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Follow-up Question

Posted on Thu Mar 14th, 2024 @ 1:47am by Captain Remy Johansen
Edited on on Fri Mar 29th, 2024 @ 2:40pm

2,131 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: The Menagerie: side stories & mischief making
Location: Astrea, Deck 2
Timeline: MD 4, 1115 hours

As Vila and Remy walked out of the Diplomatic Suites on Deck 2 to let the Chief Civil Operations Officer do his thing, Remy waited until the door was clearly shut, and then she gently nudged Vila.

"Are you sure it's the chief medical officer you need to go touch base with?" Remy teased, a smile on her face. "Don't tell me you are holding back intel from me..."

Vila made a face. "Indeed it is," she said. "Though I admit that Dr. Beckett is...nice and good looking. We've had dinner together. But actually, Lt. Ta'Feel needs to get his family settled and I told him I would try to do that by the end of the week. Where should we plug them in? Both are science trained, and firearms current," she said.

"Just dinner?" Remy prodded, giving Vila a look. She'd get to Vila's question about Ta'feel's family once she had a straight answer about Dr. Beckett.

"Well, the first time was just dinner, yes," she said. "But no. It's progressed to a bit more. It's nothing really...serious, yet, but I like him," she said. "I just...I need to go slowly. I have to make sure it's right, and I don't need to embarrass myself or him," she said. "I know I am not really the type to fall into bed with the first person I meet. The last date I had was a year ago, and it was JUST dinner," she said. "Since then, I've been shuttling all over the place while they hammered out this posting. They STILL won't tell us who will take over for Captain. Long story short...I have time," she said. "It's a long cruise to the other side of the Quadrant," she said. "And he gave me a medication to help me sleep. It's helping a bit, at least it calms me down," she said. "So that's a plus. I only have flashbacks once a week now, so that's definitely progress," she said. Remy knew about her childhood and the things she had seen, and she wouldn't need to elaborate.

"I saw the way you were looking at him at the launch party," Remy pointed out. "I just hadn't heard much since, until recently anyway. He's cute. I like his accent. Hopefully he is in a better mood now that there is a Chief Medical Officer on board."

Vila laughed. "Indeed," she said. "He is. We've just been...careful," she said. "I AM the third officer, acting as XO, I have to make sure I am setting a....well. Decent example," she said. "But yes. That's what is going on, currently. I haven't told Benny yet, even," she said.

"Kids don't want to hear every detail anyway, no matter how old they get. Trust me." Remy's dad had died in the war, and while she supported her mom dating, it wasn't something she liked going into great detail about. Remy stopped walking. "I'm the one who needs to be worried about setting a decent example."

Vila laughed. "Well, yeah, but you already do," she said. "Steady and good," she said. "Benny already heard enough from Ben; his new wife is pregnant," she said. "Tessa," Vila said, in a high pitched voice. "To be fair, I think it was a surprise to both of them, but Benny is sensitive and I think it really rocked him. He didn't speak to Ben for a bit. They're doing OK now, I think, though, at least. Ben may be a lot of thing, but he was a good father and he really loves his son," she said. "Now. About our .Chix-alk folks. Perhaps one in Science, one helping to run the Armory, and medical?" She asked. Those three places could use a few extra hands. "The Mae Jamison center needs a few more people, I am sure that we can arrange something, couldn't we?" Vila asked Remy.

"We can get in the computer in a minute and look at their qualifications. I'm trying to tell you something. You aren't making it easy," Remy pressed.

Vila sighed. "What are you trying to tell me, Remy?" She asked. "Did he say something? Did you...hear us?" She asked. She looked confusedly at her friend.

"No, it's not about you. I almost did something stupid the other night... I did do something stupid the other night. At least for someone in my position," Remy confessed.

Vila looked interested. "Let's step in here," she said, stepping into a Turbolift, but putting a lock on the door. "What did you do?" She asked. She had all kinds of scenarios in her head. "Did you sleep with Daniel again?" She asked.

"God no," Remy said shaking her head. "Have you met the Ten-Forward manager? I guess he got himself signed on right before we launched. Another El Aurian. His name is Sam Wynters."

Vila smiled. "Oooh, a rebound," she said. "I haven't met him yet," she said. "Maybe I'll suggest that Malcolm and I go there for our next date," she said. "What's he like?" She said.

"Intense," Remy responded. "Maxun can be too, maybe it's a thing with their kind. I don't know. But I wouldn't call it a rebound. It's not like Daniel and I have been anything more than a broken promise in years..."

"But speaking of bad examples. I took him down to the empty cet ops lounge, and we talked until I don't know when. I ended up making out with him on the couch in the cet ops lounge. I stopped when I realized where I was at. But I got so lost in the moment. Freaking out in public like that. Anyone could have stepped through there," Remy was excitable as she told the story, the anxiety over how close it could have come bubbling up to the surface as she talked.

