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Sun Jun 23rd, 2024 @ 2:04pm

Petty Officer 3rd Class Grexx

Name Grexx

Position Civil Operations Specialist

Rank Petty Officer 3rd Class

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Bolian
Age 22

Physical Appearance

Height 6'0
Weight 185
Hair Color None


Father Vortek (57)
Mother Thalara (54)

Personality & Traits

General Overview Grexx is known for his easy-going nature and approachable demeanor. He has a knack for connecting with people from various backgrounds, making him an asset in situations where diplomacy and interpersonal skills are crucial. Despite the often challenging nature of his work, Grexx maintains a positive outlook and is quick to find humor even in the most stressful situations
Hobbies & Interests Outside of his duties, Grexx enjoys exploring new cultures and trying exotic foods. He is an avid reader, particularly enjoying works that explore the complexities of interstellar relations and diplomacy. Grexx also engages in various physical activities to stay fit and maintain his resilience in the field.

Personal History Grexx was born and raised on the vibrant and diverse planet of Bolarus IV. Growing up in a society that values cooperation and harmony, Grexx was instilled with a strong sense of community and empathy from an early age. Both of his parents were dedicated doctors, setting a compassionate example that would influence Grexx's own career path.

Growing up, Grexx was surrounded by the constant hum of medical activity, as his parents often brought their work home with them, discussing cases and sharing experiences around the dinner table. Their passion for healing and their commitment to helping others left a deep impression on Grexx from a young age, shaping his values and inspiring him to follow in their footsteps.

His parents, Dr. Thalara and Dr. Vortek, were esteemed physicians on Bolarus IV. They dedicated their lives to the medical profession, serving their community with compassion and expertise. Thalara specialized in emergency medicine, known for her quick thinking and steady hands in high-pressure situations, while Vortek was a renowned surgeon, celebrated for his precision and innovative techniques.

While Grexx chose to pursue a career in Starfleet, his roots in medicine remained a significant influence on his life and career choices. His decision to become a Field Medic was partially inspired by his parents' legacy, as he sought to honor them by using his medical skills to aid others in times of need.

Even after reclassifying as a Civil Operations Specialist, Grexx continues to draw upon the lessons learned from his parents, integrating their teachings of compassion and professionalism into his work. Their example serves as a guiding light, reminding him of the importance of service and the profound impact that a caring heart and skilled hands can have on the lives of others.

Grexx spent his first few years in Star Fleet as a Field Medix, attached to the Marines for the majority of the time and assisting in combat patrols and other assignments. He has been engaged in combat on multiple occasions and also has earned the Expert Field Medic Badge and Combat Field Medic Badge. Later on he reclassed to Civil Operations where he was roommates with Cormus and the pair developed their friendship and graduated together, along with being assigned to the Astrea together as well. As a result, the pair has also begun training as a designated marksman team at the direction of Officer Kayto, with Grexx as the Designated Marksman.