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Slipstream Drive: Part 2, What Could Possibly Go Wrong

Posted on Sun Jan 7th, 2024 @ 6:55am by Captain Remy Johansen & Lieutenant Commander Nash Winters & Major Clay McEntyre III
Edited on on Sun Jan 7th, 2024 @ 6:56am

1,703 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Mission 0: Where do we go from here?
Location: Deck 36 Main Engineering
Timeline: MD: -7 days to launch, after Part 1

Richard looked around, "Is this all of the officers who've arrived so far?" hoping no one else was missing.

Vila nodded. "All four of us are the senior staff so far, yes. There's a few of the enlisted crew already aboard, and I am told my Botanist onboards this afternoon," Vila said.

Richard started "Okay so the basics of the new drive system are being able to do a minimum of three to five days travel at warp 8 in a matter of minutes, it essentially creates a tunnel at a quantum level that you can travel an insane rate of speed, the drive itself is fueled by an Benamite crystal matrix." he started as he walked around the upped catwalk.

"Insane rate... Is that a technical term?" Remy commented, as she started to follow the engineer from a clear distance.

“Remy, all kidding aside, slipstream velocity is faster than the most advanced warp technology,” Winters interjected . “We’ve also been able to duplicate a recrystallization matrix, similar to the dilithium recrystallization in standard warp drives. Thanks to USS Voyager’s B’lanna Torres, the specs for the Benamite matrix are a matter of public record. Before the matrix, the phase variance of the quantum field had to be constantly adjusted. The Benamite compensates automatically. It’s an incredible opportunity.”

"Benamite is also not a fully stable compound," Vila interjected. She was a chemist by training, and knew this sort of thing. "Might as well power it with penicillin," she remarked, dryly, shooting a LOOK to the others.

Remy let out a breath. "I'm sure we have data from prior test flights and simulations, and will be monitoring that closely," she said looking over at Winters.

"The physicist who did some of the math said the ship is traveling faster than some of the still theoretical transwarp velocities, during a test we ran we did a trip to Terra Nova in five hours, the best time recorded prior to that was 9 hours at warp nine point something." Dr Hurtz said "The downside was we had to wait five hours for the crystal matrix too cool off before we could attempt to do the return trip, even with an aggressive recrystallization you're still looking at the cool down times of up to eight hours, and that's with the new system we tested last week, oh..." he paused "You can't fire the phasers while the drive is engaged, the entire phaser system is run through same power systems and you could end up frying several systems and find yourselves limping home at maybe warp two if your lucky."

"That's not good if it burns out main offensive systems. Is there any way to run a secondary generator or some kind of bypass to the phasers so we can mitigate that possibility?" Clay asked of Dr. Hurtz, concerned with hearing about possibly losing the phasers if they ended up stranded somewhere with no way out.

“I was worried about that, too, Clay. The redundant bypasses are there, but I’d like to run more simulations. We certainly can’t have brown outs and power dropoffs in critical moments. I won’t authorize the warp engines to go offline yet. I’m sure Commander Johansen will concur,” Nash said.

"I can assist with that, run them through my tactical and weapon computers. I'd also like to do some simulated test firing of the main Phaser Lance to make sure that's not goin burn out systems either." Clay added to what Commander Winters had said.

“That would help a lot. I appreciate it. Better to be safe than sorry. Just sit tight for now. I’ll call you when we’re ready down here. I want to work more closely with Hurtz to pin down the power distribution problem.”

"Let's try to at least some progress before we leave spacedock. We don't have much time, so keep McEntyre in the loop." Remy directed. "We don't have much time left, so we'll need to work together. Since it seems to be power distribution, I'll figure out who is here from operations and get them working with you both."

"A lot of the systems are experimental and just out of the testing phase, some were installed as they were certified for field use." The Doctor commented.

Remy smirked at Vila and made a comment under her breath. "So the engines are an experiment, and we're the lab rats. Got it."

"Always a fun time," Vila muttered back. "What does this do?" She asked, pointing to a part of the screen. Might as well appear interested, but she was guessing that her face looked glazed over.

"Coolant management system, but it looks like someone was playing video poker on it," the Doctor commented.

Vila stifled a giggle. Sounds like something she'd do, but it wasn't her this time. "I see," she said, instead. "I hope you send extra power there, my labs need it!"

