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The Following Morning

Posted on Wed May 15th, 2024 @ 4:46pm by Lieutenant JG T'lenn & Lieutenant JG Jason Williams III
Edited on on Wed May 15th, 2024 @ 4:49pm

1,637 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: The Menagerie: side stories & mischief making
Location: T'lenn's Quarters
Timeline: MD 8, 0245 hours

T'lenn's internal clock woke her up before her alarm. At some point she and Jason had come into the bedroom to talk and must have drifted off to sleep. T'lenn was still wearing her clothes from yesterday, and Jason was still shirtless, T'lenn's head resting on his bare chest. For a moment she was disoriented, and then remembered that she had to meet the Vulcan medical team this morning and that they would be docking soon.

T'lenn tried to gently and quietly free herself from underneath Jason's arm so that she could shower and change before she began her shift.

Feeling her move against him, Jason stirred and awoke. After blinking a few times, he remembered where he was and whom he was with. Smiling over at T'lenn, as she tried to quietly get up, he spoke quietly, "Good morning, my love. How did you sleep?"

T'lenn paused her attempt to leave the bed now that Jason was awake. "I had adequate rest," T'lenn responded. "I am certain that you would benefit from a few more hours of sleep, however. You may stay as long as you like."

Smiling softly, he gently ran his hand over her spine. He then arched his right eyebrow as he replied, "And if I'd like to stay forever?"

"My quarters are rather small to provide enough mental and physical stimulation in order for you to maintain optimum health. Starfleet may take issue if you do not report to duty for several days," T'lenn responded, looking at him seriously.

This made him grin again. Interlocking his fingers behind his head, he sighed happily. "Well then, we should perhaps start planning how to get larger quarters that we both would be fully comfortable and rested in, together, don't you think?"

T'lenn propped herself up on her arm. "Are you speaking seriously?" she asked.

Moving to face T'lenn fully, Jason replied honestly. "I told you that I wasn't in this for the short term, T. I meant what I said. Our lives can be ended near instantly, every moment we are in space. I have found someone that I want to spend my life with, and she is you. Whether that life last 70 more years, or 70 more seconds. I want to spend it with you."

"We have known one another less than a week. Do you not believe it is wise for us to become accustomed to one another before sharing quarters? We have not even consummated our relationship with the act of sexual intercourse yet," T'lenn responded. She had not contemplated a proposition, and was processing her thoughts as she was speaking.

His smile faltering slightly, Jason stayed where he was as he replied. "You're right, of course. I got over excited about things." He paused a couple beats, then added, "I apologize."

"Why have you apologized?" T'lenn asked. She pulled herself into a seated position in concern. "You have not offended me. Have I upset you?" she asked.

"I...I thought I overstepped things and spoke out of turn." He sat up and faced T'lenn, gently placing his hands on her knees. "I just...I've never met someone like you, T. I'm still trying to figure out what I did right to earn your favor. I mean, a woman as intelligent and beautiful as you are could have anyone you wanted."

"I believed that you were able to see and experience my memories and feelings for you when we were briefly melded yesterday evening. Did that not answer your questions?" T'lenn asked, taking Jason's statements literally.

Nodding, feeling justly chastised, he looked into her eyes, regret for his choice of words. "I did, I'm sorry." He seemed to be mentally berating himself for opening his mouth in the first place. "I didn't mean to infer otherwise."

He took a few breaths, then tried to explain. "Like I said before, I've not had the best luck with women. The two that I had been interested in, either spurned me or just wanted to be friends." He paused a beat. "Then I met you, and...everything felt different, from the moment i joined you for lunch. Certainly, there was a physical attraction, but, it quickly moved on from that to an intellectual and...well...emotional one as well."

He paused to take a breath, then continued. "I recognize that I can get very excited about things, I have always been that way. I hope that you can recognize the truth under that excitement? I do want to be with you, and you, T'lenn." Pause. "My emotions just get the better of my logic, most of the time." He reached up and gently caressed her right cheek with his left hand. "I care for you, and I can see that caring becoming a strong love. I just worry that I'll say or do something, a step too far, and you'll tell me to leave."

