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Wed Oct 2nd, 2024 @ 6:28pm

Lieutenant JG Xalanth

Name Xalanth

Position Assistant Chief Tactical Officer

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Dragonian
Age 27

Physical Appearance

Height 6’0
Weight 180 Lbs.
Hair Color None but his head is covered with red scaly spikes.
Eye Color Yellow
Physical Description Xalanth is a typical dragonian. The red scales that run along his whole upright body and to the tip of his reptilian raptor-like head. The gold bonding band sitting on his wrist draws a lot of attention. He has the face of a predator but the sole of a sheep dog.


Spouse T'para,Leilani, Zola, Fulvia
Children Yazar. (T’para)
Travla. (Leilani)
Cemet (Zola)
Lersi (Fulvia)
Amrar (T’para)
Antistia (Leilani)
Lwiari (Fulvia)
Father Zigarth
Mother Sq'Pascia,Shivninth,Emrass,Chirio,Aygoris,Nozzentanth,Darsida
Brother(s) Olith,Bramanth and Caroth.
Sister(s) Tirith,Canel and Lithall.
Other Family T'Aral. (sister in law.)
Golan Grik (father in law)
Rwistron Udroitil (mother in law)
Marcus Visellius Albucius (father in law)
Vibia Flacca (mother in law)

Personality & Traits

General Overview Xalanth is a strange life form. The only one of his kind to join starfleet, he looks out of place in a Starfleet uniform. An upright species of lizards that evolution has built to be the ultimate desert survivors. He bares the look of one who has seen many horrors and overcome all of them. Yet this is a face one looks up and knows they can trust.
Strengths & Weaknesses Xalanth is skilled with firearms, close combat and has training as a field medic. Like all his species he has amazing regenerative abilities able to regrow lost limbs in a matter of weeks to months depending on the injury.

Being a reptile he is very weak to cold.
He has a deadly allergic reaction to orion pheromones.
If he has any weakness, it’s his wives and children. Xalanth will do anything to protect them.
Ambitions Xalanth hopes to be a good father and hopefully have his own starship one day.
Hobbies & Interests Xalanth spends most of his free time talking with his mates and their children. When he has free time of his own he enjoys flying a yavern on the holodeck as well as keeping his skills sharp.

Personal History Xalanth like all of his species was born on the hot desert world of his home as it systems twin suns scorched the hot sand. What marked him as special is he came from one of the decoy eggs placed outside of the incubator. His survival was a time of great happiness for his family as they brought him back to the tribes crawler which roamed the planet's vast desert harvesting the great beast that roamed them as they had done for millenniums.

On his name day, he was brought to the sacred mountain deep in the desert and given the name Xalanth after the mighty warrior who had started the rebellion that freed his people from the kings of dragonia.

On his tenth birthday like all of his clutch, he was inducted into the dragonan legion. A few years after he was initiated his people came under attack from the Yor an unknown race of robots. He barely survived the war unlike the thousands of others his species only surviving by turning the Yor’s organic bio ships against them putting an end to the bloody

Little more than a few days after the end of the war his people encountered the federation for the first time. It did not go well as the federation ships captain fired on the approaching dragonain ships after mistaking the dragonain greeting of approaching with partly powered-up weapons as a sign of attack. The three organic dragonain ships overpowered the federation ship and it’s crew captive.

Thankfully a war was avoided and the dragonians left to rebuild their damaged worlds. Xalanth unfortunately wasn’t so lucky having been killed by a federation torpedo hit on his ship and then reviving on the table. Believed to be a member of the living dead and that he was cursed by the ancestors his people he had to leave the legion.

With very little prospects he had only one real choice and that was bounty hunting along the federation/dragonain border. On one such job he encountered another federation crew hunting the same criminal. The captain was impressed by the young reptile’s skills and offered to sponsor him for Starfleet. He applied to join starfleet but found it hard to work with what he considered the very lacks rules of the academy given how he’d been brought up.

He hated life at the academy finding the lifestyle far different from his own with the lack of military discipline clashing with his own beliefs. Worse was the constant attention from the councillors who thought they wanted to help just made his nightmares worse.

