
  • 2 Mission Posts

Last Post

Fri May 31st, 2024 @ 10:39pm


Name Sakor

Position Physician Vulcan/Starfleet Medical Exchange

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Vulcan
Age 47

Physical Appearance

Height 6'1
Weight 185
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Brown


Sister(s) T'lenn

Personality & Traits

General Overview Sakor has a discipline mind that is only just beginning to be carved by wisdom of years that his sister has not yet lived. He is a dedicated physician who believes strongly in the importance of ethical medical practices.
Ambitions He hopes to open up a more free exchange of information between the Vulcan Medical Institute and Starfleet Medical
Hobbies & Interests Chess, Strategema, Kal-toh, pencil sketching

Personal History Raised on Vulcan, he is 14 years older than his sister, T'lenn.
Service Record He attended the Vulcan Science Academy majoring in pre-med, attending medical on Vulcan as well. He did a one year fellowship with Starfleet Medical, and a second one year fellowship with the Interspecies Medical Exchange where he settled in with the Vulcan Medical Institute for much of his career, serving on both medical ships and in hospitals. For the last three years he has been on exchange with Starfleet Medical, serving in their Vulcan Medical Division.