"You are spontaneous," T'lenn agreed. "You do not yet trust the bond we shared." T'lenn put her palms out, facing Jason, meaning for him to place his hands against hers. "I hypothesize this is learned behavior. You have experienced emotional instability in your life - people who you have put your faith in who have let you down or whom you have lost."

Jason placed his palms against T'lenn's, and started to clear his mind, as she had already taught him. "I am, though, I do feel different towards you, as I said earlier."

"As I said earlier, although we experienced a shared telepathic bond a few hours ago that was quite revealing, our familiarity with one another is still new. I have not been in your life for enough days to be a habitual presence that you would come to rely on, or expect to be present. Some bonds can only be forged with time," T'lenn said. She spoke in loosely translated aphorisms of her culture, and not necessarily experience.

"Well, I want to forge a deeper bond with you, as deep a bond as is possible between our two races." He spoke softly and calmly as he kept contact between the two of them.

T'lenn looked at their hands. "I am learning that the difference in our races may not be a barrier at all."

T'lenn's preset alarm went off signaling that it was 0300 hours. "Computer turn off alarm." T'lenn pulled her hands back and looked at Jason. Though one who did not know her well would not have sensed a change in her expression, Jason may have detected an apology behind her eyes.

"The medical team will be here shortly. I need to get properly dressed," she stated.

Nodding quietly, Jason moved to the side of the bed as he watched T'lenn start to get ready. "May I join you? Emotional support?" He asked, then chuckled softly as he remembered whom he was speaking to.

"You may," T'lenn stated as she took a clean uniform out of her closet. "I will be greeting the medical team at the designated docking ring in 30 minutes, assuming we are on schedule, and will be on shift for the next 10 hours. It is unclear how long the medical team will require my assistance, but I am to remain on call as needed if I return to regular duties."

T'lenn left the bathroom door open as she disrobed and turned on the sonic shower.

Jason sat there, at first, transfixed by T'lenn's perfect nude form. To say he was aroused by what he saw was an understatement. Without thinking, he stood and disrobed as well, revealing all of himself to her. As he stepped closer, he asked, "Room in there for one more?"

"It would not be an efficient method for either of us to properly cleanse ourselves, and we have little time. I will be brief, and you may use the shower after I have finished," she said stepping into the small stall that was built for a single person. "If you are planning to join me and are not returning to your quarters, perhaps you should replicate yourself a uniform," she added from inside the shower.

Blushing slightly, he nodded. "Of course." Ge then turned and left the bathroom, silently chastising himself for being so stupid. What the hell was he doing?! If he kept rushing things, he would cause this budding relationship to go just like the other two went...nowhere.

He made his way over to the replicator and ordered a new uniform and undergarments. He then ordered a cup of raktajino, extra strong. He waited in the dining area, drinking his coffee, while he waited for T'lenn to finish in the sonic shower. He knew that if he went back there right now, he'd make an even bigger fool of himself.

T'lenn stuck her head out of the bathroom, her uniform pants and undershirt already on. "I indicated that I would be brief. Do you desire to use the shower?" She asked.

"Yes, please," he said quietly as he made his way back to the bathroom, still blushing slightly from embarrassment. He quickly got cleaned up, then dressed, and was ready to go a few minutes later.

T'lenn nodded at Jason, putting her unfinished tea in the recycler. "Tel'im has been without proper medical care for almost a week now," she told him as they walked to the door. "Don't be offended if pleasantries with my brother are reserved for a later time this evening when the team is able to begin working in shifts."

As they walked, Jason nodded. "I understand. Saving your friend is the more important thing right now." He took another swig of his raktajino, which he replicated in a travel mug.


Lieutenant T'lenn
Science Officer
USS Astrea


Lieutenant JG Jason Williams III
Starfighter Squadron Leader
USS Astrea
[NPC - Spello]


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