Just as it looked like he would be kicked due to low grades and a fight he has with other cadets he encountered a half vulcan who changed his life.

During a terrorist incident in which the San Francisco police asked for backup from the academy. Xalanth was one cadet who volunteered wanting any excuse to get out of the academy and preferably a chance to shoot something.

Whilst out on patrol he got paired with a group of medical students one of whom happened to be a certain hybrid called T’para. Despite the situation, the two found each other's company to be quite nice and after the event the two started seeing each other. Xalanth couldn't help, but fall in love with the hybrid though he couldn't find the courage to tell her.

Only with the help of the prospect of him dying again gave him said courage. After being seriously hurt in an accident with another cadet during zero g training he finally worked up the courage to tell her how he felt. Much to his surprise she admitted sharing the same feelings.

Vowing to put his life back on track he did so much to the surprise of the academy staff. Though he and T’para tried to keep their feeling under control they ended up having sex before they were medically cleared. Though they suffered no side effects they both had a blotch on their records.

Through T’para the lizard met her best friend Leilani who the lizard became close to. He found the betazoid compassion and willingness to understand him to rival T’para and began to realise she was another part of his soul. Much to his surprise and delight his present for Christmas from T’para was a threesome between the three. All of them enjoyed it and decided to keep the relationship that way.

Xalanth wasn’t finished in the realm of love and with the new nickname Tiberius it wouldn't surprise anyone when he ended up with another mate. Zola was a member of the academy's swim team and a good friend to T’para and Leilani. Xalanth being his usual clueless self needed his mates to tell him that the young intelligence cadet clearly liked him.

This was confirmed when Zola kissed him much to his shock. In the emotional confrontation that followed Zola admitted she loved Xalanth though she had been told by Federation intelligence to watch him.

Xalanth comforted her and told her he didn’t blame her for following orders and asked her to be his honesty.

Xalanth managed to pass from the academy with honors much to the surprise and delight of the staff and at the graduation ceremony asked the three girls in his life if they’d join him as his mates. They all said yes.

Sadly a short while after their bonding ceremony the group was split with Zola being assigned as an intelligence operative on one of the outgoing

On his first assignment, he and T'para found that they would be parents and nine months later became parents to Yazar the first dragonian hybrid. She was followed by Travla the second hybrid with Leilani. Much to his family's shock even Zola informed them via long-distance communication that she was pregnant giving birth to a third hybrid a few months later that they called Cemet.

After this Xalanth was assigned to work with a federation intelligence agent Fulvia. Given the mission was in gorn space he was altered Though the two butted heads at first over the course of the operation they became close. When the operation went pear-shaped Xalanth managed to get them both out of there and back to federation space.

Xalanth stayed with Fulvia through her recovery from her injuries and when she was better asked to join him as his fourth mate. She accepted much to his joy.

To make his life even better over the next year each of his mates gave him another daughter as Travla, Lersi and Amrar joined the family.

As much as he would like to take time to celebrate his family the lizard life was flung into action once more. When the Romulan evacuation plan began Xalanth was assigned to the hood. As they arrived on Verth G41 to evacuate the small Romulan farming colony the red lizard stumbled onto the colony's dark secret. The primitive native race of the planet they had been using for slave labour. When the lizard informed the admiral in charge of this mission he was shocked that he told them to leave them behind. Xlanth on the other had refused and beamed them into the cargo bay even though it did get him chucked in the brig.

This got him sent back to Fleet One just as the Mars attack happened. Xalanth volunteered to join the rescue teams and was with one of the security elements to arrive. He saw some of the heaviest fighting losing one of his arms in the process.

After some much-needed R&R and time with his family, he is ready for duty.

Service Record 2377: First contact with the dragonian. A brief border fight ends three months later.

2378: Xalanth joins and applies for Starfleet Academy.

238: Writes a brief history of the dragonian people for starfleet records.

2382: Graduates the academy awarded most improved student award.

2382: Assigned to USS Strangelove

2386: Assigned to USS San Fransico.

2387: Awarded the medal of gallantry for services in retaking the ship from hostile forces.

2388: Awarded Christopher Pike Medal of Valor for actions on Mars.