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Wed Oct 2nd, 2024 @ 6:28pm

Sub-Lieutenant Osirin Acainus

Name Osirin Pater Acainus

Position Chief Counselor

Rank Sub-Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Akadian
Age 25

Physical Appearance

Height 5'5'
Weight 130
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Green
Physical Description Osirin would never consider himself physically intimidating, and no one outside his home world would either. He doesn’t pretend to be either At 5’5” he is on the short side for males of most other humanoid races. However, he is about average sized for someone from his homeworld. All of his one hundred and thirty pounds is muscle.

Except for a white meadow’s peak, his hair is black. It is worn a little longer than a Starfleet officer but not overly so. It is naturally wavy. The right side is longer than the left, framing his face and falling past his shoulder, while the left falls above his earlobes.

His eyes are one of his most striking and noticeable features. They are the color of the fallen needles on a forest floor. They are somewhat larger than a human’s and have a feral appearance. He is able to see in dim or reduced lighting as well as in bright light, though he cannot see in total darkness.

His uniform is different from a Starfleet uniform. It is black with silver trim around the collar, wrists, and along the outside of his arms. When not in uniform he tends to wear casual clothing in a variety of colors.


Spouse None
Children None he is aware of
Father Ian Acainus (adoptive) 63
Mother Leiana (adoptive) 65
Brother(s) Theo 35, Garrick 32, Dagon 18
Sister(s) Miriamar 30, Rashell 18
Other Family Unknown biological parents, various uncles, aunts, and cousins.

Personality & Traits

General Overview Osirin was an orphan on a world where family is significant and determines social status, influence, and even what profession one can go into. He was abandoned when he was a mere infant, which has affected his outlook on life. Not being part of a family made him, in the eyes of his people, part of the lowest caste.

He feels called to serve a greater purpose in life. Thoughtful and idealistic he strives to have a positive impact on other people and the world around him. He rarely shies away from an opportunity to do the right thing, even when doing so is far from easy.

His passion and charisma allow him to inspire others not just in their careers but in every arena of their lives, including their relationships. Few things bring Osirin a deeper sense of joy and fulfillment than guiding friends and loved ones to grow into their best selves.

He possesses the unique ability to remain hopeful in the face of difficulties, always remembering that there is something to be grateful for.

He is a very strong empath and a moderately strong telepath. That means that he has to keep up a strong mental shield around him, to keep from being overwhelmed by people’s emotions. He can easily read surface thoughts or intentions, but to read anything deeper, he has to touch someone. But, he isn’t strong enough to read thoughts that are too deep or they want to keep hidden. Like other telepathic beings, he isn’t at least under most circumstances, going to try to read people’s thoughts without their permission

Speaking Up for What’s Right
He tends to be vocal about his values, including authenticity and altruism. When something strikes them as unjust or wrong, they speak up. But they rarely come across as brash or pushy, as their sensitivity and insight guide them to speak in ways that resonate with others.

He has not only an uncanny ability to pick up on people’s underlying motivations and beliefs but also a knack for understanding how others are feeling just by looking at them. At times, Osirin may not even understand how he came to grasp another person’s mind and heart so quickly. These flashes of insight can make him an incredibly persuasive and inspiring communicator.

He possesses an innate sense of justice and an unwavering commitment to standing up against what he perceives as wrong.

Osirin’s secret weapon is his purity of intent. Generally speaking, he is motivated by a sincere wish to do the right thing rather than a desire to manipulate or have power over other people. Even when he disagrees with someone, he searches for common ground. The result is that he can communicate with an eloquence and sensitivity that is nearly impossible to ignore – particularly when they speak about matters that are close to their hearts.
Getting Involved

He is a genuine, caring person who talks and walks the walk. Nothing makes him happier than motivating others to do what’s right. sometimes at any cost. The good news is that many people are grateful for this assistance and advice. After all, there’s a reason that he has a reputation for helping others improve their lives.

But getting involved in other people’s problems isn’t always a recipe for success.

Osirin tends to have a clear vision of what people can or should do to better themselves, but not everyone is ready to make those changes. If he pushes too hard, his loved ones may feel resentful or unfairly judged. And while he is known for being insightful, he may sometimes misread a situation or unwittingly give bad advice.

Leading the Way
Osirin is a devoted altruist, ready to face slings and arrows to stand up for the people and ideas that he believes in. This strength of conviction bolsters his ability to guide others to work together in service of the greater good.

But their greatest gift might be leading by example. In their day-to-day lives, Osirin reveals how seemingly ordinary situations can be handled with compassion, dedication, and care. For him, even the smallest daily choices and actions – from how he spends his off-duty time, to what he says to a coworker who is struggling – can become an opportunity to lead the way to a brighter future.

Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths
Receptive – Osirin has strong opinions, but he is far from closed-minded. He recognizes the importance of allowing others to express himself fully. Even when he doesn’t agree with someone, he recognizes that person’s right to voice their truth.

Reliable – Few things bother Osirin more than the prospect of letting down a person or cause that he believes in. He can be counted on to see his promises and responsibilities through – even when it’s difficult to do so.

Passionate – He brims with interests, and he takes great pleasure in pursuing his hobbies – whether that’s hiking, cooking, dancing, or something else entirely. As a result, he rarely finds himself at a loss for something interesting to do.

