all their best to help but they were drowning and Romulan sun still hadn't died yet.

The Romulan Sun died in 2387 and everything changed, the flux of people just stopped in the blink of an eye. Friends Without Borders helped relocate people, helping them into the Federation and other nations but the sounds of children begging for food, and mothers screaming for help finally got to Joey.

2 years later (2389) and all the problems, food, water and medicine shortages were gone because the overflow of people died down. All the suffering and sadness got to Joey and so he left, that tiny bit of humanity grew inside of him. He informed the charity, Friends Without Borders that he was resigning as head of the camp.

Returning to the bustling city was much needed, Joey was jobless but still, he wanted to help humanity despite all its many flaws, he pulled favours to officers of the Dominion War that had became Flag Officers to get himself back into Starfleet without raising any alarms.
Service Record 2168 - 2268
Robot Planet
Tailor Drone

2268 - 2365
Daystrom Institute
Android Subject

Timetabled for disassembly, Dr Pollie Lachapelle advocated Joey #640 was sentient.
Following 9 months of legal trails.
Joey was declared a sentient being

2365 - 2369
Starfleet Academy
Major: Psychology
Cadet - Ensign

2369 - 2374
Starfleet Medical
Counselling psychologist
Intern - Resident - Attending
Ensign - Junior Lieutenant

2374 - 2375
USS Republic
Deputy Chief of Counselling
Junior Lieutenant - Lieutenant

2375 - 2375
USS Moore
Chief of Counselling
Lieutenant - Lieutenant

2375 - 2385
Starfleet Medical
Counselling psychologist
Lieutenant - Lieutenant Commander

2385 - 2385
Thrathi V
Federation - Romulan Refugee Camp
Commanding Officer
Lieutenant Commander - Lieutenant Commander

2385 - Resignation from Starfleet due to abandoning support to the Romulan Star Empire

2385 - 2389
Thrathi V
Friends Without Borders - Romulan Refugee Camp
Commanding Officer

2389 - Pulled favours to return to active duty within Starfleet.

2389 - Present
USS Imperator
Chief of Counselling
Lieutenant Commander - Present