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Mon Sep 23rd, 2024 @ 3:59am

Civillian Dekon Lera

Name Dekon Lera

Position Holistic Physician/Horticulturist

Rank Civillian

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Bajoran
Age 35

Physical Appearance

Height 5'6"
Weight 140 ib.
Hair Color brown
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Lera’s active lifestyle keeps her fit, she tends to dress casually keeping her shoulder-length hair in a tight bun. She wears the Bajoran earring out of tradition more than belief.


Spouse Romara Hassa (deceased)
Children Dekon Elig (8 year old boy)
Father Dekon Truk
Mother Dekon Mardah

Personality & Traits

General Overview Lera is a holistic medicine practitioner and Horticulturist in the Bajoran tradition, she’s a consultant for Starfleet Medical and an authority on medicinal plants. Lera has a relaxed manner and doesn’t stand on ceremony. Though she has three doctorates she rarely insists on being referred to as Doctor Dekon.
Strengths & Weaknesses + Lera's greatest strengths lie in her self-reliance and her ability to effectively communicate her knowledge and expertise to others. Her deep understanding of plant life and holistic healing practices makes her an invaluable resource to both her community and Starfleet Medical.

- However, Lera's tendency to prioritize the needs of others above her own can sometimes be a weakness. She often neglects her own well-being in favor of caring for those around her, and her relaxed demeanor may occasionally be mistaken for indifference or lack of ambition.
Ambitions Lera's primary ambition is to continue her work in advancing the field of botanical medicine and to further integrate traditional Bajoran healing practices into modern medical research. She hopes to inspire future generations to reconnect with the natural world and to recognize the profound healing potential found in the plants that grow around them.
Hobbies & Interests Outside of her work, Lera finds joy and relaxation in spending time in her garden, tending to her plants and communing with nature. She also enjoys sharing her knowledge with others through teaching and writing, and she frequently participates in community events and workshops focused on holistic health and wellness.

Personal History Lera Dekon was born into a family deeply rooted in Bajoran traditions and beliefs. From a young age, she developed a profound connection with nature and a keen interest in the healing properties of plants. Growing up on the serene plains of Bajor, she spent her days exploring the fields and forests, learning about the various flora and their medicinal uses from her father, Dekon Truk, who was a respected herbalist in their community.

As she grew older, Lera's passion for horticulture and holistic medicine only intensified. She dedicated herself to studying the ancient texts and teachings of Bajoran healers, honing her skills in plant cultivation and natural remedies. Her expertise caught the attention of Starfleet Medical, and she was invited to serve as a consultant, sharing her knowledge of medicinal plants with the broader scientific community.
Despite her academic achievements, Lera remained humble and grounded, preferring to be addressed by her given name rather than any professional titles. She found solace and fulfillment in tending to her garden, where she cultivated a vast array of herbs and botanicals used in traditional Bajoran medicine.

Tragedy struck when her beloved spouse, Romara Hassa, passed away unexpectedly, leaving Lera to raise their son, Dekon Elig, on her own. Despite the heartache, she remained resilient, pouring her love and energy into caring for her son and nurturing her thriving garden. Overall, Lera Dekon is a compassionate healer, a devoted mother, and a passionate advocate for the healing power of nature. Through her work and her teachings, she leaves a lasting impact on those she encounters, inspiring others to embrace the wisdom of the natural world.