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What's the Issue

Posted on Thu Mar 7th, 2024 @ 4:32am by Captain Remy Johansen
Edited on on Fri Mar 29th, 2024 @ 2:41pm

2,136 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: Side Plots
Location: Captain's Ready Room
Timeline: MD 3, 8:45, After Meeting the New Pilot

After the Lieutenant Harris left the Ready Room, Remy looked at Vila. "What was all of that about?" She asked.

Vila sighed. "What do you mean?" She asked. "You know I am not good at this. I am TRYING," she said. "I onboarded a week ago as the Chief Science Officer, and then got an immediate promotion to Executive Officer-acting, but still. I am ill-equipped," she sighed. After a moment, she went on. "Do you think I am a bad mother?" She asked Remy.

Remy felt the whiplash of the sudden conversation change. "A bad mother? Of course not. Your son is out on his own, making a future for himself. Exactly what a 20 year old should be doing. You did well. Where is that coming from?" Remy asked.

Vila shrugged. "Benny wants to drop out of the Science program and switch to Engineering," she explained. "Ben's going to be VERY upset. It'll be MY fault, of course," she rolled her eyes. "Because everything about Benny is," she said.

"Why is that a problem?" Remy asked. "Good for him for trying out something that he thinks will make him happy. That's what parents want for their kids right? For them to be happy?"

Vila sighed. "You don't have children, Remy, it's not that simple," she said. "I mean...of COURSE I want him to be happy. So why does he want to be an Engineer? He'll be miserable. Plus, it's VERY important to Ben that his son be just like him," she said. "I don't know why. Well. I DO know. It's just dumb. Part of it is his machismo bullshit, but MOST of it is because Ben was our only surviving child and I think we both thought that Science is a fairly safe job if he insisted on joining the Fleet...Engineering is more dangerous," she said. "All I know is that....I was in labor with him for fifteen hours, and we had tried so long and so hard before and after he was born for another child...all the loss...I can't face it again. I can't," she said.

There it was. The you don't have children so you can't possibly know line. Remy bit back her annoyance. "Well that's dumb, my mom was a doctor and my father was an engineer and neither of them tried to turn my or my brother into being 'just like them.' He has to find his own way. And to say science isn't dangerous is bullshit, I was a science officer, and I was galavanting off in Dominion and Breen territory doing covert ops into biogenic warfare. Any - ANY job in Starfleet can be dangerous," Remy reminded her.

"And what if he loves it? How do you know he'll be miserable?" Remy asked. "And even if you are right, he'll never know for sure if he doesn't try it. It's not like Starfleet wouldn't let him transfer divisions later if it wasn't for him. But he could love it, Vila. And why would you want to hold him back from that?" Remy said the words gently, like she was giving an inspirational speech, or a pep talk. Deciding to try to lighten the mood a bit she added, "Besides, it's not like he told you he's dropping out of Starfleet and moving to Freecloud to start up a business enterprise with a Ferengi named Hanz."

"And seriously though. Your ex's feelings - not your problem."

Vila sighed. "I know. I am a scientist. It IS dangerous, but let's be serious, there's far more engineers that die than science officers," she said. "And I didn't mean that you can't understand. That was insensitive. I am sorry. It's a different perspective, and that IS why I asked," she said. "I just...I remember being 20 years old. I was running arms back and forth from Bajor to DS9 for the Resistance. I thought I wanted to do that for my WHOLE life," she said. "But...I didn't. I couldn't," she said. "And yes, this is different, but is it really?? It's such a final thing, you know. He won't have time to switch again," she said. "I just...I can't protect him from making the wrong choice. Not this time. And neither Ben nor I am in a place to fix it for him if he DOES change his mind again," she said.

"People have changed careers at much older than 20 or 22. So what if he takes some extension courses in a few years to do something else. But engineers have fun too. What if he stayed in science to make Ben happy and was miserable for it. Or always wondered, what if?" Remy posited. "Roads not taken are the ones that drive people like me crazy at night. If if has even a touch of an adventurers spirit to him..."

Vila nodded, and sighed. "I suppose you're right. Besides, maybe it's best to let him try it and see. I guess there's worse things that can happen. At least he didn't get a girl pregnant or something," she said. She shrugged. "Anyway, I plan to tell Ben that his kid is grown and we can't live his life for him, as much as we both might want to," she said. They may not be in love with each other, and in fact, Vila wouldn't mind if he disappeared off the face of the next planet he visited, but she did appreciate that he was a good father and they did their best to co-parent. Vila's mood shifted as quickly as it had before.

"What's going on with you? We haven't checked in with each other in a few days," she said. "I know I am not the only one with personal problems. Tell me," she said, turning around to face her friend fully, and settling back to listen.

"Not ready to be Grandma Vila?" Remy teased.

"Well, I know you've made some cracks about Daniel being here, but you should know nothing is happening. Nothing will happen. He made that clear before we launched," Remy said straightly.

