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Posted on Sat Jun 22nd, 2024 @ 1:41pm by Lieutenant JG T'lenn & Lieutenant JG Jason Williams III

1,933 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: The Menagerie: side stories & mischief making
Location: USS Astrea
Timeline: Day 11, After Family Ties

After dinner with Jason's cousin, T'lenn and Jason found themselves walking near the arboretum.

"I find it intriguing that you and your cousin are so close, and are both in Starfleet, but do not keep track of one another's assignments," T'lenn commented once they had parted ways with Tyler.

As they walked, he shrugged. "I dunno. I guess...we just know that we will always somehow find each other, no matter where life takes us. While I've spoken with Ty over the years, via subspace, today was the first time we've been in the same place since I left for the Academy."

"You typically are very direct in your communication when expressing something that you want. However over comms today, I was having difficulty understanding the message you were trying to convey. Was there something that I was missing?" T'lenn asked sincerely.

Jason smiled softly and shook his head. "No, it was me. I was so flustered by messing up our plans, that I was trying to figure put how to both correct my error and apologize for the slight that I put to you."

"You and I have had ample opportunities to spend our evenings with one another. I do not consider a request to change your plans on one occasion a slight," T'lenn explained. "It would not have bothered me if you had wished to spend the evening reuniting with your long lost cousin."

Jason blushed slightly, from embarrassment, as he explained. "The slight wasn't in the changing of the plans, T." He took a breath, then continued. "The slight, at least as I see it, stemmed from completely forgetting that we had plans, all because my cousin showed up. You deserved better than that."

"I am not offended," T'lenn said sincerely. "You do have an impulsive personality. These types of occasions are to be expected from time to time if we are to continue to spend more time with one another."

After seeing that no one was around, Jason turned towards T'lenn, and took her hands into his as he looked into her eyes. "I am relieved that you were not offended, T. Hurting you would be the last thing I would ever want to do." He brought her hands up to his mouth and gently kissed her knuckles. He then looked deep into her eyes and said, "You are very important to me, I hope you know that. I know I can act impulsively at times, I am trying to remedy it." He almost told her that he loved her, but in that instant, worried she might just think he was being impulsive. Even if it was how he actually felt.

"You are also an affectionate person," T'lenn noted out loud, still unaccustomed to Jason's public displays. "I believe you worry too much about hurting me, when your feelings about me are always made quite clear. If you consider that I am Vulcan, and am from a culture that purges emotional considerations from its social norms, you would see that the amount of attention that you afford to me is not required."

Jason thought about her words for a moment, while still holding her hands close against his chest as he looked down into her eyes. "I can appreciate what you're telling me. It's just...I don't know how to be any other way. Especially with you in my life. Just thinking of you makes me smile. When I touch your hand, my heart skips a beat. When we kiss..." a very happy grin crossed his face, "Well..let's just say, it's a good thing we're in a starship, otherwise I'd simply float away in bliss."

"It is clear that you are using figurative language that the moment. However, at times I find myself uncertain if you are being hyperbolic or are attempting to depict an accurate description of your emotions," T'lenn confessed.

He shook his head as he replied. "While I am expressive with the descriptions of my feelings, especially for you, T'lenn, I promise you that I am not exaggerating." He sighed softly before continuing. "I know we haven't known each other long, and I don't expect you to feel the same way about me. However, I have grown very fond of you and, given more time together...I could see that fondness turning to love."

T'lenn stopped walking and turned to face Jason. "I apologize. I did not mean to seem as though I was questioning your feelings toward me. 'Floating away in a bliss' is just an unusual phrase. The physics of which are more probable on a starship than in many other alternate locations."

Jason had to grin at her logic. "I admit, it was a colorful description." He was silent for a few beats, then asked, "As we are on the subject...may I ask what your feelings are towards me?"

"Asking a Vulcan to verbally share her feelings may be setting yourself up for disappointment," T'lenn stated tenderly as she stepped forward. "It would be unusual for someone who has conditioned themselves in the way that I have to be prepared to articulate emotions on a whim as I am most often deliberately not processing emotion throughout my day. We've discussed this before," T'lenn reminded him.

"I do believe it is clear that I am quite fond of you. And what we shared still remains true," she added, her eyes meeting his.

Jason smiled warmly as he looked down into her beautiful eyes. "How did I get to be do lucky as to find someone as close to perfect for me?" He quicklydoublechecked that they were still alone, then leaned in and kissed T'lenn fully on her lips.

