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Mon Oct 14th, 2024 @ 12:46pm

Lieutenant Commander Maxun Spello

Name Maxun Spello

Position Executive Officer

Rank Lieutenant Commander

Character Information

Gender Male
Species El Aurian
Age 523 (human years)

Physical Appearance

Height 5' 8"
Weight 198 lbs
Hair Color Auburn
Eye Color Cobalt blue
Physical Description Blessed with an easy smile and piercing blue eyes, Maxun has been described as dreamy. He keeps his body in peak physical shape with a grueling workout regime. While his hair is usually full of flat curls, he tends to keep it short. He also alternates between clean shaven and a short, scruffy beard.


Spouse NA
Children None
Father Gorlon Spello (deceased)
Mother Meloniata Spello (deceased)
Brother(s) Serlom (twin) (deceased)
Sister(s) None
Other Family None survived

Personality & Traits

General Overview Having witnessed and survived the destruction of his homeworld by the Borg, Maxon does not take anything for granted. He lives each day to the fullest, experiencing as much as possible. While on duty, he adheres to the rules as if there was absolutely no other way to live. He does not believe in the generally accepted idea of grey area. This mentality has both made him excellent in the Starfleet Internal Affairs Department, and caused him to have few close friends. Those that truly know him know that he is a good and honorable man.
Strengths & Weaknesses +strong analytical mind
+highly intelligent
+steadfastly loyal
+unwaveringly honorable
+long life of experiences

-hates liars
-is uncomfortable just being himsel
-once wronged, it is near impossible to regain his favor
Ambitions His main ambition is to be the best officer that his adopted home needs. He will do whatever he can to protect the United Federation of Planets from befalling a fate such as his homeworld and home systems.

On a personal note, he does desire finding that right woman and starting a family.
Hobbies & Interests Hobbies: Atmospheric surfing, orbital skydiving, free-climbing, shuttle racing.

Interests: shooting, collecting stories, cooking, poker.

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Language(s) Spoken: El Auria Standard, El Auria High, UFP Standard, Rhihansu, Klingon Common, Gorn, Orion High, Breen, Cardassian Common

Personal History Born, by the Earth calendar, on the third of August, 1868, he was the first child born to Gorlon and Meloniata Spello. He was born in the Northern Province of Mattaan, the capital city of the El Aurian homeworld. His identical twin brother, Serlom, was born less than two minutes later. Both of their parents were Senior Collectors, meaning that they had traveled the known galaxy and visiting over half of the known planet's, "collecting stories" from the various civilizations that they came in contact with. At two thousand and sixteen hundred years, respectively, at the time, both Gorlon and his wife, had become celebrities.

Being raised with all of the best things, Maxun, unlike his brother, soon became spoiled, much to his parent's dismay. In school, he did poorly in his classes, nearly failing his secondary schooling. Feeling that the only way to go, to save him from himself, his parents decided to ship him off-world, to a military school. It was their hope that the strict discipline would shape him into a well-adjusted member of the El Aurian people.

Maxun spent the next twelve years at Gritollan Military Academy. His time there, while rocky at first, soon became just what he needed. From his third year on, he excelled at his studies, ultimately graduating, to everyone's pride, in the third position. After graduation, he was assigned to a picket-line destroyer, which was tasked with patrolling a section of the El Aurian border with what was, at the time, thought to be unclaimed space.

Over the next twenty years, Maxun would continue to excel and prove himself, rising in both rank and position as did so. Finally, he was promoted to Daisler Second, (a rank equivalent to a Starfleet Captain) and given his own ship, the Prowler, a fast attack cruiser.

It was during his shakedown cruise, that the Borg first appeared. They attacked, without warning, from that area of space, once thought unclaimed back when he was beginning his naval career.

By the time his ship had made it back to the Home System, the Borg had already completely destroyed the Homeworld and every outlying colony of the entire system. The Borg War had begun.

By the time it ended, nearly two hundred years later, the El Aurian Empire, which had numbered in over a thousand worlds, and nearly forty trillion citizens, was completely annihilated. Maxun was one of a group of barely two hundred thousand survivors that had been scattered across the entire galaxy.