Vila fought an urge to laugh out loud. Instead, she let out a small snicker. "Oh, no, making out in the CetOps lounge," she said, making a face of fake horror. "Listen. You're the XO, ok, it's fine, first of all. Secondly, you're both single, so who cares? Thirdly, damn, CetOps lounge. Even I hadn't thought of that," she said. "So you kissed a guy on the ship and our nonexistent CetOps people could've caught you. Way worse things have happened," Vila said. "I thought it was something serious, Remy!!" She let out a breath. "I mean. I am not going to lie, people would talk. But honestly, I don't think anyone would care as much as you think. I certainly wouldn't," she said. "I'd be impressed, actually," she said.

Remy rolled her eyes, "We haven't even been out a full week yet. I do NOT need people talking. That's the point." Remy unlocked the turbolift. "Bridge," she announced. "Let's take a look at Ta'Feels family and see if they need any other credentials before we place them. Don't judge me, but I have a hard time keeping them straight. I'm still getting used to their names, and I haven't seen them out, so I don't have a face to even put to their names."

It was just one deck up to the Bridge and the crew had grown accustomed to seeing Remy and Vila walk in and out without much ceremony.

Vila nodded. "I am, too," she said. "I made a little chart in my office," she said. "But yes, connecting the names to the face will help," she said. A moment later, they stepped out onto the Bridge. A quick glance told Vila that everyone was hard at work. Excellent. They had a really good crew, and a good group of folks that were self-starters.

"Yours or mine?" She asked, referring to their offices. She grinned big.

Remy pointed to the Ready Room, and gave Vila a questioning glance. She wasn't sure what was so amusing.

Vila led them into the Ready Room. "You didn't think that was funny?" She asked. "Well. I think I am amusing," she said. "Besides, it'll throw people off if they think one of us is interested in the other. You can kiss your bartender freely," she said, settling in. "So. Back to real life...I suppose we could just, you know...ASK where they want to be assigned," she said, with another shrug.

Rem chuckled. "I guess it went over my head." She sat down at the desk and called up the first record, "Well, let's just see where we can put them first. You know I'd love to make Sara Winters an NCO in Science but she doesn't want to jump through the hoops, and Starfleet has 'security' concerns about divisions with sensitive access if they aren't willing to do the NCO course and take the exams."

Remy sighed. "So all of them seem like they could pass competency exams. They'd need the NCO training course - Starfleet protocol, rank structure, etc. And then that pass that exam and then psych. If any of them are interested in doing that we start them in as 'Crewman Apprentice" status in their division until they get through the hoops and their papers sign."

Vila nodded. "Of course," she said. "Too bad about Winters; I've read her work. She'd make an excellent Chief but I understand," she said. "This life isn't for everyone, and if she's happier doing civilian research, good. We need it," she said. "I've been meaning to chat with her less formally; being a mom to a teenager on a starship is hard," she said. "There's less options for entertainment," she said. "I just haven't had time," as she was talking, her fingers flew over the PADD, making notes. "I will run this by Dr. Ta'Feel," she said. "Perhaps with Lt. T'lenn, has an opening, Lt. Joey, and uh...CO Kayto?" She looked up at Remy.

"Kayto may have some positions open, but his department requires quite a bit of on-going training. I'm sure he'd like the help though," Remy responded.

Vila nodded. "I'll speak with him," she said. "Anything else?" She asked. "Perhaps think about moving Sara Winters up to Chief Science Officer. It's rare for a civilian to head a department, but not unheard of," she said. "At least until they find a more suitable replacement," she said, with a sigh.

Remy shook her head, "Impossible. Can't do it, she's a civilian. Starfleet won't okay any civilians in the science departments on Starfleet vessels right now, and I don't see them ever letting a civilian run the department. The science department has too many sensitive research areas to not have someone from within managing the department. Not to mention the department needs someone who understand command, rank, and structure with regards to giving the junior officers properly training to move ahead in the field."

Vila nodded. "I know," she said. "I just wish Starfleet were less up their own asses about it," she said, with a sigh. "But we know how that goes," she said. "Well, I will go talk to Kayto and Tel'im, they may both have openings and then we don't have to create one," she said. "Anything else?" Vila asked.

"OH. And just so you know...don't take your bartender friend to the holodeck A next time. Dr Beckett and I will be using it," she said, with a sly smile and a wink. That wasn't true but she couldn't resist teasing her friend.

"We have 14-15 holodecks? I won't be going back to cet ops anytime soon, if you are looking for something creative," Remy teased back. "In all seriousness, I'm surprised Starfleet has left us with the Atarans this long without sending the flagship, or at least someone with a more prestigious roster. I'm waiting for that shoe to drop any moment. I'll keep you posted."

Vila shook her head. "Very funny," she said. "I wouldn't worry. They know you're the serious one, and I am sure they know that you can handle me fine," she said. "Also, in case you didn't notice, we're kind of the only ship out here," she said. "That Wynters boy really DID do a number on your brain," she said, pulling a face. "We both have a plan for the day. I'll let you know where we can shoe-horn in our Chix-alk friends. Hopefully before 1700," she said. "I am confident we can figure something out that all of us can agree to." She stood up then. "I guess I am due for a visit to the bar to check out this Samuel Wynters," she said, with a look. "Make sure he's not Daniel Jackson in disguise," she said, heading out of the door before Remy could launch something at her or something.


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