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Sun Jun 23rd, 2024 @ 2:04pm

Petty Officer 3rd Class Cormus Fletcher

Name Cormus Fletcher

Position Civil Operations Specialist

Rank Petty Officer 3rd Class

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 21

Physical Appearance

Height 5' 7"
Weight 175
Hair Color Blond
Eye Color Blue


Personality & Traits

Hobbies & Interests Rock Climbing
Hang Gliding

Personal History With a childhood immersed in the geological wonders of South America raised by parents who were geologists, Cormus grew up around Earth's natural beauty and learning of its geological history. His early years were filled with accompanying his parents on field expeditions and the study of rocks, minerals, and ancient formations.

Among South America's extreme terrain, Cormus turned towards a love for outdoor adventures. Rock climbing became a favorite pastime, allowing him to conquer rugged cliffs and mountains, while hang gliding provided him with the exhilarating experience of soaring through the skies. These childhood hobbies not only shaped his physical prowess but also fueled his adventurous spirit and fearless demeanor.

In his youth, Cormus developed skills in piloting small skiffs and remotely operated drones. When he turned 18 he ended up in trouble with a group of friends as part of a dumb stunt and received 2 options from the magistrate. He could either spend a year in a penal colony due to the amount of property damage caused, or two years in Starfleet doing what he chose so long as he maintained good standing.

Cormus chose the latter and signed on as a Small Craft Maintenance Engineer, quickly rising to the rank of Crewman First Class. He was able to split time between piloting and repair on a much faster avenue by taking the enlisted route. Known for his cocky attitude, he became a standout figure within his team. While displaying adaptability and a desire for new challenges, Cormus made the bold decision to apply for the opportunity to reclass as a Civil Operations Specialist on a whim, and was accepted to the training course.

Cormus and his close companion, Gexx, both embarked in this school together. Having been roommates during their intensive 6 month course for Civil Operations Specialists, they formed a strong friendship in shared experiences and mutual aspirations. The duo's camaraderie proved to be not only a source of support but also a driving force behind their simultaneous promotions upon graduation.

Freshly graduated and only a month into his new role as a Civil Operations Specialist, Cormus Fletcher stands at the beginning of a promising chapter in his career.

Along with being assigned to the Astrea with Grexx, the pair has also begun training as a Designated Marksman Team at the direction of Officer Kayto, with Cormus as the Designated Spotter.