Ethan Mercer

Name Ethan Mercer

Position Past Crewmember

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 29

Physical Appearance

Height 5'10''
Weight 185 lbs
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Green
Physical Description Ethan has a somewhat chiseled build with a few scars on his body. He tends to keep his hair cut short and sports mild facial hair.


Spouse None
Children None
Father Damien Mercer
Mother Victoria Mercer
Brother(s) None
Sister(s) None
Other Family Evelyn Mercer - Paternal grandmother

Personality & Traits

General Overview Ethan's personality is a blend of resilience, compassion, and quiet determination, shaped by a tumultuous past and tempered by years of service in Starfleet. Despite enduring the trauma of his father's criminal activities, Ethan emerged with a steadfast commitment to Starfleet principles, primarily integrity and honor. Though these values were first instilled in him by his grandmother, his personal dedication to his duties have earned him the reputation a natural leader.

Underneath his stoic exterior, Ethan is a rather torn individual. He naturally possesses a warmth and kindness that endears him to those around him, but at the same time, he also grapples with lingering social anxiety, stemming from his past experiences, which makes it difficult for him to form deep emotional connections and navigate relationships. Despite these challenges, Ethan remains determined to confront his inner demons and emerge stronger on the other side.
Strengths & Weaknesses +Analytical Mind
+Leadership Skills
+Compassion and Empathy

-Social Anxiety
-Trust Issues
-Workaholic Tendancies
Ambitions Ethan's ambitions are deeply rooted in his desire to overcome his past traumas and make a meaningful impact on the universe around him. While there is a small part of him that is eager to explore the far reaches of the galaxy, his ambitions have evolved to encompass a more personal journey of self-discovery and healing.
Hobbies & Interests One of Ethan's favorite pastimes is learning about the politics and economics behind the major wars of various cultures. While it wasn't something he wanted to get into professionally, he enjoyed learning about it as a hobby. You can find him reading and researching, sometimes even observing and participating in holodeck recreations of said battles.

Personal History Pre Starfleet-

Ethan Mercer spent his formative years on the human colony of New Avalon, where his family's status was both a source of pride and a burden. His parents were deeply entrenched in the colony's political and law enforcement circles, and while they provided for Ethan materially, their demanding roles left little time for familial warmth. In his early adolescence, he faced a dark chapter of his life, where he learned firsthand of his father's connections to the criminal underworld of New Avalon. He'd been implicated in a murder scandal, but despite mounting evidence against him, the investigation was buried and swept under the carpet. Ethan knew very little of his father's dealings, but what bits and pieces he did know, terrified him.

With his family paying little attention to him, it was Ethan's grandmother, who played a pivotal role in shaping his destiny instead. A former Starfleet officer herself, she had served alongside Ethan's late grandfather and shared with him countless tales of their adventures among the stars. Her stories kindled a deep-seated longing in Ethan's heart, igniting a desire to follow in their footsteps and explore the cosmos.

Unlike his parents, Ethan's grandmother offered him not only guidance but also unwavering support for his dreams of space exploration. Recognizing his potential, she reached out to an old friend and retired Starfleet admiral, William Bradford, who had once served as Ethan's grandfather's first officer. Admiral Bradford, deeply moved by Ethan's determination and inspired by his family's legacy, agreed to sponsor Ethan's application to Starfleet Academy. With his grandmother's assistance, Ethan made the necessary arrangements to leave New Avalon and begin his journey towards a future among the stars. Determined to chart his own course and distance himself from his father's shadow, Ethan made the difficult decision to leave New Avalon without his parents' knowledge. With a heavy heart, he bid farewell to his grandmother and quietly departed from the colony, his mind filled with anticipation for the adventures that lay ahead.

It was during this period of self-discovery that Ethan's affinity for operations management emerged. He was captivated by the intricate dance of logistics, resource allocation, and problem-solving required to keep a starship running smoothly. While he admired the daring exploits of Starfleet's security and science officers, Ethan found his true calling in the behind-the-scenes work of ensuring that every mission had the best possible chance of success. For Ethan, becoming an Operations officer wasn't just about starting fresh—it was about embracing a role where he could make a tangible difference, where his meticulous attention to detail and strategic thinking could contribute to the greater good. He saw in Starfleet's operations department not only a chance to explore the stars but also a chance to forge his own path, untethered from the burdens of his past.