Dr. Hurtz spoke again, "We are working on fixes as we speak, one of the power management issues we've anticipated was the need to use weapons during all situations, we're working it down too purely a safety cut off at this point in case the warp engines become unsafe to use they cut off letting the ship defend itself, the main phaser cannon will automatically switch to the backup fusion reactors should the situation arise." Pointing to a power management display he was standing next to.

"Uh huh," she said, shooting a panicked look to the Doctor and Remy.

"Is it really worth it, Doctor?" Remy asked. "Are the gains to be able to travel at '9-point-something' for a minimal amount of time with a forced cool down period of several hours really that much better than our own, predictable warp capabilities?" She asked skeptically. The man spoke in vague terms, with nonspecific numbers, and was cavalier about what could be life-threatening problems in emergency situations. She'd talk to Winters once she had a moment away from Hurtz, and the Captain - once someone told her who that would be.

"I'll put it in these terms, the normal travel time to Vulcan is around four-ish days to Vulcan at warp eight, the Imperator did it two weeks ago in thirty minutes during a test at full power with the slipstream drive." The doctor said displaying the navigation log. "The long term goal is to cut that time down to fifteen minutes."

Winters shouted from the main console. “Son of a bitch!” Nash had a PADD in his hand and was compiling data from the computer. He walked hurriedly over to Johansen and Hurtz.

“Commander…Doc. I ran several simulations prior to the good doctor’s arrival. I was, well, curious and excited at the same time. McEntyre and I were planning on running several more in regards to the weapons systems. “ He showed them the PADD.

“Take a look, the computer can’t compensate for the resonance frequencies. The quantum field will collapse and… well, bam!….no slipstream. That last go round to Vulcan must have been pure luck, or the data is suspect. What do you want to do, Remy?”

"Let's keep working on it. I know Voyager had some luck with this technology in the Delta quadrant. I'm sure we'll want to use it at some point," Remy affirmed. "We'll get as much as we can before we leave spacedock. When we get word on the new Captain, prepare a brief on where things stand. Hopefully we'll be in better shape in a few days."

“Thank you, Remy. I’ve already started making some preliminary notes in case it came to prepare a full report. For whoever our new Commanding Officer will be,” Nash said.

Richard kept a neutral expression, "I'm sure you'll fine tune things as you go."

"Chief McEntyre, get with ops and check into the saucer section's weapons array. That shouldn't be tied to the slipstream drive at all. If it is, that's another problem entirely. We will need to get that taken care of ASAP," Remy said seriously.

“Aye, Sir” Clay nodded as he turned and headed for the turbolift up to the saucer section weapons array.

"Load up the Deuterium," she said, under her breath. "If I can, and I know I am just a scientist so take it for what it's worth, but perhaps just using a regular warp drive is a good idea. I don't plan to die out here," she said, "I would prefer to be a grandmother first," she said, making a face. "Can I go, please?" She asked Remy.

"Yeah, go ahead. Doesn't seem we're at the final briefing stage yet anyway," Remy responded dismissively.

Vila simply nodded. "Great, I have molds to check on. Nice to meet you gentlemen," she said, heading for the Turbolift. Finally, she was done!!

"Unless you have more questions I have to go supervise the upgrades to the tertiary computer core," Richard commented.

"I'll come with you," Remy offered in what she hoped sounded more cheerful than suspicious.

Winters was glad to have the help . His department was still short handed and wasn’t fully staffed yet.

“Hey, Doc—I’ve been having some problems with relays down there. Maybe all the extra connections are causing some glitches. Watch them carefully, will ya?”

"It's one of fixes that's being implemented, hopefully it'll fix several of the weapons issues as well, the effected systems will go into backup mode or be powered down for about five hours, the ship yard team is also installing three new navigational sensor modules." The doctor said as he started to walk away.

“At least that’s something. If you need anything, you know where to find me,” Nash said with a small sense of satisfaction. This was one smidge of good news that he could build on. He returned to his main engineering computer to double check the deuterium injectors.


Commander Remy Johansen
First Officer
USS Imperator

Commander Vila Lorut
Second Officer, Chief Science Officer
USS Imperator

Lt. Commander Nash Winters
Chief Engineer
USS Imperator

Lt. Commander Clay McEntyre
Chief of Security
USS Imperator

Dr. Richard Hurtz
Starfleet Engineer


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