Rear Admiral Daro Rixx

Name Daro Rixx

Position Rear Admiral

Rank Rear Admiral

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Bolian
Age 46

Physical Appearance

Height 5' 8"
Weight 210 lbs
Hair Color None
Eye Color Aquamarine
Physical Description Medium height and weight. He has the vertical cranial bisecting ridge and Aqua-marine blueish colored skin that his people are known for. He also has several tribal tattoos covering his chest, back and upper arms. These tattoos are a tradition with the people from his part of the Bolarus homeworld. Each tattoo is representative of an event that holds special meaning for Daro.


Spouse Kena Faal-Rixx (Bolarus Assistant Ambassador)
Children (B) Gral (10)
(G) Neera (8)
(G) Laloo (6)
(B) Menlo (4)
Father Zipok Rixx (Retired Engineer)
Mother Alana Rixx (Bar Owner)
Brother(s) Maro Rixx (oldest)
Cator Rixx (second child)
Korvin Rixx (seventh child)
Mot Rixx (eighth child)
Sister(s) Alba Rixx (third child)
Darzana Rixx (fourth child)
Halora Rixx (ninth child)
Mitena Rixx (sixth child)
Syldra Rixx (tenth child)
Vada Rixx (youngest)

Personality & Traits

General Overview Always with a slight grin on his face, he is eager to lend a hand to anyone in need.

His time and service in Starfleet have instilled in him the strong belief that, while peace is the best path to follow, that peace must always have a strong and dedicated defence to protect it.
Strengths & Weaknesses + possesses a sound tactical mind
+ has a disarming personality
+ extremely loyal and protective of his friends and family.

- severe arachnophobia
- sometimes has difficulty delegating.
- can be too trusting at times.
Ambitions While he started his career wanting to sit in the center seat of a Starship, he has learned, over the years, that it is a position best left to those that possess a true wandering spirit. While he enjoys being in command of his Flagship, he feels that his true peace is at Starfleet Headquarters, giving the officers and enlisted below him the best leadership that he can muster.
Hobbies & Interests Building scale models of various starships and weapons systems (when he has a spare few moments). He also enjoys reading and swimming.

Personal History Daro is the middle of 12 children. His father is a engineer, and his mother runs a local bar on his homeworld. Two of his brothers and three of his sisters joined Starfleet as well, while the rest stayed on Bolarus to pursue their dreams there.

When he turned eighteen, he enrolled into the Bolarius Defense College and joined the Starfleet reserve unit that was attached to it. After graduation, Daro was given the rank of ensign in the Bolarius Defense Force. He served in that force for the eight years, achieving the rank of lieutenant commander. However, he had that overwhelming pull to join Starfleet itself. One day, he went down to the local recruiter and signed up. Due to his current rank, he was told that while in the Academy, he would fall into the regular scchool ranks, but, upon graduating from the Academy, he would be granted the rank of lieutenant in Starfleet.

Daro did well at the academy. However, unlike most Bolians who go into engineering or sciences, he chose to go into security. He felt that he could do more interesting things along this path.

Also unlike most Bolians, it is sometimes hard for him to keep his emotions contained, especially when he is nervous. During his time at the academy, his instructors noted several times on his inappropriate "snickering" at times of stress. Daro feels that, through training, he can overcome this "tic". Despite his "issue", he excelled at the academy. He ranked third in his class overall.

Like all cadets, he hopes to one day be granted a command of his own ship, but he knows that that is something that won't happen for many years.

Upon graduation from the Academy, Daro was promoted to full Lieutenant, in recognition of his prior service. He was also made the Executive Officer of the Talleyrand, the first time the slot was held by a full officer and not a cadet. He held the position and fulfilled his duties with excellence.

On Stardate 67279.5, the Talleyrand was about to investigate a pair of Romulan vessels that were firing upon each other when she was recalled back to Earth in an emergency. Apparently, his CO was being recalled due to a family emergency the required his immediate attention. He was forced to relinquish his command, creating a power vacuum on the ship.

Again, in recognition of his prior service, Daro was offered the command of the Talleyrand. He immediately accepted. He was promoted to lieutenant commander and enrolled in the Starfleet Command School.

On 25 June 2369, Daro successfully completed his Command School Course and was promoted to the rank of Commander. He then set out on his first official mission as the master of the Talleyrand.

The mission was a straightforward one: deliver a group of engineers from the Starfleet Corps of Engineers to a planet in the Chin'Toka System so they could begin construction on a new trading station in an effort to stabilize the region. During the trip, the Talleyrand had a surprise guest, in the form of newly promoted TF72CO, Rear Admiral James Hurin.