T'lenn was too hyperaware of their public setting to fully appreciate the intimate gesture, though it was not unpleasant. When she pulled away her face was flushed, and she tilted her head slightly downward as if she were sharing a secret. "Such public displays are beyond scandalous in Vulcan society," she said in a voice slightly above a whisper.

Though they were still alone, Jason also whispered, though he knew T'lenn could hear him just fine, with her superior hearing. "And when we travel to an area that is predominantly Vulcan, then I shall keep all displays of affection to only a private setting. However, right now? Right now, we are in a predominantly Human social setting, and here, it is not scandalous to kiss the person you are fond of. Now, we're we to drop down into the frass right here and begin fornicating....that would be scandalous, even by Human standards." He reached out and gently lifted her chin, so she could see in his eyes, to see that he was playfully teasing her.

"It is true then, that Human males of a certain age devote a disproportionate amount of time thinking about sexual intercourse?" T'lenn asked. She recognized his teasing by now, but she gleaned some satisfaction from not always acknowledging it immediately.

Jason grinned and nodded. "It is true. Due to hormones, young men, and women as well, tend to have extremely high sex drives. It's what spurs us on to propagate the species. Now, that being said, do I have a certain level of drive? Absolutely. Especially when I think about you. I'm not going to lie, I am very interested in moving our relationship to the level that includes intimate sexual congress. However, I'm respectful enough to leave the decision of going to that stage, to you."

"You equate your libido with propagation. Does that mean that you are ready to have children?" T'lenn asked. She decided that it was a good time to continue their walk, so she casually turned to face forward on the path and took a step forward.

As Jason fell back into step with T'lenn, he continued to speak honestly and openly. "I would certainly love to start a family of my own, however, I was raised in the traditional sense, where certain things have to happen in order, before children even come in to the picture."

"Human life expectancy and their fertility windows are short compared to Vulcans," T'lenn responded as they walked casually toward a turbolift. "While Vulcan couples are often betrothed as children, and may even choose to marry early in life, the cultural standard is to focus on a productive career that services society before beginning a family."

Jason nodded as he listened. "Human cultural standard is to find a partner, typically when one is near the height of their fertility, start a family, then grow them and their career, together. Like you said, we have a short shelf life, respectively, so some of us either choose just career, or just family. Of course, there are those, like my parents, that were able to do both simultaneously."

As they stepped on to the turbolift T'lenn called out 'Deck Six" for their destination.

"Was I insensitive?" T'lenn asked. "Referring to your race as having a short shelf life seems to be a rather crass way of wording it. I worry it was reactionary to something that I said," T'lenn inquired.

Jason gave her a soft grin. "Not at all, sweetheart. It's just the cold, logical fact of the situation. Even though m3dical science has allowed my species to live well over a hundred, it has done nothing to prolong our fertility or the viability of our reproductive ingredients."

"Be as it may, there are always more things to consider than emotion when establishing and maintaining a relationship. Perhaps Vulcans remove too much emotion from the equation, but one cannot deny the importance of logical considerations on compatibility," T'lenn pointed out. As she finished speaking the turbolift doors opened and the two stepped out.

Jason nodded in agreement. "That is true. Just because two people may find each other physically or mentally attractive, does not always mean that they will mesh well as a couple."

T'lenn was walking them toward Jason's quarters, a deliberate change since he had always walked her home before.

"Is there an ideal time to consider such factors? In my culture, it would be as soon as those factors become a known quantity. But emotions are much less a part of the equation than in yours," T'lenn inquired as the two walked.

He shrugged slightly, as he replied. "I suppose it's the same with Humans. Without realizing it, we usually do consider various factors as we go about our daily lives." When they reached his cabin, the door slid open and he turned to look at her. "It's how I have started to come to the realization that you are the one I want to be with. I know there is more for the both of us to learn about the other, but I am very interested in walking that path with you."

T'lenn looked at the open door and then back to Jason. "Thank you for introducing me to Tyler. It seems we are becoming acquainted with one another's family members."

He nodded and smiled. Then, after a hopeful pause, he asked, "Would you like to come inside? I have some fresh red leaf, I could make you some tea, while we get to know each other better?'

T'lenn considered Jason's offer. "Yes, that is agreeable. I was not aware that you knew how to make tea from fresh leaves."

"I've been practicing. I want to be able to do a proper tea service for you and your family." He stepped aside, to allow her to enter his cabin.



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