Lieutenant JG T'Para MD

Name T'Para MD

Position Medical Officer

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Vulcan/Human
Age 27

Physical Appearance

Height 5'6
Weight 160 lbs
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Human with vulcan ears with bright blue eyes.

Brown, well groomed hair slightly reveals a lean, frowning face. Big, round blue eyes, set elegantly within their sockets, watch devotedly over the children they've watched over for so long.

The is the face of T’para, a true pioneer among starfleet. She stands common among others, despite her frame.

There's something incomprehensible about her, perhaps it's her patience or perhaps it's simply her friendly demeanor. But nonetheless, people tend to follow her, while learning as much about her as possible.


Spouse Xalanth
Children Yazar ( hybrid daughter.)
Travla ( hybrid daughter.)
Father Unknown
Mother Unknown
Brother(s) Unknown
Sister(s) Unknown
Other Family Lelani ,Zola,Fuvlia. co wives.

Personality & Traits

General Overview Many things can be said of T’para, but if nothing else you should know she's reliable and amusing. Of course she's also empathetic, aspiring and dedicated

Her reliability though, this is what she's pretty much known for. People regularly count on this and her calm nature when they're feeling down.

Nobody's perfect of course and she has rotten moods and days too.

Fortunately, her amusing nature usually softens the worst of it.
Strengths & Weaknesses T'para is a skilled nurse and thanks to her Vulcan side can remain calm during a crisis. She is good at working with medicine and people.

She has been genetically engineered (against her will) which has fixed several problems with her body,give her a higher IQ and the ability to hold her breath for over half an hour.
Ambitions T'para hopes to become a captain someday. She also hopes to be a good mother unlike her own.
Hobbies & Interests T’para is a skilled swimmer and is skilled in free-diving able to hold her breath for over half an hour thanks to genetic engineering. She has also done modeling, cheerleading, and dancing all of which she greatly performed in. She has also picked up her bondmate's hobby of flying a yavern.

Personal History Along with her twin sister T'Aral T'para was left on earth by whoever their parents were. Placed into the care system the two were never adopted and no one could find information about their parents.

Both lived a rather uneventful life in the care system and T’para did very good in school. At the age of 18 as they left the care system and applied to join starfleet and was accepted into Starfleet medical.

In the academy, T’para truly felt alive talking to her studies, hobbies and job with a determination not seen in many. The only thing she was unsuccessful in was relationships finding dealing with people a rather troublesome problem.

Whilst at the academy she was called out along with the other cadets to help during a massive riot in San francisco. Becoming separated from her group she was attacked by some of the rioters. Thankfully she was saved by Xalanth Dragon a dragonian cadet who was guarding her unit.

The two became friends and after that lovers quickly becoming inseparable. Both of them improved and became much better people.

Whilst at the academy T’para was offered a place with red squadron though she turned it down. As they graduated T’para passed and made it to the honours list. To make her day even happier Xalanth proposed which she accepted.

Other events at the academy included adding her two best friends Lelani and Zola to her relationship with Xalanth. Though odd at first T'para found the relationship brought her a great source of comfort.

Being assigned to the USS Strangelove she proved she was cut out for medical work. A few months later she discovered she was pregnant much to her and Xalanth surprise and delight.

Unfortunate for her her waters decided to break during the time the ship was under attack from the borg. Thanks to her bondmate heroic actions in which he won the pike medal for bravery she was able to have their daughter safely. They named the hybrid girl Yazar which means hope in her father's language.

A few years later they added a second daughter Travla whom thankfully came easily and painlessly.
Service Record TBA