As he prepared to leave New Avalon and embark on his Starfleet journey, Ethan carried with him his grandmother's wisdom, her stories serving as a guiding light in the darkness of uncertainty. With each step forward, he was determined to honor her legacy and to chart a course toward a future filled with adventure, camaraderie, and the boundless possibilities of the cosmos.

Starfleet Academy-

Ethan's journey at Starfleet Academy was a tumultuous yet transformative chapter in his life. Arriving with a sense of determination and purpose, he quickly immersed himself in the rigorous academic and practical training required of future Starfleet officers.

One of the highlights of Ethan's time at the Academy was his relationship with Sarah Lawson, a fellow cadet whose intellect and passion for exploration matched his own. Their connection blossomed into a serious relationship, with dreams of serving together aboard a starship after graduation. However, as the demands of their training intensified, so too did the strain on their relationship. In the end, they realized that their paths diverged, and they amicably parted ways, each focused on their own future within Starfleet.

Academically, Ethan was not the top student in his class, but he consistently ranked near the top, thanks to his sharp mind and relentless work ethic. He excelled in his engineering and operations courses, earning praise from his instructors for his ability to think critically and adapt to new challenges.

However, Ethan's time at the Academy was not without its trials. Early in his training, it became known that his father was involved in secretive dealings, and Ethan found himself embroiled in a heated altercation with a fellow cadet during a training exercise. The incident escalated to the point where Ethan's future at the Academy hung in the balance, with expulsion looming as a very real possibility.

Fortunately, Ethan's fortunes took a turn when he found an unexpected ally in the Academy's commandant, who recognized his potential and believed in his ability to learn from his mistakes. Through the commandant's intervention and Ethan's own determination to prove himself, he was given a second chance to continue his training. The incident served as a wake-up call for Ethan, prompting him to redouble his efforts and approach his studies and training with renewed focus and discipline. With the support of his instructors and peers, he embraced the challenges of Academy life, determined to prove that he was worthy of wearing the Starfleet uniform.

As he progressed through the ranks of Starfleet Academy, Ethan forged lasting friendships, honed his leadership skills, and gained invaluable practical experience through simulated missions and field exercises. By the time graduation day arrived, he emerged as a confident and capable officer, ready to embark on the next chapter of his journey among the stars.


Ethan's Starfleet career began aboard the USS Horizon, where he started his journey as an Ensign, eager to prove himself to his new crew. On the Horizon, he quickly distinguished himself as a skilled operations officer, overseeing critical ship systems and ensuring smooth operation during routine patrols and exploration missions. While many would consider this assignment a rather boring affair, given that many officers passed through the ship as young ensigns. It was Ethan's meticulous attention to detail that kept him as a prime example to new cadets coming aboard.

Though his time aboard the Horizon was longer than most promotion still beckoned, leading Ethan to Starbase 12, where he served as Assistant Chief Operations Officer. It was here that he got his first taste of command AND faced his first major crisis when the starbase came under attack by an unknown enemy force, which came at the latter part of his tenure at 12. In the chaos of battle, Ethan assumed command of the operations center, coordinating the defense efforts and directing emergency repairs to critical systems. It was an incredibly rare feat, given his position as only an assistant department head, but the circumstances of him taking command were about as slim as the crew determining who the assailants were. Though the odds were clearly not in his favor, Ethan relied on his training and gall in rallying the crew to repel the attackers, earning him recognition for his bravery and quick thinking in the heat of battle.

Ethan's journey would continue, as a Chief level position opened up on a Starship deep out in the galaxy. He'd decided that when the time was right, he was going to go for it and he was transferred to the USS Astrea.
Service Record Starfleet Academy

USS Horizon

Starbase 12

USS Astrea