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Mon Feb 10th, 2025 @ 12:22am

Lieutenant Daynah Ral

Name Daynah Ral

Position Chief Operations Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Trill Joined
Age 39

Physical Appearance

Height 5'10"
Weight 126 lbs
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description A tall statuesque beauty, she is soft spoken and curt. She is exceptionally lithe and knows eight different forms of martial arts including Aikido and the Mok Bara. She rarely keeps her hair down, as she rather enjoys showing off her spots.


Spouse Never Married
Children None
Father Anjol Sanj
Mother Saft Sanj
Brother(s) Petty Officer Third Class Morol Sanj - Propulsion Specialist USS Tudor
Sister(s) None
Other Family None

Personality & Traits

General Overview Daynah was joined with the Ral symbiont at the age of 22. She was selected for the joining after already being an active officer in Starfleet. So, she took a leave of absence from Starfleet and returned to Trill. However, after she recuperated from the joining she returned to her Starfleet career. As with most Trill she is exceptionally organized and was found to be well suited for the Sciences, especially with one of her previous hosts being a physicist. She also found an aptitude for the how of things. The how and why things worked interested her to no end. Her specialties are Temporal Mechanics and Xenobiology. However, she is skilled in all the sciences and finds unknown phenomena to be particularly interesting and a challenge to her skills. She is known to be a bit of a flirt when not on duty, and when on duty can be a little bit of a stickler for protocol.
Strengths & Weaknesses + Wise Beyond Her Years (due to Ral)
+ Organized
+ Cross Departmental Management
+ Coldly Logical

- Naive
- Thinks she is nothing without Ral
- Relies too much on Ral

Daynah is afraid of herself really. She feels that she is worthless if it was not for the Ral symbiont she would be nothing. This is of course untrue but she has nightmares of waking up without Ral and losing all of her knowledge, her intelligence. She also has arachnophobia.
Ambitions She hopes to one day become a Starfleet Captain like one of her previous hosts. She further hopes that one day the galaxy will arrive at a state where Starfleet can demilitarize and concentrate on the pure science of it all. She wants to be a part of this goal.

Daynah's ambition is quite simple... Galactic Peace.
Hobbies & Interests Much of her hobbies are inherited from Ral. She loves Football, Fencing, and Renaissance sword play. She is an avid fan of Trill and Betazoid poetry. She is also exceptionally good at Dabo and Dam Ja'at. For music she loves Klingon and Vulcan in particular as well as an old Earth genre of music Rock and Roll. The part of her that is Rodan Ral plays the guitar and harp.

Personal History
The Lives of Ral

Rodan Ral - Joined 2161/Died 2258

Rodan Ral, born Rodan Liyrn, was a renowned musician and widely recognized composer on Trill. Specializing in stringed instruments of all sorts, Rodan was responsible for some of the most monumental pieces of music since long before the age of information.
As the first host to the symbiont, Rodan did not have the benefit of knowledge that his successors would have, but he did provide a very strong start to a symbiont that would come to be highly sought after.

Eliza Ral - Joined 2258/Died 2335

Eliza Ral, born Eliza Toran, was considered one of the great scientists of her time. Her work on molecular biology and nanotechnology advanced the Trill civilization and helped cure many of the common health issues of the day. She was a strong willed woman who was rarely wrong. If she didn't know the answer, she would find it before putting herself on the line.

With a love for discovery, Eliza provided the Ral symbiont with a very unique host. This knowledge and the experiences gained from her life have come in handy many times over the years since.

Alaryc Ral - Joined 2335/Died 2372

Alaryc Ral, born Alaryc Ilyan, was a lifetime Starfleet officer. He was one of the first Trill to climb through the ranks and become a Captain of his own ship. Unlike previous hosts, Alaryc chose to go a more military route, believing that Starfleet was doing good in the galaxy, and he wanted to help.

Alaryc was joined at the age of 20 with the Ral symbiont. It was upon his completion of the program, and the subsequent joining of the two, that he decided to apply to Starfleet Academy. His four years took him to many places on Earth, but one of them was a list of potential future command officers. He lived up to the compliment, and excelled out in the field.

Following an attack on the USS Valor by Dominion forces scouting his location just before the war broke out, Alaryc suffers a mortal wound and is killed. With little choice, the Ral Symbiont is passed to the only possible candidate other than a human; Jazra - the daughter of a joined Trill officer who also dies in the attacks. Because Ral is deemed more important, the symbiont in the other officer is allowed to perish in the chaos.

Because of the sensitive knowledge that Starship captains are privy to, a block was placed on the symbiont so that subsequent hosts do not have access to any secret information, however, basic knowledge and command experience is retained in the current host.

Jazra Ral - Joined 2372/Removed 2372

Within weeks of the joining it had become evident that for reasons unknown Jazra was rejected the symbiote. The Commission on Trill tried to make the joining settle as they did not want to lose either Jazra or Ral. However, the more time went on the more it seemed that would not be possible.

Three months after the joining Trill doctors along with the assistance of Starfleet Medical were able to remove Ral from Jazra and join the symbiote to another host. The life of Jazra was also able to be saved. The memories and sheer jubilation of the young woman is forever imprinted on the Ral symbiote.

