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Meet the Science Staff, Part 2

Posted on Fri Jan 12th, 2024 @ 2:21pm by Ensign Dani Harper
Edited on on Fri Jan 12th, 2024 @ 2:21pm

1,173 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Mission 0: Where do we go from here?
Location: Chief Science Officers Lair
Timeline: MD: -6 Days to Launch, After Part 1

Ghiram spoke out, "Do they ever plan on getting the smell out of the carpets? I know they left this ship in a drydock somewhere for the last 20 years, but the least they could do is not make it smell like it. And do they plan on adding any color in this place besides, gray, blue, and brown?"

Dani shrugged and looked at the floor.

Vila laughed. "You remind me of me when I was younger," she said. Vila had gone through a phase where she was grumpy and mean, due to some unresolved trauma. Ben and Benny had made her get some help, and it had helped her to calm down. A LOT. Motherhood had done the rest. "I will ask Commander Johansen to see if the Lower Deckers can work on shampooing the carpet," she said. "Maybe if we take a swab and they can see how nasty it is, they will be more inclined to stop carpeting these damn ships," she said. "Luckily for us, the labs aren't carpeted-I requested they not be in case of chemical leaks and spills," she said. "Our work is dangerous enough without having a breathing hazard," she said with a sigh. "The collapse of the Romulan empire indeed promises to be...promising to our research," she said. "And it's ok, Dani. I am glad you're here. I hope you can learn a lot," she said. "I know that Lt. Ghiram here has a lot of knowledge, as do I," she said.

"Thank you, Commander. I plan to. Learn a lot I mean," the half-Orion said giving a brief nod to the science chief.

"Hmph. I don't think shampoo is going to work. And I don't know if those Lower Deckers are going to work, either. We'll have to see if they can keep up." He crossed his arms. "My work is incredibly delicate and incredibly time-sensitive. And I don't have time for people who have problems working with Tellarites, or have opinions about the Romulans. We need to preserve as much as we can, as fast as we can, before it's lost to time."

Dani tried to offer an encouraging smile. "Oh, I'm sure everyone will be easy to work with and happy to pitch in and do their part," she said cheerfully. "I'm here and ready to get to work."

Vila smiled tightly. "Well, if they DO have a problem working with you, send them to me," she said. "I have a way of making people fall into line," she said. "The Lower Decks crew generally are excellent at their jobs-I'd posture, in same cases, even better than some officers," she said. "I've had junior officers and enlisted crews I'd trust more to touch one of my scopes than my assistant," she said, remembering the Hale Ratt incident.

"Well, I'll be the judge of that." He looked around the room, trying to clue himself in onto what kind of boss Lieutenant Commander Vila was going to be.

Vila simply shrugged. "Actually, I think that Commander Johansen will," she said. It didn't bother her when people had chips on her shoulder-she had gone through that, herself, as she'd remembered earlier. "Anyway. I hope we can all work together as a team. What do you guys think we should focus on first? Our botanist is set to arrive soon, and she's good. I was also thinking about some kind of team-building activities. What do you like to do in your spare time?!" She asked.

"Certainly not team-building exercises , that's for certain. Art, music, culture- things I probably won't find around here."

"There is a concert hall on Deck 10," Dani offered helpfully. "And the cafe on Deck 7 is supposed to be alternating chefs from different worlds and make it into a culture immersion experience. Not to mention the holodecks."

"The mere presence of venues doesn't mean I trust most of these Starfleet meatheads to have any taste."

Dani shrugged. "Well if there is any work I can help you with today, Lieutenant, I am at your service."

"Well, as I said I had no intention to force you into doing manual labor for me, but if you feel like you must do something, you can help me set up the rest of my lab equipment."

Vila nodded. She was going to have to work harder with this one! She simply responded, "Those are all things we can do for team-building. It's not all trust falls and that kind of bull," she said, waving a hand. "And I am not a meathead. Those are the HUMANS," she said, with a tiny hint of distaste. It'd never been forgotten by HER that it was humans that made the call to NOT help Bajor, and humans who decided that the Cardassians could enter the Federation.

"Happy to," Dani responded sitting up straighter in her chair. "Sounds great actually."

"Anything you need us to get started on, sir?" He turned his attention back to Vila.

"It's Ma'am, or Doctor. I am neither a man nor a human, I don't care about that kind of thing," she said. "No, feel free to begin your own projects. We're still awaiting a few arrivals," she said. "I will have a duty schedule for both of you shortly," she said. "Go ahead and go back to work," she said, with a sigh. "I will work with you two later this afternoon to start setting up the labs how we like them. I prefer microscopes in the front, and lab equipment in the back, and the centrifuges in the middle," she said. "But I am open to hearing what you all prefer," she said.

“Sir gender-neutral in Starfleet,” He mumbled under his breath. “Why would you want the equipment in the back, furthest from where people who actually want to use it are going to be?”

"Because I am the Chief Science Officer, and that's what I like," she said. "I have been doing this a LONG time. Longer than you've been alive. Trust me, it is the best system that works," she said. "That's not to say that you can't set up your personal spaces as you wish, and when you're alone in the labs, feel free to do what works best. For the big, main lab, we'll make sure it's organized and as empty as possible for safety reasons," she said.

Dani stared at the figurines on the console table behind Lorut's desk and silently begged to be dismissed.

“Understood, Doctor. I look forward to working with you.” He let out a puff of air from his snout.

Vila smiled. "Thank you. I look forward to our days together. And you too, Dani," she said, watching as they filed out.

That didn't go as well as she'd hoped, but it didn't go as bad as it could have.


Commander Vila Lorut
Second Officer, Chief Science Officer
USS Imperator

Lieutenant JG Ghiram Korin
Assistant Chief Science Officer
USS Imperator

Ensign Dani Harper
Science Officer
USS Imperator


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