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February 3, 2385, Remy's life change... (1 of ...)

Posted on Sun Jan 21st, 2024 @ 6:45am by Captain Remy Johansen & Captain Daniel Jackson PhD

1,119 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Character Backstories
Location: Okinawa, Japan, Earth
Timeline: February 3, 2385

Lieutenant Commander Remira Johansen stepped off of the shuttle at the main transit station in Okinawa. It was a nice day, 21 degrees, a nice breeze. She reached into her satchel for the credentials that would permit her to transport to the Daystrom Institute. With it in her hands, she walked through one of the transporter terminals, disappearing, then rematerializing at another terminal. She stepped forward and was scanned briefly by Starfleet security guards before she was permitted to pass. To her left was a large bluff overlooking the ocean, she could hear the crashing waves. In front of her was the research facility, a compound of numerous buildings, some with towers, others low to the ground. The ground facility was protected by a large fence. Several of the laboratories hovered in the sky above.

Daniel Jackson was on the other side of the security barrier, pretending to read over some research, but he had one eye open for Remy. He looked up and smiled when he saw her enter the compound and began walking her way. She quickened her pace when she saw him, the space between them closed almost immediately. Remy smiled, the light in her eyes for him obvious as she resisted the urge to greet him more affectionately.

"Dr. Jackson," she said playfully. "Fancy meeting you here."

"I've heard they have your lab already picked out for you," he said, looking first into her eyes, then glancing up at one of the satellite buildings hovering over the ocean nearby.

"I'm in?" Remy asked under her breath, looking around making sure no one was listening. "You didn't..." Remy looked at him. He knew what she was asking. He was the Assistant Director of Scientific Research for Starfleet and had a lot of strings to pull.

Daniel shook his head. "I knew you'd never speak to me if I did. I stayed out of it. You had a lot of backing, not just from science, but intel and security as well. Try to act surprised when you go up there though, okay." He raised his eyebrows in a gesture asking for affirmation.

"Won't be a problem," Remy assured him. "I will be. I'll catch up with you tonight."

Remy was waiting for Daniel at his apartment in the city when he arrived home a few hours later. She had purchased a bottle of champagne and had it sitting on ice, waiting for him. She jumped up to great him when she heard the doors open. Daniel's hands were full, a bouquet of orange lilies in one hand and a bottle of champagne in the other. Remy wrapped her arms around him and kissed him through her smile. "We'll have plenty to drink tonight," she said as she pulled back from the kiss, but then quickly leaned back in and kissed him even more passionately.

Daniel closed his eyes, and enjoyed the passion in Remy's touch. He wanted to wrap his arms around her, but he hadn't thought that through when he picked these up on the way home. He chastised himself for not buying them ahead of time and having them already here as he pulled away to put the flowers and the champagne down. "Great minds?" Daniel quipped as he saw the bottle Remy had waiting. He picked up the bottle she had brought and began to open it.

"Tell me all about it," Daniel said. "I want to hear everything."

"They are going to let me pick my own team," Remy said excitedly as she took a glass of champagne from Daniel. They sat down on the couch and Remy started talking about her meeting. "Depending on how quickly I can get through the candidates and make decisions, and you know whether they say yes or no, it could be April before we're really ready to begin work. I don't know, that may be optimistic," she added laughing. "I mean my work, my lab is on the Excelsior, so we'll need to get that all moved here - safely. And I need to give them plenty of notice - though they are in good shape."

Remy stopped and put her glass down. "Do you think we're ready for this? Living on the same planet? Maybe even the same region. I know you're in San Francisco a lot. I could always find something elsewhere, maybe Texas or Hong Kong so we're not right on top of one another." Remy blushed as she babbled. They had talked about this already, but now that it was actually happening, she suddenly felt the sudden urge to not seem clingy.

Daniel inched closer to her and took her hand. With his head bent slightly forward he gazed up into her eyes. "I thought you might want to stay here, just while we looked for a place that would be ours. I-I if you're not, if you need more time, I don't want to rush you into anything. But that's what I want, Remira. What I was hoping would happen." He watched her, patiently, reading her response.

Remy relaxed. She nodded at Daniel. "Yeah, that sounds nice."

Daniel closed his eyes, and moved his hands toward her waist as he leaned into kiss her. Remy returned the kiss with passion, her hands reaching up Daniel's back. "Like this, together," she whispered, as his lips moved to caress her neck.

"Just like this," he repeated back, stopping to stand up and lead her to the bedroom.

Five days later Daniel was standing with Remy in San Francisco outside of Starfleet Headquarters. She was on her way to board her transport that was the first of a couple of legs to get her back to the Excelsior so that she could start preparing to move her research, and packing up her things to transfer back to Earth.

"I guess I'll get to see you in just a few weeks this time," Daniel said, mixed feelings of happiness and sadness on his face as he looked at her. "I'm glad this goodbye won't be for long."

Remy pushed him playfully on his chest with one hand. "We don't say goodbye. It's see you soon," she reminded him. "And this time, it actually will be soon."

He embraced her loosely around her waist before pulling her in for a full hug. "I love you and I'm going to miss you."

Remy relaxed in his warm embrace, hugging him tightly. "I love you, too. And I'll miss you. But, I'm coming back. And you won't get rid of me next time."

"I hope not," Daniel replied.

Remy stepped away walking backwards toward the platform. "I'll message you later," she called out, as she waved goodbye.


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