Vila smiled sadly. "I am definitely not ready to be a grandmother," she said. "What happened?" She asked. "Tell me," she said. "I'll replicate us some tea," she said, standing up and crossing to Remy's machine. A moment later, she pressed a mug of Jumja tea into Remy's hand.

Remy made a scrunched up face. "I don't know. It's embarrassing. But he's not wrong really, if I'm honest with myself." She shook her head. "I went to stop by the other night, when he was given temporary quarters here for the mission. And he was waiting for me - I swear it. But not like that. He handed me a glass of water and told me to sit. And he sat down across the room. And just like that. He said he was done. I had strung him along for long enough."

Remy gave Vila a grumpy face. "What just really pisses me off about the whole thing is about how he called me when I got to Jupiter Station. I'm kicking myself for meeting up with him that night."

Vila smiled lightly. "Want me to kill him?" She asked. "Listen. I know you're not keen on settling down, but maybe'll get tired of being alone. Having a partner isn't necessarily just about romance or sex. It can be a way to have another adult to bounce things off of, as well as a steady companion who really KNOWS you," Vila said. "That's really sad that he did that, certainly," she said. "But at least you know and can move on," she said. "What happened at Jupiter?" she asked. She had a feeling she knew, but wanted to hear it from Remy.

"It was before that debacle with the bracelets even. He asked to meet for drinks when I first got in. Next thing you know he has a bottle at his place. Same old song and dance we've been doing the last few years," Remy said with a shrug of her shoulders. "He always wanted more than that. I blamed a lot of our relationship blowing up on my research at Daystrom getting cancelled... I don't know. That might have been a convenient excuse. Earth. Staying in one place. I should have known myself better then. Saved us both the time and the heartache."

Vila nodded. "Yes, I suspected," she said. "One has nothing to do with the other," she said. "Which I know is stating the obvious, but...even back at that conference, you two were doing this ridiculous thing. Daystrom shouldn't have ever been allowed," she said, "irrespective of research potential or not. You know my feelings, and it's really fucking convienient that the Fleet has their morals in place until it suits them," she said, a little bitterly. She was still mad that they had taken the position of "Prime Directive" with her people, but she had made amends with it, while also making it perfectly clear that she had zero quandaries about violating it to suit her own personal moralistic standards. "But that's not the point." She sipped her drink for a moment.

"You can still fix it, you know," she said. "It's a long trip to the other side of the galaxy," she said. "If you make some concessions...."

"No, I can't. You didn't see his face, Vila." Remy sighed. "And I'm afraid that even if I tried, those concessions wouldn't work. It would be me pretending I'm someone that I'm not."

Vila sighed. "But is it?" She asked. "And you don't know are dumb. They are simple creatures, Remy. Even the smart ones? They can be swayed with the right look and a tight skirt," she said. "But if your mind is made up, then...I know I can't change it," she said. "But you might regret it in five years," she said, shrugging as she finished the tea.

"I appreciate that, but if I. The damage is done. Sexual chemistry doesn't always mean two people are compatible long-term. It's time to move forward. I just thought you should know." Remy's drink had grown lukewarm. She preferred it hot. She set the mug aside.

Vila just nodded. "Thanks," she said. "For telling me. We should have a ladies' night. Isn't the engineer married? His wife is one of the researchers at the civilian center, I think? I met her briefly during the launch party," she said. Before she'd dipped out with Beckett. "It'll make you feel better," she said. "So what now? He'll leave and go home? Is he staying with us longer?" She asked. She didn't want to put her foot in her mouth if he WAS going to stay, but on the other hand, if he wasn't, she could go scream at him.

"He's just here for the tech on the Serenity. Talk to the people. He's an archeologist who reports directly to the Science Director at HQ. He just couldn't sit this one out," Remy smirked as she shook her head. He'd always played his cards so he'd be in the right place at the right time. "He promises he's hitching a transport back to Earth once we hit SB 76."

Vila sighed. "I see," she said. "Well. Tell him Ben just got command of a Science cruiser if he wants more work," she said. "They can annoy each other," she said. It actually was a good fit for her ex-husband; his new wife was already pregnant and he wanted to retire to raise it on Earth. Both were human. Benny wasn't excited. "His loss, though, I think," she said. "If I were any other woman, I'd make a play for you," she said, sincerely. Vila didn't put labels on her sexual attractions, she just liked who she liked and went with it. Had always done so.

"Thanks, Vila," Remy said. "I'm not too worried about it. I'm just annoyed that he's here still really. He always was a little boring." Remy looked at Vila and gave her a knowing nod. "You thought so too. You can say it."

Vila laughed. "You're both a little boring, and that's why you're perfect for each other," she said. "We're scientists. We're not supposed to be exciting," she said. "But yes, he was boring," she said. "And so were his conferences," she said, making a face.

Remy laughed a true and genuine laugh at that quip. "Indeed."

"Alright. We better get back to work before that damned Engineer thinks he's in charge," she said, standing up. "I like what we've built. I hope they assign a captain who won't try to dismantle this," she said, heading out of the door.


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