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Heads or Tails ?

Posted on Tue Apr 23rd, 2024 @ 2:25am by Petty Officer 3rd Class Cormus Fletcher & Major Clay McEntyre III

1,289 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Mission Interlude Starbase 76 & Serenity
Location: Chief Tactical Officer's Office, Deck 8
Timeline: MD 06 1100 Hrs

Cormus had gone through the series of questions and security considerations for the Atarans. While he could provide some general ideas for them around their encampment they' be setting up, they had much larger concerns in regard to the Vulcans and Romulans. The Vulcans being Federation members now were more likely to not be an issue. However the Romulans were still a very real threat. But being a former maintenance pilot and now Civil Operations, he knew next to nothing about any sort of strategic operations or tactical considerations. As such, he'd made the request to meet with Commander McEntyre. He was a couple minutes early and with PADD in hand, he tapped the chime to the office door and waited for a response. He remembered what his grandfather had always told him. If you're not early, you're late. He still thought it was the dumbest thing he'd heard to this day.

Clay looked up from his PADD at the sound of the chime, leaning back in his specially made chair, built to support his massive build.

He sets the PADD down before he calls out.

"Come in!"

Taking a breath, Fletcher opened the door and walked in. He took note of the desk and the Cataian sitting behind it, Stopping four paces away he stood at attention. "Commander McEntyre, I'm Petty Officer Fletcher. Thank you for taking the time to meet with me today over the Ataran's situation."

"Of Course, What can I help with? Can i get ya some coffee or maybe a Dr. Pepper?"

Clay asks as he walks over to the replicator

"Dr. Pepper?" Cormus raised an eyebrow. "Sure, I'll try it Sir. The Atarans are worried about a number of surrounding worlds and possible attacks. I'm not very well versed on the current tactical situation and well, you seemed to be the right person to go to. Since we're settling them on New Sausalito they're worried about Vulcans and Romulans mainly. I think we can scrub Vulcans of the list for obvious reasons, unless there is something I don't know about."

Clay punches the choices in the replicator before bringing Cormus a can of old earth soda pop from the replicator and sitting down again.

"The Romulans, since the Hobus Supernova have broken into various factions. All still believe in guile and deception. They're tenacious in their goals and have been a constant thorn in the side of the Federation since the Earth-Romulan War. See that?"

Clay pointed to the MACO stun baton that sat on a display on the wall behind him.

"My ancestor, Josiah McEntyre, fought Romulans, as did his children and his children children. My family have been fighting Romulans since forever. What do you need to know?"

The young man accepted the can and gave a nod before finding a seat of his own. "Thank you Sir. You certainly are the right place to come to on this, it would seem. With all of these factions split up now, have there been any sort of increased splinter cell attacks or otherwise against Federation citizens or our territory? Or anything where they've decided to remain a direct threat and have acted upon it?" Despite not knowing the current tactical situation, he was trained in counter insurgency as part of his job so threats were not something that he wasn't at least trained in combating. Cormus opened the can and took a sip. Then he took another and gave it a moment to let taste settle before giving a grin. "This is pretty good, I've never had it before.

"As of recent reports, the Star Empire fractured once the Supernova destroyed the Romulan Leadership. Various warlord states have popped up, some are better than others but all are dangerous. Lots of old romulan tech and some of their bleeding edge tech being dropped into the open market. Intel thinks there as many as 23-25 different warlord states at the present time. Few are strong enough to control much."

His eyes widened "23 to 25? That's a lot more than I would've thought, all things considered. Do we know how many of them that we're looking at being a direct threat to us in the current region? And what their potential capabilities may be? I definitely am gonna have some reading up to do. If their tech is out and available, my team is going to have to review our threat protocols as well while out on mission. They've got some nasty toys, from what I've heard." Cormus didn't remotely like the idea of a Romulan pain device being implanted behind his ear and being used to torture him until he gave up his grandmothers recipe for goat cheese.

"A few have a good chance of building solid territories. A few of the old Romulan Star Navy brass and at least one of the senior senators. I think SI mentioned Sela had a solid change, building a state in the Romulan West. I would also consult with LT. Spello in Intelligence and Commander Razka in StratOps."

The young man gave a nod in return "Definitely Sir. They'll both be next on my list to speak with. With Sela and a few of these Senators looking to work on building out these territories at the moment, are we looking to anticipate any sort of immediate threats? I mean I understand the Romulans are always a higher threat, but are we on any sort of elevated alert? Officer Kayto directed myself and Grexx to be armed when we go over to the Serenity, something about an escort as well? That sounds to me like we're on high alert from something more potentially imminent nearby." He took another sip of his drink and allowed the Dr Pepper to linger a bit before swallowing once more.

"I concur with Officer Kayto. Tactical Loadouts and armor. As I say, always be prepared."

Clay gave a soft smile.

"I'd also get qualified on your phaser, just in case."

Cormus returned the smile "As part of our team qualifications, we have to be certified on pistols and rifles at all times, Mr. Kayto actually just had us re certify the other day. He also had Grexx and I work together as a designated marksman team, Grexx is a pretty damn good shot for a prior medic. Sir." Cormus himself however had a better knack for gauging distance as a result of his childhood hobbies so he was much better suited to be a spotter.

"Excellent. Was there anything else you needed to know, or any other questions you have?"

Clay inquired as he leans back in his chair, a small creak could be heard from the chair supporting his massive frame.

The creak brought Cormus back into focus on the task at hand. "Oh sorry Sir, nothing else at this time. I really do appreciate your help, I'll make sure that we get copies of reports sent over to your division for review in case there's anything you may feel you need to look over."

The young man stood up and finished his drink.

Clay stood as well.

"I look forward to reviewing them"

"And if you ever need anything from us just let us know. Thank you again Commander." With the information he had, he'd be able to put together a great start for his portion of the plans for the Atarans and their security situation.

"Any time, Petty Officer. My door is open should you need anything else."

Clay extended a hand towards the young Petty officer.

The young man stepped forward and returned the handshake "I'll keep that in mind Sir. Much appreciated."

With that, Cormus turned and made his way out of the office.


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