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Thu Mar 6th, 2025 @ 8:11pm

Lieutenant Phaedrae Cyn

Name Phaedrae Cyn

Position Chief Intelligence Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Trill
Age 40

Physical Appearance

Height 5'4"
Hair Color Dark brown
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Phaedrae is slender and shorter than average height. She has pale skin and lacks the Trill markings as they were surgically removed for a past mission. She wears her long brown hair in double braids. Her off-duty wardrobe is monochromatic and dark.


Spouse None
Children None
Father Fotis: Fotis spent his formidable years as a Master Chef and worked for Starfleet as a civilian. He met his wife, Tasoula, while at a dress-whites dinner hosted in San Francisco, Earth. He was immediately smitten with her and found himself tagging along with her through various assignments. When not in the kitchen, he raised their two children – homeschooling when no educational facilities were available. He followed his wife to the grave shortly after her death. Though heartbreak is not formally on his death certificate, it was clear that his love for her was powerful.
Mother Tasoula: Tasoula worked for Starfleet and was integral in the development of encrypted file transfer systems. As a computer scientist, she also developed various holographic programing techniques which has led to the current state of technology. She died approximately twenty years ago after an abduction attempt went astray. She never recovered from her injuries and, ultimately, succumbed to the injuries.
Brother(s) Killion. Killion is an Engineer in Starfleet. He is eighteen years older than his sister. He remains in contact with her regularly. He was her temporary guardian after the death of their parents, prior to her attendance at Starfleet Academy.
Sister(s) None

Personality & Traits

General Overview If someone is in trouble, Phaedrae is ready to lend a hand. She is strong-willed, independent, observant, and insightful. She doesn’t always have a lot to say, but often delivers her thoughts succinctly, if not bluntly.
Strengths & Weaknesses Once Phaedrae decides on a course of action, it is difficult for her to change her plans. She is blind to her shortcomings and the risk of failure.
Ambitions Phaedrae received an inheritance from an outside party about ten years ago as a return of a favor. She, as well, has several favors to return. After the return of favors, she will retire to her inherited property with her brother and live out her life as a cranky, old woman.
Hobbies & Interests In her youth, Phaedrae was a competitive swimmer. She still enjoys swimming, though recreationally. She enjoys growing various plants using semi-hydroponic techniques. Reading and playing on the holodeck are other activities which she enjoys.

Personal History Phaedrae was a surprise-child born to Fotis and Tosoula many years after they were done trying to have children. Since her older brother was headed out of the home by the time she was born, her youth was that of an only-child and she received a lot of attention from her parents. She excelled in school and was good at making friends when changing homes.

She took dance and swimming lessons as extracurriculars. She liked to swim much more than dance but continued to do both until her early teens. When she was fifteen, she was planet side with her mother when they were attacked. It was an attempt to abduct Tasoula, but it didn’t go as planned. Tasoula was able to escape and was presumed dead by the abductor. Unfortunately, Phaedrae was not able to run far enough away.

Phaedrae was missing for a year. In that time, both of her parents died. She went to live with her brother until leaving for Starfleet Academy.

While at the Academy, she also applied to the Trill Symbiosis Commission. She was accepted to the program and was joined to the Cyn symbiont shortly after her graduation from Starfleet Academy.
Service Record Phaedrae enrolled in the sciences initially at the Academy and found that she enjoyed the thrill of investigating unexpected events more than running long laboratory experiments. She adjusted her focus and found more courses which led her into the field of an intelligence officer.

After leaving the Academy, her first assignments were small and inconsequential, though she continued to learn from her experiences. Over time, she was more involved in larger assignments. She has served on many different Starships through the years as well as going undercover on occasion.