
  • 3 Mission Posts

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Mon Feb 10th, 2025 @ 12:22am

Lieutenant JG Isabella Rodriguez

Name Isabella Teresa Rodriguez

Position Chief Support Craft Pilot

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 28

Physical Appearance

Height 5'6"
Weight 145 ib.
Hair Color Dark Brown
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Bella is a fit Latina with brown shoulder-length hair and she keeps in a neat ponytail of braid. She carries herself with confidence and has a smile that lights up the room.


Spouse None
Children None
Father Rafaela Rodriguez
Mother Esmeralda Rodriguez
Brother(s) Hector, Diego and Emiliano Rodriguez
Other Family Bella has a large extended family.

Personality & Traits

General Overview Isabella or (Bella to her friends) is a kind energetic person, whose positive attitude is contagious. She's an excellent pilot and navigator, she tends to speak her mind and has a wicked sense of humor.
Strengths & Weaknesses +She has an outgoing positive attitude. She's an excellent pilot and thinks on her feet.

-She's impulsive and has a temper
Hobbies & Interests Martial arts, Space racing and Parkour.

Personal History Bella is the youngest of four children. Being the only girl and being close to her brothers she has taken up a number of their hobbies including martial arts, space racing and parkour. Father Rafaela worked in R&D for Beta Antares ShipYards. When Bella was young a clan of Quath'Mar (a tribal group of spacefaring nomads) approached the Shipyard to have several of their vessels refitted, in return they allowed the Federation to study their ships. Rafaela and his family traveled with one of Quath'Mar's vessels for five years. Bella and her brothers learned to pilot space vessels and basic engineering from the Quath'Mar.