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Sun Feb 9th, 2025 @ 2:27pm

Civilian Brunel Winters

Name Brunel Cal-Torin Winters

Position Family

Rank Civilian

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Ataran
Age 2513

Physical Appearance

Height 4" 11"
Weight 168 lbs
Hair Color Dark brown
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Though he looks like a normal teenager, thanks to cryostasis, he's actually over 2500 years old.

As he originated from the northern regions of Atara, Brunel's olive-colored skin is a lighter shade than those from closer to the equator.

He is a healthy weight for his height and age, and has yet another growth spurt to occur, that the prolonged cryosleep delayed.

He has an easy smile, and his eyes are friendly, though there is an obvious sadness about him, as he is now an orphan, having lost his entire family, between the Romulan attack of his homeworld, and the prolonged cyrosleep of over two millenia causing system failures on the evacuation ship he was on.

He was born mute, so he learned to use sign language to communicate. As it is a form not recognized by currant linguistics, he has had to program the Astrea's computer with as much as he could think of, and now wears an amulet that acts as a translator for his signs. The voice that is emitted by the amulet is one that he picked out himself, that sounds like a thirteen year old boy.


Father Greto (deceased)(Professor of Advanced Chemistry)(age 50)
Mother Nakipa (deceased)(Dean of History Department)(age 48)
Brother(s) Herton (deceased) (oldest 20)
Sister(s) Capla (deceased) (age 17 twin)
Molana (deceased) (age 17 twin)
Other Family None survived

Personality & Traits

General Overview He is a quiet boy, understandable, given what he has been through. And yet, once he opens up, he seems quite personable and bright. He has a thirst for learning and has said that he would like to study xenozoology.
Strengths & Weaknesses +good listener
+good heart

-shy at first
-feels alone
-scared of Romulans

Ambitions To learn all there is to know about the new world he woke up in.
Hobbies & Interests Reading, drawing, painting, hang gliding, kite flying

Personal History Born in the Ataran year of 4937 (roughly 287 BC by the Earth Calendar), in the Northern Regions capitol of Grantolo. He was the youngest of four children of Greto and Nakipa, both of which were university professors. His father taught advanced chemistry, and his mother was the Dean of the History Department.

It was because of their standing, in Ataran society, that Brunel was even allowed to live. Similar to the Ancient Greek state of Sparta, the Ataran ruling class had decreed that only pur, healthy Ataran children would be allowed to live. Any sign of disability, or impurity of genes, would warrant an immediate termination of life.

For most of the Ataran society, the parents of these unfortunate children rarely had any chance to fight the rule. There were many, though, that would decide to go against to laws and give birth in private, having gone through many steps already to hide the pregnancies. They knew, however, that they could be forced to live private, cautious lives, as they knew, upon discovery, their child would be taken and killed, and they would become members of the slave ranks.

Given that Brunel's patents were high up in society standings, they were able to better hide and protect their son, who had been born with a minor physical deformity, of not possessing the anatomy of vocal cords, thus he was unable to speak. His family worked very hard, to keep him safe.

Growing up, he was surrounded by love and affection. His family was very large, as both sets of his grandparents, each had five children, who in turn, each had five children. The family get-togethers were both frequent and large. Thanks to all of their determined protection of him, here was never a time, in his young life, that he had known pain and heartbreak.

Then the Romulans came...

The invasion happened quickly, with hundreds of green ships suddenly decloaking in orbit of Atara. There was no communication. There was only weapons fire, explosions, and dear.

Colony ships, which had been under construction, to send Atarans to a neighboring system, were quickly revamped as escape vessels., taking in as many Atarans as they could fit.

By the time Brunel had made it to the ship he would leave his home on, all but his mother would be dead by Romulan hand.

After his ship escaped destruction (as only three of ten did), he was placed into his cryostasis chamber, to help extend the life support of the ship, and he went to sleep, thinking that he'd be awoken, by his mother, in possibly only a few months.

Twenty-five hundred years later, when he awoke, he found that nearly everyone he knew on the ship, his mother included, had perished during their very long trip.

Now, an orphan, he must try to find his place in a brand new world.

Shortly after coming aboard the USS Astrea, the Starfleet vessel that discovered the Serenity, Brunel and several others were welcomed aboard for a introduction party with the new races of this current time. At the party, he was introduced to a young girl his own apparent age. Her name was Alexandra Winters, and she was the daughter of two members of the Astrea crew, Nash and Sara.

As the party continued, Brunel quickly started to form a bond with Alex, and they started to converse. He had told her how dangerous it was for him to be among his people, now that his parents were dead. He explained that the ruling class did nor allow any form of disability. He continued to say that, in the past, any child found to be afflicted, in any way, either during gestation or after birth, was terminated immediately. Also, any parents who stood against the rule would be punished harshly.

Over the next few days, as he conversed with more members of the crew, he was offered the choice of requesting asylum, which he did immediately, once he understood what the term meant, as it was a completely alien notion to Ataran society.

After his request had been accepted and processed, the next chapter of his life began. To his pleasant surprise, Alex's parents, Nash and Sara, had put in a request of adoption of him. Like when he was growing up, he felt the undeniable warmth of love and protection again.

After the adoption has been granted, Brunel started to build his new life, with his new family.

Unfortunately, trauma quickly came to their doorstep. Unbeknownst to any of them, along with his vocal cord deformity, he also contained, deep in his genetic structure, another deformity, that caused him to become severely ill when he ate some freshly made pastries. There was an ingredient in the pastry, normally benign to others, that he was deathly allergic to.

For the next week, he was in Sickbay, as the medical staff worked diligently to save his life. Thankfully, they were successful. Unfortunately though, it was discovered that, unless a permanent cure could be found, the treatments he would be forced to endure, would only keep the inevitable at bay for so long.

After hearing about this situation, the Astrea's commanding officer, Captain Remy Johansen, took it upon herself to undertake a secret mission, to obtain former research of hers that had been taken away by Starfleet, following the Synth Ban. He hope, was that the technology and information of her former studies, could be used to save this young boy.

What happens next, is up to fate...