Lieutenant Commander Eirly Andersen
Name Eirly Ingrid Andersen
Position Second Officer
Second Position Chief of Security & Tactical
Rank Lieutenant Commander
Character Information
Gender | Female | |
Species | Human | |
Age | 29 |
Physical Appearance
Height | 5'6 | |
Weight | 66kg | |
Hair Color | White blonde | |
Eye Color | Grey | |
Physical Description | Long light brown streaked white blonde hair that is often braided into two Dutch braids down her back Almond-shaped eyes that are flecked with light hazel in the centre and a darker grey ring around the outside of the iris. A Norse rune is tattooed behind her left ear (TBD) She has a light tan to compliment her streaked hair Several burn scars are visible on each of her forearms |
Spouse | Dating: Dr. Malcolm Beckett | |
Father | Dr. Patrick Andersen (57) - Civilian surgeon | |
Mother | Dr. Ingrid Andersen (55) - Civilian botanist | |
Brother(s) | Ensign Leif Andersen (25) - Security Officer, USS Constitution Lieutenant Gunnar Andersen (27) - Damage Control Specialist, USS California Lieutenant (JG) Kasper Andersen (29 - twin) - Medical Officer, USS Astrea |
Personality & Traits
General Overview | Her first name is pronounced Air-Lee not Ire-Lee Is mostly an extroverted introvert She is more than happy to go toe to toe with the boys in a challenge and won't back down from a fight or an argument Rather intuitive and empathetic Loves her family to pieces and will do anything for them Friendly and easy going manner that promotes a trust and level of confidentiality from her crew mates She is at her happiest when she has been able to get in the kitchen to cook or bake for family and friends |
Strengths & Weaknesses | Strengths: Flexibility gained from years of dancing 94% success rate with sophisticated weapons and bows (mainly used for hunting) Physically fit Conflict resolution Weaknesses: Slight light sensitivity and will occasionally see spots if they are too bright |
Ambitions | Professional: To serve Starfleet as long as they will allow her to Personal: To maybe one day open a little bakery or food store in her hometown Eventually find the romantic love of her life |
Hobbies & Interests | Hobbies: Dancing - ballroom and ballet Baking and cooking Watercolour art designs Interests: Keeping fit to medical standards Keeping up with the latest combat techniques Reading |
Personal History | - Eirlys was born April 12th, 2360 to parents Patrick and Ingrid in Copenhagen, Denmark. - She has a twin brother, Kasper, who is ten minutes older and likes to remind her of it at every possible opportunity. - 2362 saw Eirlys and Kasper become older sister and brother to Gunnar. - 2364 saw Eirlys and Kasper become older sister and brother to Leif. - Attended private schooling between the ages of 5 and 16. - At 16, she decided to drop the 's' from her name and just go by Eirly, even going so far as to get it officially changed. - Finished school with a love of the arts. - When she was growing up, Eirly would often watch her mother in the kitchen as she cooked and developed a love of cooking and baking, going on to win local competitions. - Most weekends and holidays, if not doing activities with her mother, Eirly would spend it outside with her father and brothers on the farm and in the woods, learning to hunt and train in hand-to-hand combat and basic survival/defence techniques. - She was never able to beat Kaspar in any fights they had, but she could often beat Leif when he participated even though he was taller and stronger than her. - Eirly completed an apprenticeship as a baker by the time she was 18 - Worked in local bakeries full time until she was 21 and gained numerous burn scars on her forearms from where her skin had touched the trays while taking them out of the ovens. - A night out with friends saw her confess that she wanted a change in career, to do something different. - Her best friend Mia suggested Starfleet as they had just started recruiting for different positions and she was going to sign up herself. |