Ensign Wrenleigh Reed
Name Wrenleigh Reed
Position Diplomatic Officer
Rank Ensign
Character Information
Gender | Female | |
Species | Human | |
Age | 31 |
Physical Appearance
Height | 5'8 | |
Weight | 65kg | |
Hair Color | Copper red | |
Eye Color | Blue/Grey | |
Physical Description | - Blue grey eyes that seem to change colour with the weather or her mood - She has naturally tanned light brown skin with a slight smattering of freckles everywhere - Mid-length, long layered copper hair that is usually kept to a loose bun on duty or loose and tucked behind her ears when off-duty - A tiny tattoo of a mountain range is behind her left ear, and a palm tree is on the inside of her right ankle - A 7cm scar runs horizontally just above her right hip |
Father | Commander Johnathan G. Reed (69) - Retired, Ambassador | |
Mother | Dr. Laura W. Reed (62) - Physician, Massachuesetts General Hospital | |
Brother(s) | 1st Lieutenant Evan J. Reed (33) - Marine Executive Officer, USS Athena Lieutenant Tanner H. Reed (33) - Chief Flight Control Officer, USS Athena |
Other Family | Various aunts and uncles serving Starfleet that are located within the Alpha and Delta quadrants |
Personality & Traits
General Overview | - Some people may say she is slightly up herself, but it comes down to the fact that Wren can put on different personalities depending on who she's talking to and the situation she's in - Her slight British accent is derived from the fact that she spent so long in London in her youth, and this is something she is proud of - She is goal orientated and focus driven and will get to where she needs to go sooner than everyone else - Enjoys a good glass of wine, a sad movie and the company of just herself |
Strengths & Weaknesses | Strengths - Highly skilled in negotiations and analytical thinking - Knowledge of past and current political situations - Enjoys being highly organised in her every aspect of her life Neither strength nor weakness - Empathetic - Quiet yet extremely observant when required or needed Weaknesses - There can be times where she will second guess her actions and emotions, making sure she's not disappointing anyone with how she carries herself professionally and personally. - A good homemade pasta dish - Has been known to seemingly disappear in crowds |
Ambitions | Personal - To make her family proud and become a part of the family legacy of Diplomats in Starfleet Professional - To continually learn all there is to know in order to become the best diplomat she can be - Eventually rise through the ranks to become a highly respected Ambassador for the UFP, like her father |
Hobbies & Interests | Hobbies - Kayaking - Archery - Writing Interests - Ancient History - Learning new languages |