Altruistic – Osirin is known for harboring a deep desire to be a force for positive change in both his personal life and his professional pursuits. His unwavering inclination toward fairness often compels him to advocate for those who are unable to do so for themselves. His joy lies in seeing those around him thrive, making his altruism heartfelt and sincere.

Charismatic – Determined and inspiring, Osirin often finds his way into leadership roles. He excels at engaging in conversation, captivating people’s attention, and rallying people together toward a common goal. He also has a profound capacity for empathy that oftentimes causes the people he comes across to feel truly seen and valued, further bolstering his natural allure.

Physically he has the agility of a world-class Olympic Terran athlete

He is highly intuitive, which means he tends to be good at gut reactions.

Unrealistic – He can put pressure on himself to right every wrong that he encounters. But no matter how hard these personalities try, it just isn’t realistic for him to solve all of the world’s problems. If he isn’t careful, he can spread himself too thin – and be left unable to help anyone.

Overly Idealistic – He tends to have clear ideas about what’s right and what’s wrong. He often thinks that everyone shares these fundamental principles – or, at least, that everyone should share these principles. So it can come as a genuine shock to Osirin when people violate his core values, such as truth or justice.

Condescending – He enjoys teaching others, particularly about the causes and beliefs that matter so much to him. But at times, Osirin's attempts to “enlighten” others may come across as patronizing – not the most effective strategy for persuading other people, unfortunately.

Intense – When it comes to self-improvement, he is rarely short on energy or determination. But he may not recognize that not everyone shares these qualities. At times, he may push others to make changes that they aren’t ready for – or simply aren’t interested in making in the first place.

Overly Empathetic – Compassion is among Osirin’s greatest strengths. But he has a tendency to take on other people’s problems as his own – a habit that can leave him emotionally and physically exhausted.

Physically he is as strong as an average Terran female. Like Vulcans and Romulans, he has a copper-based blood system and is susceptible to the same disease and conditions they would be.

He is not good at analytical skills, hard sciences, or higher math.

He is unfamiliar with the Federation culture and to a certain extent the language, which means he sometimes will make inappropriate comments, or cross up his idioms.

Ambitions To learn more about the Federation, to be an excellent example of what an Akadian should be to Starfleet To someday return to his homeworld with a seat on the Council.

To find love with someone

To explore new realms and learn new skills.
Hobbies & Interests He is a good poker player, not because he cheats by reading people’s minds (he’s competitive, but not that competitive) but, because he’s good at reading people’s tells, he has an excellent poker face, and he bluffs really, really well. He also enjoys and is good at darts, pool, and other sports that require good hand-eye coordination. Another interest of his is staff fighting.

Additionally, he likes extreme sports

His favorite activity is spending time in the holodeck something he had little experience with when he was on Akadian ships

Personal History Osirin was born on November 1, 2364, in the Terran calendar. Growing up, he often imagined that hither came from one of the families that sit on the Ruling Council and that his mother was a caring soul, who perhaps died when he was born. Both of those hypotheses might be true, but such teenager's thoughts are improbable and unlikely.

No one knows for certain, because he was left on the steps of an orphanage, in the city of Madean, one of the few cities on the equator. He spent the first twelve years of his life in the orphanage and those were tough years because, like the rest of the kids there, he had no family.

There was rarely any physical abuse from the staff, there were even some who genuinely cared. Most were indifferent at best and there was a minority that emotionally put the kids through the ringer.

The physical abuse came from the other kids. It was infrequent, but when it happened it could be quite violent. Osirin learned how to defend himself and is quite capable of hand-to-hand combat (weapons, not so much) However, he became far more adept at using his words to defend himself.

When he could he would meditate and while he never developed a strong telepathic ability he did become a strong empath but his greatest psychic skill is his ability to shield his mind from other’s probing.

He was adopted by the Acainus family when he was thirteen and things became both easier and harder at the same time. Easier because they were a loving family that accepted him for who he was, unconditionally, but harder, because they were Shnobi

That meant he lived a simpler life. It wasn’t totally devoid of technology, but the emphasis was on self-reliance, a simpler lifestyle, and being a perfectionist in every area of one’s life. He also picked up infiltration and other skills that were considered questionable.

It was a happier time for him for sure. There was no abuse. He now had a family name. He even got to do some normal teenage things like go to school, have his first dance, his first kiss, his first boyfriend, his adoptive family there for his graduation and more.

One of the best things the family did for him was to provide him counseling because of the things he had been through

Those questionable skills made him a prime candidate for the Intel track at the Akadian Academy, and he did take a few classes, but he knew almost as much as his instructors and he quickly grew bored. He almost washed out. However, one of his professors saw potential in him because of his gift for gab and his ability to think on his feet So he transferred to the diplomatic school.

He started his career on the WTA Storm, which was more of a patrol vehicle that did little exploration outside their known territory or with people they had dealings with before. He was there for eighteen months before he was promoted to Sub-Lieutenant and was transferred to the WTA Vanguard, which was a true exploration ship. A year ago, that ship made first contact with the USS Enterprise. It was a chance encounter, but one that opened up possibilities.

Akadia is interested in joining the Federation and the Federation is interested in having them become a part. The official reason is that it is a planet rich in natural resources that needs protection, but there are those, on both sides, that would like to exploit the relationship.

An officer exchange program has been started and Osirin is one of three officers that have been sent to Federation vessels.

Service Record Akadian Academy 2382-2386

WTA Storm 2386-2388

WTA Vanguard 2388-2389

USS Astrea 2389-Present