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Thu Jan 30th, 2025 @ 7:19pm

Ensign Awidat

Name Awidat

Position Past Crewmember

Rank Ensign

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 22

Physical Appearance

Height 1,70m
Weight 65Kg
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Almond
Physical Description A young woman with golden dark skin and a buzzcut. Her ears are generally covered with headphones or a scarf. She has an acrobatic body type.


Spouse N/A.
Children N/A.
Father N/A.
Mother Mitrani and T’Amar
Brother(s) N/A.
Sister(s) N/A.
Other Family Godparent: Dandara.

Personality & Traits

General Overview Though she may pass an awkward image, she doesn’t care about how she is perceived. Awidat is loyal to people she has grown accustomed to. She is reserved, transparent and passionate about the world that surrounds her. She is fascinated by the evolutionary dance between predator and prey, and even more so by death.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths: Focused, Creative problem-solving, calm at critical moments and has vulcan logic training.

Weaknesses: Communication issues, lack of social awareness, stubborn and can be insubordinate if she disagrees enough.
Ambitions She craves to seek knowledge. She cares very little for ranks, status or popularity.
Hobbies & Interests She enjoys playing a variety of human card games like Poker and Blackjack, and occasionally ventures into Chess, Checkers and Kriegsspiel. At the moment, she is focused on a project to build a perfect predator, though it isn't her plan to make it come to life.

Personal History Minerva, her biological mother, had her mental health decrease and had lost capacity to take care of her child. After being reported, she was soon institutionalized in a mental health center. Since Awidad was raised in isolation without close relatives, she was adopted by a prestigious Vulcan family, who was closely involved in the investigation.

Mitrani, a Psychiatrist interested in the human mind, and T’Amar, a Security Officer on Earth’s Vulcan embassy, were the new components of her family. After the adoption, they decided to raise Awidat on Vulcan to connect to her through culture, shared values and language. While she adapted well to Vulcan Logic and Stoicism, Mitrani came to the conclusion that it was only logical that she had an Earth reference as well - This led to hiring Dandara, a human educator and Iyalorisa to nurture her ancestry, weaving a beautiful tapestry of a rich cultural background with two complimentary threads.

The name Awidat - or Vakh Wi Datoralik, in Golic Vulcan - Was chosen by Mitrani by her daughter’s wish to transition to a female identity while praising her newfound culture in the Vulcan world. The name stands for ‘Bold, yet Prepared’, and the name was chosen to fit her personality in the face of a harsh and logical society she conquered a place in.

She had trouble socializing with others until she entered the Vulcan Sciences Academy, where she found her T’Hy’La, or in human terms, a friend. T’Kin was fascinated with the integration of a human in such a demanding society and often seeked to partake in her researches. Their bond was so strong that when Awidat experienced non-verbal episodes due to Autism, they would mind-meld to continue to work on their projects.
She was assigned to T’Vria as a Cadet and excelled as a field researcher and xenobiologist, though she didn’t fall short on other areas when needed. In one mission, she rescued a particular species of a Two-Headed Viper on the dual-planet system Pollux and Castor, shortly before their first great extinction event. The Viper, properly named Hadok - meaning two-life, in Vulcan - is currently under her care as a subject of study - and a pet.

After graduation, Awidat was advised by her Godmother Dandara to request a transfer to Starfleet to pursue and care for her Earther side as well, though, due to the religious nature of the request, she decided not to reveal her motives and respect the tradition of the Vulcan Silences. Interestingly enough, T’Vria had an encounter with a hostile alien ship and was left with no survivors.

Service Record 2385: Entered Vulcan Academy.
2388: Assigned to VSS T’Vria, Cadet.
2389: Graduated Vulcan Academy, requested for a transfer to Starfleet.
2389: Assigned to USS Astrea, Ensign.