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Wed May 15th, 2024 @ 7:51pm

Lieutenant JG Ta'Feel Anith

Name Ta'Feel Hermoncipi Anith Usskik

Position Medical Officer

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Gender Agendered/Non-Binary
Species .Chix'alk
Age 37

Physical Appearance

Height 6'3"
Weight 167
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Aqua/polychromatic during communication
Physical Description Gender: Ta'Feel, which is Hir Given name, is a Hermoncipi.
The .Chix'alk have 4 genders:
Virtrempi: Analogous to a Human Male
Hermoncipi: Analogous to a Human Hermaphrodite
Inestado: Analogous to a Human Female
Posento : Analogous to a Humanoid marsupial


Spouse Multiple spouses: Usskik'Nallee Anith'Virtrempi,Usskik'Shakal Anith'Inestado, Usskik'Zetchurl Anith'Inestado
Children None
Father TBA
Mother tBA
Brother(s) TBA
Sister(s) tBA
Other Family TBA

Personality & Traits

General Overview Usskik'Ta'Feel Anith'Hermoncipi is a member of the .Chix'alk species. Sei is a Hermoncipi (analogous to a Human Hermaphrodite). The typical lifespan of a .Chix'alk is around 300 of their solar cycles, called Deksonato. This is roughly equivalent to 420.8 Earth years.

.Chix'alk Pronouns
Family Unit | Virtrempi | Hermoncipi | Inestado | Posento
Earth Equiv. |_Male_| Hermaphrodite | Female | Marsupial
Salutation _|__Mr.__|____Mx____|__Ms__ |__Mm
His/Her____|__Vis__|____Hir____|__Tem__|__ Eir
Him/Her-Self | Verself |__Hirself____ |_Terself| Emself

All 4 genders are involved in the procreation process, in various stages.

The language used by the .Chix'alk consists of two symbolic communication parts:
Verbal: The verbal part of the language is spoken in a monotone voice, as well as communicated telepathically among members of the family unit. (.Chix'alk are minimally telepathic, but only between the family units.)
Visual: The visual part of the communication acts as a paralanguage and is provided by the visual cues provided by the changes in the coloration of the eyes and the horns. This is analogous to facial coloration of humans, and, in some instances, seems to mimic some of the human color implications.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths:
Minimal telepathic abilities, but generally only between intimate family units.
Weaknesses: Sometimes has trouble understanding the English language.
Ambitions Bring the medical knowledge of the .Chix'alk species into mainstream Starfleet.
Hobbies & Interests Music

Personal History Lt. JG Ta'Feel Anith Usskik attended Starfleet Academy, first majoring in courses associated with the medical profession, followed by a subsequent major of courses associated with Engineering. This was normal for a member of the .Chix'alk species, because, for Lt. Ta'Feel, it provided Ser the knowledge to be able to bring the majority of .Chix'alk biology to the knowledgebase of Starfleet.

Plus, being ranked as #1 in the family, Ta'Feel was required by .Chix'alk protocol to have knowledge about all other family members.

It was while Sei was attending the Engineering classes that Sei met Usskik'Nallee Naane, Usskik'Shakal Shena and Usskik'Zetchurl J'Kura. After graduating from the Engineering classes, the four of them decided to form a family unit. They briefly returned to their home world, Chertan I, for the traditional geedzeunfandi, which, among other things, activated their inter-family telepathic capabilities.

Service Record Attended Starfleet Academy, first in the Medical profession (which was Hir genetic predisposition), then in the Engineering profession (which was a necessity because Dr. Ta'Feel was 1st rank in Hir family). Sei was scheduled to attend classes for Security and Science, but the USS Quito was in need of a Medical officer, so Sei took the assignment, planning on returning after the 3-year tour to complete Hir studies .
Starfleet Academy - 4 Years - Medical Major
Starfleet Academy - 4 Years - Engineering Major
USS Quito - 3 Years - Medical Officer
USS Astrea - Current - CMO