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Look Who's Here... Part 1

Posted on Sun Jan 14th, 2024 @ 4:39am by Captain Remy Johansen & Lieutenant Commander Nash Winters & Lieutenant JG Thivi

1,287 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Mission 0: Where do we go from here?
Location: Deck 7, Arboretum
Timeline: MD -6 days to launch, 0700 hours-ish

Remy decided to make a walk through the ship's common areas to see who might be around. It was a good time to start meeting the new crew - before everyone had boarded - a way to start slowly. The arboretum was one of her first stops.

Thisbe lay on the bench under a large tree of some kind but she didn't know what. She was an engineer! She was also hungover and sore from last night's activities, and she was feeling a bit sorry for herself. She moaned a little as someone approached-the sound of Deck boots on the concrete floor made her head hurt. She sat up gingerly, and made a face, eyes shut. "Hello," she said, and opened her eyes against the blaring fake sun of the Arboretum. "OH! Hello, Ma'am," she said, getting to her feet. Nope, moved too fast, and she sat down again. "Sorry, I am feeling a little sick...." she said. "My apologies," she said, saluting weakly. Good job, Thisbe, insubordination on your first real day. She sighed lightly.

"We're not standing on formalities just yet, Ensign. It's alright, just relax," Remy responded looking at the ensign with concern. "Our Chief Medical Officer hasn't arrived yet, but we do have our Head Nurse here, or I could help you get to the Infirmary on Jupiter Station," she offered.

Thisbe made a noise. "The Head Nurse was who I went out with last night," she said, grabbing her head. "I'll be okay," she said. "A bit too much fun with a Vulcan last night," she said. She was standing now, fighting the dizziness. "I am supposed to report for duty shortly. Someone called Winters," she said. Ow, talking hurt, too. And why did her NOSE hurt?! What was IN Romulan ale? "Nice to meet you, Ma'am," she said, feeling the blush on her cheeks. She was in A LOT of trouble if this woman wasn't chill.

Remy looked at her PADD to see who was up in engineering soon. "Not if you are under the influence you aren't," Remy said sternly. "I'll inform Commander Winters that you may be a little late, and that I sent you to Sickbay. Oh, and Ensign P'Rar, let's not make a habit of this," Remy said, the last sentence a fair warning.

Thisbe hung her head in shame, but she was glad she wasn't in too much trouble. "No, ma'am, it won't happen again," she promised. Especially if she felt like this!! It was worth it, though...the Vulcan had been a fun little aside to her otherwise boring life.

"I will report to medical now," she said, saluting again, and hurrying down the corridor. Stupid, stupid.

Remy shook her head. "Why is she saluting?" she muttered under her breath as she continued her walk.

Thivi thankfully didn't have a shift till evening - and so she'd chosen to go jogging in the morning before reporting to duty later that day. When she'd heard that the ship had a huge arboretum with plenty of space to pound the tracks she'd changed into a sports bra and jogging pants and come immediately from her quarters. She came trotting down the track towards the first officer, saying a quick 'morning, Commander' as she got close to her.

"Good morning, Nurse Thivi, right?" Remy responded.

"That's me." The Kelpien replied. She stopped in front of her and wiped her face off with a towel; she'd managed to work up a sweat along her run and she didn't want to seem too unpresentable. First impressions were important. "I take it you've heard of me?"

"Head Nurse and only Kelpien on board, so your name stood out. Pleasure to meet you. I'm Remy Johansen, First Officer," Remy said realizing not everyone would know her. "I don't want to interrupt your run. Feel free to go about your business," she said with a smile.

Rose had been wandering for a short time and found herself at the arboretum, she saw a gathering of officers off in the distance, she tried to be casual as she walked over, she was clearly the youngest person around. She paused to look around some.

"Oh, no, I can stop to chat, no problem! That was my... hmmm... fifth round of the arboretum already? I'm halfway there!" Thivi smiled and glanced over at the young ensign that was slowly approaching her and Johansen. "Well, hello! Come to join the party?" She asked the young woman.

"Come introduce yourself, Ensign," Remy encouraged. "I'm out and about to do just that - get to know the crew. I'm Remy Johansen, your new First Officer."

Vila was ALSO in the Arboretum, but this time for work. She didn't spend much time there in general; she had when Benny was a boy, but it wasn't really her thing. However, botany was, to an extent, and she wanted a full registry of the flora on the ship. She was walking along, making notes and taking photos of the plants to be catalogued at a later date. She was headed for the Hydroponics room, actually, to check on her molds and funguses, which she hoped could be used as medicines in the future. This had been her little side project-she'd once read that an ancient Terran species of mushroom called "Lions Mane" had regenerative properties. She hoped that she could find a cure for the Orkett's disease that she and her comrades had been exposed to in her youth.

She found Remy with a small group of Junior Officers. "Hello, Commander," she said, setting a good example for the youngsters. "I was just headed to the Hydroponics room. What are you all doing?" She asked.

Rose slowly wandered over "Hi, I'm Rose, I arrived yesterday afternoon, looks like we're all new here."

"Indeed we are! I'm finding it quite nice here, actually." Thivi smiled. "I was here on a run before meeting Commander Johansen here - you keep a lovely arboretum, if I may be so bold!" She gestured to the vibrantly thriving rose bush besides the group.

"Thank you," Vila replied. "I am afraid it's not my work," she said. "My specialties are chemistry and physics," the Science Officer replied. "It's the work of the Station's botanist. And she DID do a fantastic job," she said. "Nice to meet you, Rose, and...?" She said to Thivi.

"It came with the ship, but I'm sure our staff will be able to maintain - if not improve it over time," Remy responded. Remy stepped forward toward the young ensign and extended her hand in greeting. "Rose, what was your last name again? I'm working on names. Meeting everyone face to face helps, I'll get you all down soon."

"Oh! sorry, Ensign Rose Wilson." she paused "I just graduated from the academy so I'm quite literally the new girl." she finished with a slight giggle.

"Welcome aboard, Ensign Wilson. We were all in your shoes once. I'm sure you'll fit right in. And don't hesitate to ask questions and reach out for help," Remy said encouragingly. "Right, Nurse Thivi?"

"We do. You know, I was just like you on my first assignment." Thivi smiled at the girl. People had always said that she looked a bit creepy smiling with that bald head and large round lilac eyes and those human-like teeth. Weird. She'd never believed them. "No one here is going to eat you for dinner if you ask."

>> To Part 2 >>

Commander Remy Johansen
First Officer
USS Imperator

Commander Vila Lorut
Second Officer, Chief Science Officer
USS Imperator

Lt. Commander Nash Winters
Chief Engineer
USS Imperator

Lieutenant J.G. Thivi
Head Nurse
USS Imperator

Ensign Rose Wilson
Security Officer
USS Imperator


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