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The Last day is also the beginning

Posted on Sun Jan 21st, 2024 @ 1:42am by

754 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Character Backstories
Location: USS Jacksonville
Timeline: MD -4 days to launch 0730 Std time


Morgan locked the small trunk and stood back. His quarters aboard the Jacksonville were empty finally. He looked around the last five years were summed up in two trunks and a duffle bag. He didn't have much else to do, he was no longer the first officer aboard the Jacksonville, the new XO would be arriving in a few days and his time was now up. He turned as the door chime rang out for the last time, "Come!"

It was Delany Christian the Jacksonville's head nurse, "So Captain, this is it off too that ship you got to command for that insane test flight."

"Yeah, I figure I'll break a few records maybe save some folks and have a Bar-be-que." Morgan said trying to be goofy.

She giggled, "You always did know how too turn a situation into a moment where everyone could be okay, I guess that's why you got the chair, I'm gonna miss you Morgan." she turned to hug him

Morgan smiled again, "Okay, let's not get too worked up, the patients in sickbay still need their nurse, okay?"

Delany wiped the tears from her eyes, "You're the reason we all made it back, we all owe you that."

"Everyone pulled together when it went to hell, I just called a few lucky shots." Morgan said downplaying what happened.

As he exited his quarters he looked one final time down the corridor, a crewman stood at attention with a lift at his side and after Morgan exited the crewman quickly loaded the trunks on the lift and took them too the cargo transporters Morgan made his way too the turbolift, Delany walking beside him, "Deck seven." Morgan said as the doors hissed closed.

"When these doors open all of the able bodied crew are going to be waiting aren't they?" Morgan asked.

"Yeah..." She paused not able to hide her emotions "You saved them, they owe you."

The lift doors opened, each side of the corridor was lined with both able bodied and injured crew who were able to leave sickbay, the Bosin mate called out "ATTENTION ON DECK!" followed by the the Bosin's whistle making it's two tone noise, Morgan walked slowly as each member of the crew saluted as he approached the transporter room in a wheelchair was the captain of the Jacksonville James Martin, Morgan spoke breaking the silence "Permission to disembark sir?"

"Mr Conroy it has been an honor, you are relieved sir." the Captain said unable to stand due his injuries.

As he stepped onto the platform, he turned he'd thought hard about this, "It's been an honor and privilege... energize."

Morgan materialized in a transporter room at Starfleet headquarters, he looked around a yeoman took a step forward, "Captain Conroy I'll take your things, you have a briefing starting in thirty minutes over breakfast with Fleet Captain Wallace, then a meeting with Admiral Chapman after lunch, then a technical briefing to wrap up the day." the young man said as he took Morgan's bag, he just thought too himself So this is what the big chair is about?

After several hours of meetings some of which made him tense up, Morgan wanted to ditch the uniform and rest those plans were interrupted by Fleet Captain Wallace who'd he met earlier in the day, "So, did we scare you today?"

"No hardly, it's just a lot to process now." he said looking at the scared face of the senior captain "So I guess the next question is obvious?"

Jarred turned smiling, the network of scars making him look almost demonic "Things haven't been this messed up since the end of the Dominion war, I'm hoping we can start a rebuild." he said leaning on to the railing overlooking the courtyards, "Things have changed and I don't like it, I don't like what the wars have done, the price is too damn high and the stakes are higher now and we're tossing you right into it."

Morgan looked out himself, "After we got jumped by the Tholians I thought my actions would have started a war, all it's done is delay the unavoidable."

"Time will tell, I've got a meeting in the morning Captain, I'll leave you too your evening."

With that the senior captain walked away and Morgan looked out at the setting sun, it would be his last for a few weeks he figured, he went in to his assigned quarters to get some sleep.


Captain Morgan Conroy
USS Imperator


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