Minus a couple near misses, the mission was successfully completed and the Talleyrand returned to Spacedock One in Earth orbit to receive some repairs and new cadets. Shortly before RAdm Hurin's departure from the Talleyrand, he presented Rixx with a fourth rank pip, promoting him to Captain. Daro felt very proud that he had achieved his goal in such a short amount of years in the service.

After a few more uneventful training missions, the Admiralty decided to finally retire the aging Talleyrand. In recognition of his fine work, Daro was given command of a brand new Akira Class starship, USS Kyoto. He was then given orders to report to Third Fleet, which was currently stationed on the Gamma Quadrant side of the Bajoran Wormhole.

In the months leading up to the Dominion War, Daro led the Kyoto one several first conract missions in the Gamma Quadrant. When hostilities fully opened between Starfleet and the Dominion, the Kyoto was still deep behind what was now enemy lines. For the first few weeks of the war, Daro kept his ship and crew safe and focused, as they worked their way back to the Bajoran Wormhole, finally getting back into allied territory mere hours before DS9 was abandoned.

After handing over the critical intelligence that his crew had gathered during their time in the Gamma Quadrant, Daro was assigned a squadron of starships (an Excelsior and two Steamrunners) and alongside Kyoto, the four starships fought against the Cardassian forces as the fleet made its way back to retake DS9.

Following the successful conclusion of the war, he was promoted to Commodore and placed in charge of overseeing all of the security measures put in place in the Cardassian Sector, while they began the long journey of reconstruction.

Towards the end of 2384, Starfleet performed a restructuring of roles in the makeup of the fleet. Daro was promoted to Rear Admiral, and placed in command of the newly created, Starfleet Long Range Mobility and Defense Command (Beta Quadrant). His new task was to ensure that all of the outposts, stations and starbases, located along the UFP's border in the Beta Quadrant, were fully staffed and supplied, to ensure border security against any exterior threats.

He would remain in this post until the beginning of 2388, when his Alpha Quadrant counterpart, Rear Admiral Donald Foster, was killed in a shuttle accident. Following the funeral services, Starfleet Headquarters, moved Daro (as he was most senior officer in the region) from his posting in the Beta Quadrant, to fill the now empty posting in the Alpha Quadrant. With his new command, his main concern lay with the oldest intergalactic adversary that the United Federation of Planets had.

The Romulan Empire.

However, that task started to change, following the Hobus Supernova of 2385. After Daro took over the office, the entire Romulan-Federation Neutral Zone had become less a rigid wall and more a fluid barrier between the two ancient foes. As refugees from the Romulus/Remus System started to drift across the border, it became Daro's task to ensure they did not pose any threat to Federation security.
Service Record 2363-2366: Attended Bolarius Defense college. Joined local Starfleet reserve unit.

2366-2364: Served in Bolarius Defense Force. Achieved rank of lieutenant commander.

2364-2365: (Freshman) Starfleet Academy

2365-2366: (Sophomore) Starfleet Academy
Began training in Tactical/Security field.

2366-2367: (Junior) Starfleet Academy
Assigned to training vessel USS Talleyrand to complete
training. Assigned to Security Department as Cadet Assistant Chief of Security and Tactical.

2367-2368: (Senior) Starfleet Academy
Assigned to training vessel USS Talleyrand to complete
training. Assigned to Security Department as Cadet Chief of Security and Tactical.

2368:Promoted to Cadet Executive Officer of USS Talleyrand

January 2369: Graduates from Starfleet Academy. Due to his prior command experience before joining Starfleet, granted the rank of Lieutenant.

April 2369: Promoted to Lt Comdr and assumed command of USS Talleyrand. Began Restricted Independent Operations (R.I.O.)

Stardate 67482.7: Promoted to Commander. USS Talleyrand activated into full Independent Operations.

15 November 2370: Promoted to Captain.

16 November 2370: USS Talleyrand transferred from TG72-B, "BLACK RAVENS", to TG72-C, "WHITE WOLVES"

7 February 2371: Transferred to TF47 and promoted to CO position of TG47-C, "KENSAI". USS Talleyrand made flagship of TG47-C, "KENSAI"

17 March 2371: Transferred from retired USS Talleyrand to USS Kyoto as new Commanding Officer. Assigned to Third Fleet, stationed in Gamma Quadrant.

30 August 2375: Following end of Dominion War, Promoted to Commodore, placed in command of overseeing security of Cardassian Sector during initial phase of reconstruction.

6 December 2384: Promoted to Rear Admiral. Assigned, Starfleet Long Range Mobility and Defense Command (Beta Quadrant), Commanding Admiral

5 January 2388 - PRESENT: Assigned, Starfleet Long Range Mobility and Defense Command (Alpha Quadrant), Commanding Admiral.