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A Request

Posted on Mon Mar 4th, 2024 @ 7:22pm by Captain Remy Johansen

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Mission: Side Plots
Location: Shelly Guevera's Quarters


After talking with her beautiful Fiancé Andrea Mitchell, Shelly decided to talk with Remy about switching over to being a Chief of Security Officer from being a Chief Flight Ops Officer. She felt that it would be more prudent to being a Security Officer and make use of her extensive Martial Arts Training, Security & Military Training, etc. Plus, it is more suited for her personality as well. Then, she tapped her comm badge and said, "Lt Guevera to Captain Remy Johanson. Can you meet me in my quarters as soon as you can? I have a request for you."

Remy tapped her communicator, "Your quarters, Lieutenant? Is everything okay?" she asked, thrown off by the request.

Shelly replied, "Yes, my quarters, ma'am. And, everything is good. I have a question for you. Something that the love of my life and I were talking about. Do you have a moment?" Shelly was very insistent, but, in a very respectful way towards Remy. She did not want to offend her or get her angry since Shelly does have a way of getting others irritated at her. Plus, Shelly felt comfortable around Remy and respects her.

Remy replied back over comms. "Okay, Lieutenant. I'll be there momentarily. Give me 20 minutes or so."

Once Remy wrapped up what she was working on, she made her way to the Lieutenant's quarters and rang the door chime.

Shelly heard the chime and stood up wearing casual shorts and a casual t-shirt and Andrea also stood up wearing the same type of clothing and Shelly said, "Enter!"

Remy took a breath in and entered Lieutenant Guevera's quarters. "Good afternoon, Lieutenant. How can I be of assistance?"

Shelly said, "First off, please, have a seat. Secondly, after some contemplation and talking with my girlfriend, Andrea, here, I understand that there is a position open, the Chief of Security position. Both of us feel that I would be a perfect candidate for this job. Also, if you allow me to take this position, I will keep my precious guns in here, in my quarters and on the Nostromo. And, speaking to the Nostromo, I would like to request to be the only Pilot for the Nostromo since I know it's quirks and how it operates." Andrea also said, "I'll make sure that my lovely future wife keeps her guns here and I will make sure she adjusts to using Phasers and Pulse rifles only while on duty." She lovingly nudged Shelly and both smiled at each other.

Remy smiled. "Well, certainly put you in for it. I have no intention of blocking your path. I might have some input," Remy started. "I appreciate the respected everyone has been giving me - and I know it's protocol, but I doubt I'll be the CO after this mission. Hell I'm waiting for them to fly in a real captain in here to relieve me any day now. But get your name in the pool as early as you can."

Shelly had a tear going down her cheek and said, "Please, don't leave. Both Andrea and I just got adjusted to you as our CO and, personally, I respect you because you have been straight forward with me from the start." Andrea chimed in and said, "And, same with me. Please, put my Shelly in the pool for the Chief Security Officer." Then, Shelly replied, "In either case, if I am not switched over to being Chief Security Officer, I will still fulfill my role as Chief Flight Control Officer. And, I will do it with Honor!"

Remy startled somewhat at the intensity of the emotion in the room. "I don't plan on leaving, but my assignment here is as First Officer. I'm just the Acting Captain for now. I'm not sure what held up our assigned CO, but I'm sure he'll be taking over at Starbase 76, if not sooner."

Shelly said, "Well, you have our support. But, anyway, that is what I called you here regarding the switch over to being Chief Security Officer."

Remy nodded. "Hopefully inside the week we'll be enroute to Starbase 76, hopefully we can convince the Atarans to come along and let us help them find them a new home. Get your interest put in now, so that if you're a contender they can start looking to replace you in Flight Control."

Shelly asked, "How can I go about getting my interest put in?"

"I doubt the process has changed much since the last time you put in for a spot," Remy responded. "Just submit a formal request to the posting. If you believe there is experience not within your record that Starfleet should be directed to, there is a place for you to add additional information. Once it's been submitted, I can add an endorsement."

Shelly replied, "Okay. I can do that. I can send you a copy of the formal request." Andrea held Shelly's hand in a sign of pure love and support for her and Shelly felt that and smiled at her.

"Was there anything else?" Remy asked.

Shelly and Andrea replied in unison saying, "No, there is nothing else. We appreciate you coming." Then, they both stood up together in exact unison.

Remy stood up as well, taking note of their unusual mannerisms. "Okay, well. I'll leave you two be. I have some projects to check in on," Remy responded as she made her way to the door.

Shelly and Andrea saw Remy leave and once the doors closed, Shelly and Andrea quickly undressed each other and went to the bedroom and began to passionately make love to each other like nothing else ever even existed.


Joint Post by:

LT (JG) Shelly Godfrey Guevera
Chief Flight Control Officer
USS Astrea

Commander Remy Johansen
Commanding Officer
USS Astrea


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