For the next thirty-six years, Maxun drifted from star system to star system, not really knowing where he now belonged. Then, one day, the refugee ship that he was on, became trapped in the temporal energies of the Energy Ribbon. Most of his people thought it was an entryway into the Nexus. However, Maxun didn't believe in fairytales and fantasy lands. Thankfully, he, and a handful of others, were rescued from their crippled ship shortly before it was destroyed by the energies of the Ribbon. Their savior, was a starship from a fledgling (chronologically speaking), federation of planets. The ship served in a military protectorate force for said federation. The force was called, Starfleet.

When Maxun and his fellow surviving refugees landed on the homeworld of the federation, Earth, he quickly fell in love with the culture, and swore, that day, that he would spend the rest of his life, protecting both Starfleet and the United Federation of Planets.

He enrolled in Starfleet Academy, and was transferred to the Warrant Officer Academy. Three years later, he graduated at the top of his class. As he had pursued the legal field, he was immediately assigned the the J.A.G. office, located in Starfleet Headquarters itself. He would stay there for the next two years, wherein he applied, and was accepted into the next class

for the Starfleet Security Investigations School.

The next day, Maxun's adventures out in space resumed. He was assigned to the USS Apache, a Sacajawea Class battle cruiser. He was assigned to the small J.A.G. unit that was attached to the ship. For the next eight years, he would work very diligently, ensuring that anyone who broke the laws of the Federation were given their time in court. His work was recognized by him being promoted twice during his time aboard.

Early in 2320, he caught the eye of Starfleet Intelligence. As he was one of but a few El Aurians serving in Starfleet, they felt that, once trained, he could very well be a sound investment, in the long run. Once his tour aboard the Apache was over, he was transferred back to Earth, where he was then moved to the secret location of the training facility used by Starfleet Intelligence, to train their agents.




A couple weeks into the new year, Maxun is transferred to Starfleet Command Headquarters, on Earth. He was assigned as a junior field agent and paired with a senior agent to show him the ropes. He and his trainer, a Vulcan who went by the code name Scarab, (all senior agents were given code names, and reconstructive surgery, as their true identities were kept highly classified), quickly became fast friends, as much as a Vulcan can express friendship. They would remain friends until the day Scarab was killed during a botched mission.

Following the death of his friend and mentor, Maxun dove into his work, convinced that the mission failed due to a traitor somewhere in the unit.

Over the next eighteen months, he worked diligently, going over various bits of evidence, as he narrowed his search for the traitor. Finally, towards the end of 2322, he finally discovered the identity of the traitor. It was the unit Commander herself!

Knowing that he had no choice but to confront the traitor alone, as he had discovered she was highly placed in Starfleet, thus he was unsure whom to trust, he formulated a plan to trap her in the open. He knew that, to do it correctly, he would have to, as the Humans say, play the long game. So, he was quiet, patient, and worked slowly to gain the traitor's confidence.

Five years later, he found his opportunity to strike. The traitor had made a mistake and left Incriminating evidence unlocked on her desk terminal. Maxun made a copy and left the office undetected. Then, after seeing what the information was, he knew that it was time to act.

The new CinC was scheduled to do a walkthrough inspection the next week, so Maxun set his plan in motion. During the inspection, the traitor would be showing the CinC, and several other high ranking Command personnel, a few training progams that were used for new Intel recruits. Maxun got into the holodeck programming and set the computer up to play the evidence he had collected instead.

The result of his work was more successful, and equally destructive, than he could have guessed. Not only was the traitor caught out, but nearly a dozen more personnel, across all of Starfleet, were rounded up because of his Investigations.

In recognition of his hard work, Maxun was promoted to Master Warrant Officer. He was then given his choice Of assignments in the fleet.

He chose, instead, to resign his active commission and switch to the inactivr reserves. It had been a long road to get yo where he was now, and he needed to take time to recover from it all. He hadn't lost faith in what Starfleet stood for, just.he had been bruised by the abuse of those who did not share his idealism for what Starfleet was supposed to stand for.

For the next sixty years, he travelled known space, seeing what was there, hearing what regulat citizens felt about things. He lived his life as quietly as he could.

He watched as Hobus exploded, throwing the Romulan Empire into chaos. He watched in horror, as Mars burned, following the Synthetic Riots. Then, when the fleet was decimated even more, following the Computer Link disaster, he knew that Starfleet would need experienced officers again.

In the beginning of 2387, he found himself standing outside Starfleet Command Headquarters. He made his way in and told the Personnel Administration Office that he wished to reactivate his commission.

