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Wed Oct 2nd, 2024 @ 6:28pm

Civilian Tyson Miller

Name Tyson Miller

Position Pilot

Rank Civilian

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human/Betazoid hybrid
Age 28

Physical Appearance

Height 6' 3"
Weight 220 lbs
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Dark brown
Physical Description Tall and wirey, Tyson is stronger than he looks. He has gentle eyes that belie the danger that lurks behind them.

Has a few tattoos on his upper arms and back. Over his heart is a tattoo of a cardinal, with angel wings and the name of his twin brother below it.


Spouse None
Children None
Father Harrison (Starfleet Admiral)(estranged)
Mother Margaret (estranged)
Brother(s) Daniel (twin brother)(deceased)
Sister(s) Mary-Anne (25) (primary school teacher) (still speaks to him, but without their parent's knowledge)
Other Family None

Personality & Traits

General Overview He is a tortured soul. Though he was cleared of any charges for the crash that killed his twin brother, Tyler still blames himself.
Strengths & Weaknesses +expert pilot (shuttles and small craft)
+highly skilled starship pilot
+highly proficient in all forms of small arms weapons known to Starfleet
+expert in hand-to-hand combat

-can drink too much
-when angered, he will lash out in dangerous ways
-will speak his mind when and how his feels like.
-doesn't trust easily
Ambitions Now that his parents have basically disowned him, and Starfleet has drummed him out of the service, all he wants to do is fly anything he can get his hands on. He doesn't care who for, or what the craft is, he just wants to fly.

Also, though he won't admit it to anyone, he hopes he can find someone to spend his life with, so he won't be alone anymore.

Personal History Born in 2361
Service Record 10 July 2379: enrolls in Starfleet Academy

5 August 2379 - 6 June 2383: Attends Starfleet Academy. Majors in Flight Ops, minors in UFP History

7 June 2383: Graduates Starfleet Academy, Third in Class overall, First in Flight Ops. (Ensign)

8 June 2383 - 15 April 2384: Attends Starfleet Starfighter School, Jacksonville, Florida.

15 April 2384: Graduates top of class (promoted to Lt(jg))

16 April 2384 - 2 February 2385: Attends Starfleet Advandced Starfighter School, Devil's Ridge, Deimos, Mars

2 February 2385: Graduates fourth in class

3 February 2385 - 16 Dec 2386: Assigned, USS Ark Royal, 43rd Starfighter Squadron, Beta Squad. (Lt (jg))

18 December 2386 - 14 February 2387: Medical Leave

15 February 2387: Flight status reinstated

16 February 2387 - 3 January 2388: Assigned, Starbase 15, 103rd Starfighter Wing, Alpha Company, Delta Platoon. (Lt (jg)).

4 January 2388 - 10 January 2388: Court martial

10 January 2388: Verdict: Guilty. (Stripped of rank and all clearances, dishonorable discharged, sentenced to 24 months, New Zealand Penal Colony.

4 February 2389: paroled on good behavior

4 February 2389 - PRESENT: Unemployed pilot-for-hire