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Shelly's Personal Log

Posted on Mon Feb 26th, 2024 @ 11:20pm by

149 words; about a 1 minute read


Shelly's personal Log!

Being new on the USS Astrea has been interesting this far, especially being the Chief Flight Ops officer. So far, I like this ship. And, I am the happiest woman alive to being so madly in love with my girlfriend Andrea. She is my life, my heart and my being. I know that the Lords of Kobol blessed me with the most gorgeous woman alive. Honestly, I can not live my life without her.

Now, on to another subject. I overheard that there is a Chief of Security opening and I made a request to change to that position. I hope it will happen soon as I feel it would be a better position for me, even though I will still insist that I pilot my shuttle craft named The Nostromo.

End of Line


Lt JG Shelly Guevera
Chief Flight Ops Officer
USS Astrea


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