Unfortunately, he was told that, as such time had passed since he last served, he would need to go through the Academy again. Thinking about it some more, he decided to enter the regular officer's training program, and entered the Academy.

With his knowledge and experience, he was fast-tracked through training, graduating top of his class, in 2389. In recognition of his past service, he was advanced to Lieutenant (jg) at the ceremony.

He then received his orders. He was to report to the Captain of the USS Astria, as the new Assistant Chief of Intelligence.

So, after putting most of his belongings in deep storage, he boarded a runaboutand was transported to his new adventure.

As soon as he arrived aboard the Astrea, his people's past came back to him. The Astrea detected an ancient vessel, as it drifted across the Romulan Neutral Zone into Federation Space. Upon closer examination, the vessel belonged to a race known to his people. The Atarans had been an Empire power, several millenia before, until the El Aurians went to war with them, to stop the Atarans from continuing their use of slaves. The Atarans were decomated I'm thr fairly one-sided conflict, ultimately being banished from their own territories, to a small planet, located in an area of desolate space.

For several hundred years, the Atarans tried to rebuild their society. Then the Romulans arrived. The invasion occurred as the race that would become the Romulans annexed the territory that the Atarans were using as their new home. In the ensuing conflict, the already diminished number of individuals was nearly completely obliterated. A few thousand managed to escape of sleeper ships. Most of the sleeper ships were destroyed, with only a cou0le making it out into open space, and ultimately, vanishing into the history.

Shortly after the Astrea began assisting the Atarans, the Astrea's XO had to suddenly leave, due to family demands. In the vacuum, the ship's CO, offered the position to Maxun, in recognition of his vast experience. After considering the offer, he accepted the promotion, of both rank and position.

What happens next, is up to Fateā€¦
Service Record 18 August 2305: Joins Starfleet. Enrolls in Warrant Officer Academy (Earth)

19 August 2305 - 25 July 2308: Assigned, Starfleet Warrant Officer Academy (Earth)

25 July 2308: Graduates, Starfleet Warrant Officer Academy (Earth), Commissioned Warrant Officer.

25 July 2308 - 7 August 2310: Assigned, Starfleet Command Headquarters (Earth), J.A.G. Office. (Warrant Officer)

8 August 2310 - 7 December 2311: Assigned, Starfleet Security Investigations School (Earth). (Warrant Officer)

8 December 2311 - 30 March 2320: Assigned, USS Apache (Sacajawea Class), JAG Officer. (Warrant Officer to Warrant Officer 3rd)

31 March 2320 - 1 January 2321: (((CLASSIFIED INFORMATION)))

10 January 2321 - 14 February 2321: Assigned, Starfleet Headquarters, Starfleet Intelligence Office, Earth. (Chief Warrant Officer)

15 February 2321 - 16 December 2321: Attached, USS Potempkin, During OPERATION: DEEP DIVE. (CWO)

17 December 2321 - 6 February 2322: Inpatient, USS Hippocrates, following injuries sustained from OPERATION: DEEP DIVE. (CWO)

7 February 2322 - 17 June 2322: Placed on temporary Medical Leave, to finish recovery and rehabilitation.

18 June 2322: Reinstated to full active duty. (CWO)

19 June 2322 - 14 July 2322: Assigned to Starfleet Headquarters, Intelligence Division, for full debrief.

15 July 2322: Promoted to Full Active Agent. Given code name, Achilles.

16 July 2322 - 15 July 2322: OPERATION: FIRESTORM. Inserted undercover inside Breen Command.

17 July 2322 - 19 August 2322: Retrieved and returned to Starfleet Command Headquarters for debrief. (CWO)

20 August 2322 - 18 October 2322: Granted R&R to recover from his injuries.

5 Feburary 2323 - 18 August 2327: Assigned, Starfleet Intelligence Command, Case Officer (CWO)

18 August 2327: Promoted to Master Warrant Officer.

19 August 2327 - 7 June 2387: (Inactive Reserves)

7 June 2387: Rejoins Starfleet

8 June 2387 - 1 February 2389: Attends Starfleet Academy (fast track)

1 January 2389: Graduates top of class, given rank of Lieutenant (Jg) in recognition of past service.

2 January 2389 - 14 March 2389: Assigned, USS Astria, Assistant Intelligence Chief (Ltjg)

14 March 2389 - PRESENT: Assigned, USS Astrea, Executive Officer (Lt Cmdr)