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Lab Rats Part 2: Buffer Time

Posted on Sun Jan 14th, 2024 @ 10:29pm by Ensign Dani Harper & Ensign Kash th'Kaasniik
Edited on on Sun Jan 14th, 2024 @ 10:30pm

886 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Mission 0: Where do we go from here?
Location: Deck 17: Security and Intelligence Support Lab
Timeline: MD: -5 Days to Launch, after Part 1

>> From Part 1>>


Hunter opened the crate Dani pointed to, he broke the seal. "They sent them, looks like these are brand new," he said holding a field kit up. "Where do they go?"

Dani shook her head in amusement as she looked it up. He has the same chart she did. "Bottom cabinet, by the door. Don't forget to scan each one as checked in."

Hunter began stashing the kits away, "We have a full complement here, Think we can take five I could use a drink?"

"Yeah, you guys have one of the good replicators down here, since the Chief Security Officer has a satellite office. Let's go for it," Dani said, tossing the PADD aside. "Do we need to find Rose?"

"He'll be a while, plus I think He has security drills scheduled for any time now and I know the intel office will be empty since there's only me." Hunter made a gesture "shall we?"

"Yup," Dani said walking out of the lab. "Someone already told you about buffer time, eh?"

Hunter smirked, "There's always time for a buffer, especially in intel, waiting for files to be pulled up you end up standing at the replicator drinking, eating and so on."

"No food in our labs," Dani made a face at the thought of what could go wrong. "You still have to work it in, or you'll get run ragged. Then when you're needed in a crunch, you'll actually be able to pull through. Tried and true method of attacking a work day."

"No argument there, I found myself leaving research assignments and eating over endlessly sitting at my desk for the short time I was at HQ, no point on dwelling on a problem when I can have a fresh perspective after a break," Hunter said as they exited the lab.

When they approached the replicator in the stardrive's satellite intelligence office Dani walked up to it and ordered, "Extra large chai latte, extra hot." The drink materialized in front of her, and she took it carefully. She stepped aside and brought the cup near her face enjoying the warmth from the drink and smelling the spicy aroma before taking a cautious sip.

"Coffee, Intel Dark roast, hot." Hunter said, the mug appeared a few seconds later "Nectar of the goddess." followed by a massive pull on the mug.

"Intel has its own blend?" she asked, taking a seat on top of one the desks.

"Strangely enough four, some coffee farmer on earth does custom roasts for us from a massive field he has," Hunter said taking another drink. "The replicated stuff doesn't quite have the variation of the real thing from the coffee shop on earth but its not bad."

"Yeah, replicators have their limitations. You might be able to get the hydroponics farm to grow coffee beans," Dani suggested. "Or you could grow your own."

"I thought about it, but in reality chances are I won't have the time to tend to a crop, plus there's a strong chance some will be brought aboard with the next cargo run." Hunter said as he swirled his mug.

"Oh yeah... What are you going to be doing when you aren't on shift? You into video games or holonovels or something?" Dani asked. She scooted back on the desk so she could sit cross-legged and took another drink of her chai. It was starting to cool enough to drink a little more quickly.

"I've got a couple holo-novels I want to start plus I saw the gym and want to get back into a workout routine." He replied taking a seat "How about you?"

"I like a good holonovel if it's like a group thing. I won't usually do one by myself though," Dani said, now chugging on her drink. She didn't like for hot drinks to get lukewarm. "I'm looking forward for everyone to get on board and the place to get busier. I'm kind of a people person. You know like go dance or get silly and whatnot."

"I've got one that's better with a group, it's a historical based drama set during the Earth-Romulan war, there's another one I have, it's set in post second world war two earth a detective series." Hunter said followed by hammering back his coffee "Dixon something..."

"A drama huh?" Dani repeated sounding bored. "Most of the ones I've enjoyed have a lot more action to them, take over the raider ship, save the innocent prisoners. Aliens with super powers have brainwashed a planet and convinced them they are gods and made them their slaves and we have to free them. Oh, and there's a series where you can play an intergalactic spy among a network of competing governments and warlords, and you have to figure out who the good guys are as you go."

Dani finished off her chai. "Is it just me, or is it always disappointing when you take the last swallow of something really delicious?" she said as she walked her cup to the recycler.

Hunter pondered the question, then he realized he'd finished his drink "Yeah, it usually means back to work, bummer."

"Indeed," Dani lamented. "That lab isn't going to put itself together."


Ensign Hunter Lloyd
Intelligence Officer
USS Imperator

Ensign Dani Harper
Science Officer
USS Imperator


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