Daynah Ral - Joined 2372

Daynah Ral, born Daynah Sanj, is the fourth host for the Ral symbiont and was mentored by Sanah Tyx. She was a young trill with no specific career path. She had shown an aptitude for the sciences and system operations. It was for this reason that prior to the joining her parents encouraged her to enroll in Starfleet Academy to give her life a path. She graduated the Academy in June of 2372. Having majored in ship systems operations with a specialty in temporal mechanics, and minored in Xenobiology she was a sort after ensign. But, before she could begin her first assignment the Joining Commission contacted her and informed her that she had been selected for the joining. So, the newly minted Ensign took leave from Starfleet to be joined with Ral.

After having the experiences of the past lives, Ral had decided that roaming the galaxy and learning about the many species around her was a good calling. So for her first two years after the joining she tended bar at various Starfleet instillations. She stayed around Starfleet as she enjoys the familiarity of Starfleet coupled with the variety of people and stories that populate such areas.

The nightmares of the Dominion War and Alaryc Ral's death haunted her, but they also gave the overly young looking woman a perspective that she would not have otherwise had. It is this ability to see so many different perspectives that makes her a good listener and source of advice. Though she looks young, she has the experiences and knowledge of over 250 years to draw on.

In between jobs, Daynah found herself on Starbase 118 for a short period of time during which she learned of the Victory. She wasn't sure if she had been looking for it, or if it had just appeared, but she stopped when her eye caught the name, Jaxx. Acting captain of the Victory. With a quick smile, she decided to find a way aboard. Applying for a civilian position, she was quickly accepted and sent to meet with him. Taking only a few things with her, she felt a renewed fervor. She needed to say something, and it was already way past due.

Though unsure of herself in the first few days of the assignment on the Victory, Daynah soon settles into her job as the owner and operator of 'The Retreat'; the Victory's lounge and relaxation spot for many of the officers aboard the ship. Throughout her time there, she offers good food and friendship, along with an open ear to those who just needed to talk. As time goes on, she finds herself close to many of the members of the senior staff, but one more than the others. Following a short trip to Luna with a group of officers, Daynah finds herself pulled towards one of them; the Chief of Security, Liam Frost.

The crew finds themselves soon stationed on Starbase 118, where Ral makes plans to open up a new version of The Retreat in a small area of the commercial sector near a window to the outside realm of space. The restaurant is short lived, however, as Daynah finds out Liam will have to leave for the USS Apollo shortly after shore leave on Echevarria. To his surprise, she wholly agrees on following him to the Apollo, not knowing that Starfleet Command wants her there.

En route to her new home, currently docked at Utopia Planitia, Daynah encounters a face from the symbiont's past. The current Captain of the USS Alabama, and a former XO of Alaryc Ral, tells Daynah of Starfleet's request for her to serve as a civilian advisor aboard the Apollo. Captain Alaryc Ral spent many years within the Typhon Expanse aboard his own command and Starfleet feels that it would be important to have his memories available to the crew of the Apollo. Because the Expanse is so strange and somewhat deadly, Daynah reluctantly agrees.

As part of the deal, Starfleet agrees to remove the block that kept sensitive command level information from the current host so that all of Alaryc's memories are available as needed. Daynah experiences the resurfacing of memories as if she had been just joined, though most of these memories came from Alaryc's time aboard starships. Some memories are good, but many of them give Daynah a sense of both urgency as well as the feeling of being chased by shadows.

Following her fundamental role in resolving the crisis with the Borg scout ship, Captain Jaxx tells Daynah that she has been requested to return to Starfleet. She is in no position to refuse, and Jaxx doesn't take no for an answer, so she reluctantly agrees to go to Earth. Once there she reacquaints herself with life as a Starfleet officer and awaits her first real assignment.

Her first assignment was to the USS Roosevelt as Quartermaster. It was here that she served with distinction and spent many a night in the engineering labs simply working at how to make the power grid more efficient. Two years after her assignment to the Roosevelt she was promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade for her efforts.

She is next assigned to the USS Apollo of all places this time to serve as Assistant Chief Operations Officer. She rather enjoyed serving on the Apollo and catching up with old friends all the while making new ones. Four years into her time on the Apollo the ship was tasked with a first contact mission. It was Daynah's knowledge of Xenobiology which allowed her to figure out that the aliens secrete a pheromone that is lethal to humans. She worked with the Apollo's Chief Medical Officer to figure out an inoculation for it. She was promoted to Lieutenant for going above and beyond the call of duty.

While she loved her time on the Apollo. After a few years on one ship she got filled with wanderlust. She asked for and was granted a transfer to the Starbase at Barisa Prime where she would be assigned as the Assistant Chief of Station Operations.

Six years after her assignment to the Starbase a welcome surprise came. She was granted a postional promotion to Chief Operations aboard the Galaxy Class Refit USS Astrea. This was exceptionally meaningful as Alaryc Ral's ship was a Galaxy Class. So, Daynah jumped at this opportunity and the unknown that it represented.
Service Record 2350 - Daynah Sanj is born on Trill

2368 - Enrolls in Starfleet Academy

2372 - Graduates Starfleet Academy is granted the rank of Ensign

2372 late - Is granted a leave of absence from Starfleet for the joining. Daynah Sanj is joined with the symbiote known as Ral in the joining ceremony. Daynah is 22 years of age. This creates the being known as Daynah Ral.

2374 - Leaves Trill and begins to travel the known galaxy

2376 - Returns to Starfleet

2376 - 2378 - Quartermaster USS Roosevelt

2378 - Promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade for Meritorious Service

2379 - Assigned to USS Apollo as Assistant Chief Operations Officer

2383 - Promoted to Lieutenant

2383 - 2389 - Assistant Chief of Station Operations for Starbase at Barisa Prime

2389 - present - Chief Operations Officer USS Astrea