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New Ship, New Style

Posted on Tue Jan 9th, 2024 @ 2:31am by Ensign Dani Harper & Civillian Qaran

1,309 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: The Menagerie: side stories & mischief making
Location: Deck 13, Hair Salon
Timeline: MD: -6 Days to Launch

Dani Harper wandered around on Deck 13 looking for something to do. She thought it was a long shot that the hair salon might be open already and she hadn't arranged an appointment, but it had been forever since had even had a trim and her hair was getting so long it was beginning to hurt her head to keep her hair back for extended shifts. As a science officer, you always wore your hair up and and secured.

The half-Orion officer took a tentative step into the salon. The lights were on, but the facility seemed pretty empty. She let out a sigh and was about to turn around when a cobalt blue man around her height shuffled out from behind a partition.

"Well hello there. I wasn't expecting such a beautiful guest today. And you do have quite a magnificent head of hair, if I might say," the Bolian gushed in their usual ingratiating way. "Why your hair is simply gorgeous. It looks quite healthy too, you must take excellent care of it. May I?" he asked as he reached forward to touch the ends of her long brown hair. Dani nodded, and he took a handful of her hair and ran it through his fingers.

"Yes, lovely indeed. "Unusual texture and color for an Orion. You must have a streak of something else, maybe human? Not that it's any of my business of course."

Dani laughed. "No, it's fine. My mother's human. I don't suppose you have time to uhh?" Dani asked, shrugging slightly.

"Why it would be an honor. And you are just in luck. I am taking walk-ins this week. I don't know how busy we'll get once everyone is on board, but for now I certainly have the time, and am excited to begin building up my clientele," he said bubbling with energy. "My name is Qaran, and I shall be at your service for the next hour or so," he added presenting Dani with a deferential half-bow.

"Oh gosh, don't be that way. I'm Dani. Thanks for making time for me. It's been forever since I've had a trim. I'm thinking just an inch or two and maybe some layers," she said looking down at her hair and holding the ends out.

"Of course, of course. I can show you some different styles of layering techniques to see which you prefer. Now with your thick and luxurious locks, I do recommend point cutting. Face framing? That's really a matter of preference. You have a beautiful bone structure, you could wear anything," he gushed as he led her toward the back. "Before we get started, will you be wanting the full treatment - shampoo, conditioning, I do give a relaxing scalp massage," he boasted.

Dani smiled, stifling a laugh. "Okay, sure. I could use some relaxing."

Qaran led her to the shampoo station. Dani laid back in a plush reclining chair her head suspended over the sink.

"Ahh yes, let's you taken care of," he said joyfully, pouring warm water over her scarp and hair from the hose on the sink. "That's nice isn't it?"

"Mmmm, very," Dani agreed, relaxing into the warmth, feeling the tension ease as the Bolian worked the shampoo through her scalp and hair.

"So, tell me about yourself. What brought you to starfleet?" Qaran asked as he happily shampooed and conditioned Dani's hair.

"Well... it's a great place to be a scientist," Dani gushed. "I mean the educational opportunities are great, like if I wanted to go on and get my PhD later. And you know, you are always working on the latest research. Often making discoveries for the first time. And it's one of the rare places where you actually see your theories tested in real time." Dani could go on and on. "I mean I don't mind being in a lab, but it's not all lab work. It keeps you busy, always something new. It's been great so far." Dani stopped talking for a moment as Qarak lifted her head from the sink to towel dry her hair. "Oh, and I left out the best part really. You know, what Starfleet is all about. Helping people, exploring, bringing societies together." Dani smiled widely as Qaran led her to the salon chair.

Qaran did a little hop as he reached for a wide tooth comb to work through Dani's long hair. "That is just so, so great to hear Dani. I love hearing about people who love their jobs. I am so happy for you!" He exclaimed. "And you're one of the early arrivals I take it?" he asked as he combed her hair.

"Yeah, timing really. My old ship was leaving the sector, so I took a transport here," she explained. "Lucky timing though. I've already met my direct chain of command. The Chief Science Officer was in her office this morning, and she just happens to also be the Second Officer which is pretty exciting. Maybe she'll help us get more Bridge time," she said. "And then the Assistant Chief was also there. He seemed like he might have been a little bit of a bad mood today, but he seems like he will be great to work for too."

Dani shrugged, and smiled. "Always good to get to know the bosses early right?"

Qaran smiled and nodded in agreement. "Oh indeed." He showed Dani a couple of pictures and pointed to the one on the left. "I like this one. You can still keep your length, but it will take a lot of the weight out, and give you some movement and a style."

Dani nodded. "Yes, I like it," she agreed. "Let's do it."

"So how long have you been cutting hair?" Dani asked as the Bolian began sectioning off pieces and clipping them out of the way.

"Oh, lets see now..." he said searching his memory as he made the first cut. "It must be 25 years now I think. Yes yes. I left Bolarus almost 30 years ago to learn the trade. I did my first apprenticeship on Earth. It was a most fantastic place to learn the trade. Most fantastic indeed." Qarak pulled the length of her hair out he continued cutting, measuring the length of each cut as he went.

"You see, how you cut ones hair, how the hair reacts to certain products, all of it depends on different hair types. To be able to to blessed with such an honored positions as working on a Starfleet ship, one has to know how to work with all hair types, fur types too," he pointed out very seriously. "Earth's diverse population, and constant tourism and travelers, really made for just a wonderful experience. I learned so much," Qaran said smiling in nostalgia as he unclipped the next section to continue working.

Dani giggled. "Pardon me if this is rude, but you don't look old enough to have been doing this for 25 years. You left Bolarus thirty years ago?" she asked incredulously.

The Bolian blushed, his cheeks taking on a purple hue. "You flatter me so. Aren't you the sweetest thing," Qaran gushed as he continued finishing up Dani's hair. "No, no... It most definitely has been that long. Doesn't feel like it though. You know when you love what you do, you'll never work a day in your life."

Dani pondered that statement and nodded to herself. "Yeah," she said. "I like that."

"And how do you like this?" he asked turning her around in the chair to show off the fresh cut.

Dani smiled and turned her head from side to side. "It was just what I needed. I love it. Thanks so much!"

"My pleasure, Ms. Dani. Hope to see you soon," the Bolian said sending her off with a wave. "And don't forget to tell your friends about me."


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